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A member registered May 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Another great game, really enjoyed it although the ending seemed a little rushed. Loved the jumpscares (I got scared by a drawer opening 😆)

Really enjoyed this one, my only issue is that the horror needs to be amped up a lot! The game was great though, the last chase was epic! Great game though and hopefully you make a full release.

Really nice atmosphere, the noises were well done also. Didn't see that ending, would have loved a story though, but to say it's your first game really well done!

Great game, really nice graphics, loved the atmosphere, would have liked a few more jumpscares and also a story of some kind, overall really nice game very well done!

Great atmosphere, constantly anticipating something with every step, love a horror game with a few puzzles (although the door code puzzle I failed at), looking forward to the release of this, Nice Work!

Really well done game, the graphics are ridiculously good! Loved the details of the phone. Would have liked the ability to run but I can understand why there wasn't one due to it being a short demo, really looking forward to playing the full release!

Loved the art style, I liked the night system but would have liked the scare factor to increase dramatically each night (Jumpscares please), leave a sense of dread as I move on to the next night. Overall enjoyed the game, good job!

Great little teaser for future episodes, loved the overlay style (always a sucker for VHS style), enjoyed the atmosphere and liked the fact that the "enemy" was unknown throughout. Would have liked the narration to continue through the game as I thought that was a cool feature. Really nice job and I look forward to more.

Very good horror game, obviously just a demo so always going to be a bit short but still very good, my only negative was the speed at which you move, although I understand you a play as a little girl but I still think you should be a tad faster. Great jumpscares in this one, that last one really got me! Overall really well made game, great job!

Thank you for taking the time to watch the video, glad you enjoyed it! As I said before, great job on the game and I look forward to more ;)

I have to say this was a great game albeit a bit short, but really good job on this one! Those jumpscares were the worst/best I've had in a while, nearly threw my mouse lol!
Great Job!

I have to say the start really got me (jumped multiple times!) I Like the idea but definitely needs something more, after the initial surprise it’s very repetitive, definitely something to work on though, I can see this being really good and terrifying.

Don't sweat it, I can only imagine how difficult it is to create a game, to be honest it might just be my rig isn't up to scratch lol

Great job with this one! Really terrifying experience, sounds were amazing, jump scares were just right, my only negative would be the ending which I mentioned in the video but I won't spoil anything here, but overall really loved this!

I'm glad you did! That was terrifying, I genuinely thought someone was behind me! Yeah surround sound headphones, sometimes I wish I didn't use them lol

Pretty good, a bit too short for me personally but still enjoyed it, maybe would have liked a jump scare here or there but really liked the odd little footsteps plus the breathing was pretty terrifying! Great Job!

(1 edit)

Great game, what made the game so great was the not knowing side of things, the ambient noise was done really well, maybe a few jump scares would have really finished this game off but overall really enjoyed it, great job!

Great game, the jump scares really had my heart racing (I should really start wearing a heart rate monitor for these games), Great atmosphere and the noises were done just right, as with all games would have preferred it longer. Good Job!

Great game, really well done! Loved the VHS style overlay, loved the ambient noises, my only disappointment is that it wasn't longer. 


I play a lot of horror games on my YT channel and I have to say it's a decent game, the atmosphere was really good, would have perhaps liked more jump scares or a bigger horror aspect to it, but overall well worth a play! Good Job.

I play a lot of horror games on my YT channel, have to say I really enjoyed this, good jump scares (l nearly fell off my chair for the first!) One thing I would say that isn't in the video is the dialogue changes to Portuguese about midway through (I think someone else also mentioned this) but like I said really enjoyed it!