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A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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I have -1000Hp, 0Xp, and 0 Gold.....

I'm... just gonna assume that I won lol.

(1 edit)

Really good game, but it desperately needs a speed up button. 

It gets sooo boring when your slimes are stacked, have 100 attack, and are STILL only doing 1 damage - on critical hits too! OH AND that is IF the attack hits to begin with, the enemies dodge rate is P A I N. 

Then there's the issue that only about 5 slimes are in the battle at one time. 

This means that the other, - I dunno - 10 slime clones, are just standing in the doorway, on top of eachother, doing nothing, while the lone 5 slimes are fighting an army of 15 enemies, on their own.

It becomes so slow. 

The first area went by so fast and was really satisfying, but the second area.... it's sooooo slow, and boring, and my inner completionist is screaming bloody murder at the idea of skipping any rooms. -_- at this rate - I'll grow old and die before I even reach the 2nd boss.

TL/DR: Game would be fun if it wasn't so tedious. I gave up after lv 56

3/5 stars

(1 edit)

um, I walked to the left instead of following the professor and I ended up getting stuck in the void :T


Edit: I walked around a bunch and ended up in some place called Banana city :/ then I decided to just start over 

Uh good game anyways though, the fighting mechanic is solid

I feel like the wizard should have a healing ability instead of the flip a card one, cause it is really useless...

(2 edits)

I always resonate with the tower card and the hangman, but I will let the tower burn for now. I do not want to deal with the sun just yet.

um what's a minecart? what's a rock? what's the shop?

this is confusing :T

(1 edit)

Game breaks when you try to enchant the gingerbread man, using the well. 

                                                                 Any card ^

It didn't give me any energy at all. I only had 3 energy at all time.  I had it surrounded with curses.

Ok Good work soldier! XD

(2 edits)

Also, wanna know a really weird thing that just happened? - If you don't play - then a bot takes over. 

I accidentally left the page open on quickplay and forgot about it for a bit.... 

The bot won some matches for me, ALL got first place! XD 

Imagine if the players playing against me noticed that it was a bot controlling me - how infuriating that would be for them! XD I'm dead.

(1 edit)

Hey, I love that there's an option to change the cards colours without having to pay for it! It makes it much more inclusive for colourblind people and I can really respect that.

It would be great if you could make it so that it's easier to know that it's actually your turn, when it's your turn cx

I wish this went on infinitely. It's fun, very buggy, but fun

I have the same problem.

Also, If it's no longer being supported or worked on, then why is there a donation button to support this game? 

(2 edits)

How do you win 1 v 1 in tournament mode, against an opponent that never picks the joker and will always shove it into your hand if she starts with it? 🤔 Like, how is that fair? 

she is legit cheating

"ultimate gamer" - more like a gamer with aim bot (¬_¬)

I wish you were able to leave from the same staircase you entered from :c

mwehehehee he folds everytime you bet more than 100 >:D

Honestly, this is really cool. I like the creative character designs. 

It would be great if it were more clear of how your choice affected the various things - it goes up and down, but it's pretty hard to see, so maybe make the ones who go down turn red and the ones who go up turn green that round for a breif moment or something? 

Also, would be cool if, instead of having an american $ dollar symbol, if you had the russian ₽ ruble symbol instead - cause you know, that's the actual financial symbol of russia...

sure, americans won't understand that symbol, but maybe just more information could work for that; shouldn't be too hard to understand that a different country has a different symbol, right?

The emerald bracelet doesn't work. 

I have three curses around it but it's not giving me any energy what so ever.

Also I just figured out a tip that I didn't think about before -  for anyone that's struggling with short-term memory! 

There's a scroll that removes cards - that includes doors! - You can literally delete the doors that lead to the wrong way if you get lucky and find a bunch of those scrolls! (juust don't lock yourself in like I did when I tested it lol)

it's the spell that looks like ∞ɹ
(1 edit)

Interesting indeed..... I'm pretty sure that's the exact bug that I encountered the first time I played (which was like, a couple days ago maybe?).

It's like the cards get randomly stuck in the middle of the screen for whatever reason (or atleast in my case, they were in the middle of the screen). I think it happened when I pulled the stomach card into the inventory slot. Either that, or maybe I was moving all the cards around too fast for the code to keep up; while  I was trying to figure out how to play the game.

But yeah, you can look at the cards, but you can't use them in any way and you can't pick up new cards. It's a pretty game breaking bug. That can get fixed by reloading the page again, but then you'll lose all progress.

Hooooly hecccccc! I made it!  with 1 hp left! 

Eeep this was fun, frustratingly hard, but fun.

Look at the scribble map I made! because I kept forgetting the way back and kept dying of starvation over and over again .😅 Green is first floor, pink is second, cyan is third.

96 nice

(1 edit)

Yeah, you have to like, pull the required cards in front of the choice that you want sometimes.. or something

Well this was stressful. 

I stopped reading the cards when I realised that you lose cards cause it's timed, and just started klicking randomly. I apparently lived an evil life.... sure would've been great if I'd actually been able to stop and read about what happened in said evil life, but oh well.

It kinda ruined the experience for me tbh

"Auuugh I'm so huuungry! I-if - only I could-"

*touches cooked chicken leg*

*dies of starvation*


(4 edits)

The arena mod people or bots - Idk - are wayyyy to powerful, It feels like I'm a level 3 player playing against level 18 players! They even have those hats that you need 100 POINTS TO GET.  It feels really unbalanced.

 Also, there's no tutorial.  As a newbie here, it's pretty much impossible to play. 

The hearts//damage system for the player btw is absolute garbage! Why 3 damage?! You literally die if you lose for like three turns!? And why's there pawns that do it? 

Also I noticed that all the "good" cards were pay-to-play cards. Is this gonna become a pay-to-win game?

overall - nice animations, cute animals and fun gameplay. It's just all That ^^ that makes the game rather frustrating and not really worth it in my opinion

I honestly love this! The only thing that I wish to change is for the overheating/freezing warning to come a biiit earlier than two steps before you die haha, cause I feel like there is no chance to explore anywhere in the middle of the moon side!

Also, love that even the ship calls us a fool XD

My guy literally flew across the planet just to plant a seed - now that Is what I call dedication!


- .... .. ... / .. ... / ... --- /  -- ..- -.-. .... / ..-. ..- -. -.-.-- / 

.- -. -.. / .- ... / .- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -. -. --- .. ... ... . ..- .-. / -- -.-- ... . .-.. --..-- / .. .-. . .- .-.. -.-- / .-.. --- ...- / .. - / .... . .... . .-.-.-

.. / . ... .--. . -.-. .. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .-.. .. -.- . / .... --- .-- / -.-- --- ..- / .... .- ...- . / - --- / -.- .. -. -.. / --- ..-. / - .. -- . / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.-. --- -.. . / -....- .. - / .. ... / -. --- - / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .- -... ..- - / .- - - .- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / - .... . / .--. .-.. .- -. . ... / -.. .. .-. . -.-. - .-.. -.-- -.-.--

- .... . -. / .. / .- .-.. ... --- / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... .- - / - .... . / .- .-.. .--. .... .- -... . - / .. ... / .. -. -.-. .-.. ..- -.. . -.. / ... --- / - .... .- - / -.-. ..- .-. .. --- ..- / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / -- .- -.-- / -.. . -.-. --- -.. . / - .... .. ... / -- . ... ... .- --. . -.-.--

.... .- ...- . / . / -. .. -.-. . / -.. .- -.--  :)

This game is lots of fun! I would complain that it's very luck based, but the scrap forge evens it out!

I like this!

Also here's my best run.... on Blizzard difficulty! ;J

I dunno why my settlers decided to settle on the water but I took advantage of that lmao

Speaking of the settlers - there seems to be a bug where after you have about 3 or 4 settlers, they start to settle exactly where you place them. That means that you can start to place them anywhere on the map (this run ^ I placed one by the casino in the corner and one accidentally in the water right next to my fire base - it was there that I noticed that could start placing them anywhere in this run)  - so the two in the middle of the sea, and the one in the very left corner were the settlers that wandered there by themselves.

In a previous run (that was my heavy snowfall run): I stacked a bunch of settlers ON TOP of my inn XD. I didn't place any in the water that time cause I didn't even know you could place them in the water or that they could place themselves in the water lol. 

- Guess my settlers built themselves some raft houses xD

The camera angle and movement is really confusing, I have no idea in which direction I am rolling.... and it's also like, triggering my motion sickness for whatever reason?(@_@) it's a pain to look at.

I like the animations and that you can change background music though. It's a good concept.

Aren't those Matryoshka's and not Babushkas?  XD

The auto destruction missiles that come out of nowhere are incredibly annoying. Otherwise good game!

I beat the system lolll 

(2 edits)

cool game! I really liked it! I escaped in 16 days! 

I wish that it was a bit harder to survive. Like, maybe make it so that it doesn't rain every two days so that you don't get suuper much water (cause I made 2 water collectors on day two, so day one was the only day where I got -water) , and instead add a sea water purifier to the crafting set (since, you know - you can make sea water drinkable by cooking it and collecting the drinkable steam) so that you can get more water later in the game but not right in the beginning.

Oh and add a pickaxe! 

Foraging berries becomes useless after you've built the fishing rod, which makes the basket pretty useless unless it is suuper cheap to craft. (I crafted it after crafting the fishing rod so I just never used it. I had no need to forage for berries anymore and it only told me that I would get 1 food anyways, so dunno what was so "effiecient" about the basket).

When the clock turns 21, the character doesn't even finish the task they're doing, not even if they have alot of energy left - why can't you be up past your bedtime? 

I feel like this game could use some threat. Something more to survive from and not just hunger and food. Sanity never went down for me at all (probably because I had an abundance of food and water). But it'd be cool with something more "exciting" going on. Maybe enemies? maybe natural catastrophies? maybe the ability to get inured while doing chores?

Different endings could also be cool: Like - wait to be rescued, start a life on the island, or the raft ending!

Also - Why didn't we bring our little buddy with us on the raft? (*^*)

Anyways - cool game!

Uh.... I got stuck on the tutorial. 

Some trash spawned right in the corner. My crabs can't do anything about it being there at all.... and the tutorial wants me to push the unpushable trash away....

If you remove people from their station too quickly, they end up breaking the game... Cause the game will treat them as if they've died, but it'll still say that they are there, and they will, visually, be stuck on the house, but you can't relocate them to any other house beacause of "too little population"

Otherwise a neat little game