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Rascal Devworks

A member registered Nov 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Can't wait to get the game in your hands! 😊

Thank you so much for the kind words ✨ 

I can't wait to have the game ready!!

Hello! Before I announce the release date I need to confirm a couple of things, but an official announcement should be coming out after the weekend ✨ the game is still going to release 'around September', most likely a little bit after. 

Testing everything is much more time consuming than I thought it would be!

Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, I fully recovered, thankfully 🙏

Jason is indeed fantastic as Malec, I'm very happy he agreed to join the project 😊✨

Thank you so much for the kind words ✨

Hello! The game will only have a female main character 😄

Thank you so much for the lovely comment!

Cutting off the bottom half of the illustration really contributed to the timeless, vague vibe of the game.

I'm really glad I could find Psyché and let the inspiration take the wheel! And that you liked the end result 😊

I adore the lush presentation, it's so immersive and cinematic. There's a touch of whimsy in the music, the leafling's sprite and her abode that really added to the charm.

Her little grumpy expression is so darling, too!

This is a really well-done game 💜

OMG! The options menu!! I'm so happy I opened it, it was such a nice surprise. And the little fies floating around like flowers!!

I really liked the writing and how intense the conversation felt in ye Olde English—I'm unfamiliar with Dragon Dogma 2, so I got Elden Ring vibes from it  :D

This was incredibly well done—so polished and made out of love <3

I really liked how subtly the main character's actions are conveyed, and how different the three endings are from each other.

This was a treat :D

I really enjoyed this! Very effective satire. The boat question was brutal—it reminded me of a related question in the Voting Advice app for the European elections.

How many endings are there? I found three :D

Thank you so much for the lovely comment!

The original artwork is indeed enchanting—it inspired me right away, and I was so happy to know I could use it in the game! Shoutout to the Rijksmuseum and their open data policy  🙏

I'm glad the hints were effective! I wanted to add more of them, and make them dependent on previous choices, but couldn't because of the wordcount😅 She has three possible names, but the hints only point to one.

Thank you again ✨

Thank you for the kind words! So glad you liked the game and yes, Samgrace was amazing in the role 🙏

Fullscreen would display a massive border around, so I increased the size of the viewport instead. It will hopefully be enough to improve readability!

Thank you so much for the kind words! It's a tiny game made in a tiny break, but I'm still happy you liked it 😊

You raised an excellent point about readability 🙏 I played a bit with outlines but nothing really worked, so I decided to make the viewport bigger. It will hopefully mitigate some of the font issues!

I was looking forward to your game after The Daughters of the Sun last year and this entry was a treat, too!

Thank you for this gorgeous write-up! I really enjoyed the game and reading your thoughts on development elevated that appreciation 🙏 especially the synopsis of the play! 

Passionate propaganda like this is a👏ma👏zing!

Hello, and thank you so much for the kind words ✨of course I read the whole thing, comments like these make my day!

It's really important for me to make a game that does not alienate sapphics, especially after Ascanio's late inclusion skewed the love-interest ratio, with him being male-presenting and all.

The full game will indeed be voiced ❤️not fully, since the script is massive (more than 400k words), but important scenes will get to shine!

I would have loved to add pronoun/visual customization for the MC! Since she is always on screen and in illustrations, it was sadly out of my budget. For the next game, maybe 😄

Oh no! I ended up deactivating the demo after the Next Fest. It did have a bunch of caveats that made it representative of the full game only in some aspects (I built it around an important scene with Marané some hours into the full game, so I had to edit around information, remove choices and change things... I did write a pretty long devlog outlining those design choices).  
I have some spare keys that should override the deactivation; if you have Twitter/X I can send one to you over there!

(I have 10 in total, so if anyone else would like to try the voiced demo, feel free to get in touch!)

Happy late pride, and thank you again for the wonderful comment!

Hello! I had to push back the release to September due to several factors. No exact date yet!

I'll soon publish a post with more up-to-date information :D

Hello! I'd love to release on Mac, but I don't own any Apple devices, so it'd be impossible for me to do any testing, bugfixing or quality control, unfortunately :(

Thank you so much ✨ so glad you like it!!


Thank you! I have some exciting news coming VERY SOON ✨

I would like to opt out of receiving funds for this itch account from the Queer Games Bundle. 

I understand that this means I will not receive funds for my game.

Thank you so much ✨ ✨


Thank you so much ✨

Hello there! I am a solo developer working on the game with the help of freelancers. The game has seen massive progress in the past years, evolving from Shadow Bonds into the full version, but not everything is going to be ready for the intended release date, thus the delay.

When I release Sigh of the Abyss, I want it to look & play at its best, without compromises on quality.

I hope this answered your question 😃

Hello! The full version of the game will be paid :)

Thank you so much!! ✨

So glad you liked it ✨ more should come later this year!

I ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund the full game, so also opening a Patreon would not be something I'm comfortable doing.

Hello!! I'm so glad you liked the game ✨

Yes, in the full game there will be ways to increase the abilities selected at the beginning! There will also be thresholds that unlock special powers, like the ability to wipe someone's mind, or merging with the shadows much like Atri does.

As for the fifth romance...



Soon!! 😁✨

Thank you so much!! ✨

Now those words are music to my ears 😁

That's exactly what I hope to achieve!

Thank you for the lovely comment! 

Thank you for being so supportive 😭✨

It means a lot!!

Thank you so much ✨

Thank you for the lovely comment ✨ I'm happy to hear you liked the game!

And yes... it was not meant to be 💔

June this year 😊

Aaaah, thank you 😭😭 I'm so happy to hear you liked it!!

Hello there!

I don't own a Mac, so testing macOS builds is impossible for me. If there's enough demand, it's something I would definitely look into it, but the price point makes it tricky. An emulator like Wine should work for Shadow Bonds 😊

And for Linux, Proton should work as well—Shadow Bonds runs on Steam Deck without any issues (or so I have been told, I don't own one 😅)

Thank you so much for the lovely words 😭 they mean a lot to me!

I had to take a small break from development while I was moving (it was a nightmare) but I'm back actively working on the game now ✨