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A member registered Jun 27, 2019

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Really? This was not the living arrangements I got. I don't want to spoil it, but lets just say you'd be getting to know your inlaws a lot more >_> 

He kind of resembles Muzan from Demon Slayer in my opinion! lol

Will there be a part two? A continuation of the MC's life after the whole ordeal? I can only hope! 

AMAZING! Let me just say that I havent felt this way about a VN since Ebon light. I have played tons of VN's but this one just gives me those ebon light feels. Like you're in a whole other world! The world building is just superb in Evernight. It is immersive and makes you feel like you are literally living in another realm. I love the MC's relationships and interactions with the faeries. The three troublemakers were especially cute! The writing is so good and the story pulls you in at every turn! I could not stop reading and had to do all the routes one after the next with no break in between! The love interests were very unique and there were aspects of their personalities that I did not expect. They were not predictable at all and I loved that! 

I played Dragan first. I adored his route. He was so stoic and had a lot of self control. Ever the gentleman but also fierce and beautiful. I love the connection that the MC had with him. It was great!

I did Aeden's route next. His route was unexpected and interesting. His personality was nothing like I thought it would be. I loved finding out about his story and the ending was just amazing, like a fairy tale indeed!

Lastly, I played Lucas's route. He was the kindest of all three and so considerate! Such a sweet and gentle personality for a werewolf. Funny and handsome! What a combo! I really enjoyed his route as well. In fact I enjoyed all three routes in the game. Its rare to find a VN where all the love interests are amazing and I cannot pick a favourite! 

P.S. I love that they used Irish as Faerie language. :) 


This was such a wonderfully romantic game! What a fun take on the concept of soul mates. Finding the one you are meant to be with for several lifetimes, it was well written. I was a little confused at first when the first chapter ended and the second began in a different setting. Then, I realized the story is told throughout different lifetimes. How interesting! Such a fun game! 

Short and sweet little VN. It really does draw you in from the get go. I like that there is an unexpected twist and it is not what it seemed to be in the beginning. It is well written and worth a read. I enjoyed it.

I don't think so. Like I stated, it isn't for me. I prefer games that draw me in from the beginning. This game did not appeal to me. I see a lot of people downvoted my review as well. How silly to downvote someone of a different opinion, simply for disliking the game! It had potential, but it needs a lot of work, this game. Anyway, to each their own. 

Its a comment section for people to post their opinions of the game. I am free to post my comments, thoughts, opinions on the game just like anyone else.

Awesome little game. I am looking forward to the full release. Crowe was written excellently. His character was done well. He is a nice mix of creepy and kind, which is difficult to write. The art is beautifully done.

Interesting concept but not an original one. I didn't particularly like the art or the story. I found it very slow moving and there was nothing that really captured the interest of the reader. This game may suit someone looking for a relaxing, easygoing type of game. I prefer those with a richer, deeper story. Overall, it is not my cup of tea. 

I posted it btw. Just thought I should let you know. Just search my PrincessSaoriel on AO3 and it should come up! 

I think there are more than 7 now lol. I am also writing one about Vadeyn on AO3. I am nearly done, So will post on there once completed. :) 

Cirrus might have harsh grey eyes. Very light grey and kind of creepy looking! 

I'm guessing Francesco will have golden brown eyes. It will definitely suit him. 

Keir, I think would have the most gorgeous, emerald green eyes. <3 I hope!

Oleander, Dark black eyes! Very mysterious, like the sky on a moonless night! 

Those are my guesses :) 

The story of this VN is so unique. I have not read anything like it before. A black market under a mountain where people live? It's very intriguing. From the mask wearing, to the personalities of the Love interests, this game is a one of a kind masterpiece. I really liked Kier and Francesco. I found the other two love interests, interesting but not really my cup of tea. I'm looking forward to the full release of the game, however, I do hope it is not ridiculously expensive like some of the other VN's on here. Overall, I really like it. 

Can I just say that Flannán is literal fire!! When will the full game be released? I cannot wait to play his route firstly, and then all the others. The story is great! I love that it captures your interest from the get go! I love that the MC gets thrown into a whole different world and has to figure things out. The art is beautiful as well. Robin is annoying, but I think all the other characters are interesting and well written. I'm looking forward to playing it! 

I absolutely loved this game! Its long but not boring, the story is really interesting. There are some awesome comedy bits in there that literally made me laugh out loud. The MC's personality is silly and cute sometimes. There isn't an overpowering amount of dialogue for the MC which made self inserting into the story, enjoyable. 

I instantly fell in love with Coda. It broke my heart to find out about his condition though! T_T I really loved his personality. Though he has been through A LOT, he still loved his family. That's really commendable. He is very selfless and I adored that! 

Aaron was really nice. Too nice! XD but he did have a scary side which I liked. I liked that he was always there for everyone. He definitely works too hard though! 

John was surprising. I did his route last. I did not think that I would enjoy it at all with him being so uptight but his reasons were pure. In in the, I fell for him too. I love that he is kinda crazy in a way. I enjoyed his date scene as well as the ending scene with him. He's adorable and wild and weird. I was pleasantly surprised! 

I really loved this game overall. It was really great for a bit of escapism! It was wholesome and I would highly recommend! 

I really love this game and cannot wait to play the full thing! Leander is awesome. I really love his personality. He seems like a really helpful and kind guy! Ais is interesting. Can't wait to see what secrets he keeps! :) 

I can't wait to read your other stories! ^_^ 

I am shocked that I am the first to comment. This was such an amazing game! The lore, the story and the way it progresses was really interesting. I wish this game was longer. There are a few grammatical errors here and there, but that's okay. The personality of the MC was very different from me. I didn't like that she was so untrusting of the person who had saved her and was keeping her alive. I thought she was a bit ungrateful. lol. I replayed it and got all of the endings. Ending 4 was my favourite of course! I'm a sucker for a good romance. The art was beautiful, Arodon was beautiful, his looks as well as personality. Such a good game. I wish it was longer! 

Amazing! This was such a good story. I love Heimos' personality. He was so kind and caring but still had an edge to him. The lore and the story were very interesting and never dulled once! I love the ending where you fell in love quickly. That was my favourite! I only wish this VN was longer! 

Spoiler Warning! 

I played the free version, Vincent's route. Firstly, I must commend the game for being on the longer side. I appreciate it when VNs are a bit longer. The art and the CGs are gorgeous in this game so that is definitely a plus. Overall though, I must admit that I did not like the story of this game. There was not much of a plot and the worldbuilding was weak. The story kept jumping and there was not a real central theme. It just meandered and felt a bit incomplete. If you like VNs that are more focused on romancing or getting to know a character without much else, then this game is for you. I prefer one where there is more to the story and setting and scene is a bit more immersive. There is not much of an intro in this VN into the world of Quansies. It becomes confusing. There is so much potential and the concept is unique, but it just fell a bit flat in the end.   

This was beautifully written. I really loved the way the story progressed and  how their relationship developed. I was aiming for the romantic end and I got it. It was such a delight to read! Silas's character development was amazing as well! Such a good VN! 

I'm so glad my review convinced you to continue playing. You wont regret it! I promise. :) After this game, I felt so sad not to be in Ghaália anymore, so I went on Archive of our own and indulged in some Ebon Light fan fics. I highly recommend checking those out too, after you've completed the game. 

I agree! Vadeyn was amazing and my favourite route! <3

Ernol's route was surprisingly amazing in my opinion. I really enjoyed it, though he really made us work for it, didn't he? lol

So I played this game for days on end and I am in love with it and the characters! They are absolutely captivating and the oil painting style art is breathtaking. It gives an extra layer of realism and immersiveness to this wonderful game. The lore is just great. The setting is amazing. It just transports you into Gha'alia and there you want to remain! Here are my thoughts on the love interests. 

Lacey: He is tough and smug but you just gotta love him. He is the handsy sort but I found that charming. He does not seem as protective as some of the others but he believes you can handle yourself. I like that. I really enjoyed his route and his personality is awesome. Lacey is my second favourite.

Vadeyn is my absolute favourite. I was totally in love with his character and his looks as well. lol. He was so different from the other elves and that made him stand out in a great way. He was so caring and always put you first. He wasn't selfish and I love that he always asked you how you were feeling. Such a sensitive and kind man. He just exudes warmth and love and I really appreciated that especially since you are kind of thrown into a harsh and uncaring world. Even in other romance routes, Vadeyn did a lot to calm the nerves and made the Mc feel safe. I love his ending scene. What more can you want but a peaceful life in the woods with him. It was like a fairytale. I adore him.  

Haron at first sight, I thought I would love his route but I did not enjoy it as much as I expected. He was not as chivalrous as I thought he would be. Overall his route was good but I did not like the living arrangements at the end of it. I wasn't drawn to his personality as much as some of the others. 

Ernol 's romance route was something unexpected. At one point I thought I was getting a bad ending with him on the deck scene because he was not admitting his feelings, that had me scared. Luckily I learned that there are no bad romance endings. Thank God. I thoroughly enjoyed Ernol's route, more than I thought I would. I feel like you really have to be patient though and let him take his time to come to terms with his feelings, but when he finally does, BOY it did NOT disappoint!! He was a strong, protective, slightly possessive type.  His route was intense. lol. He is just intense overall but I really enjoyed it none the less. 

I highly recommend this Visual Novel. It was just what I needed. An escape into a fantastic world. It really lifted my mood for the many days I spent playing it. Well done to the developers! 

Have you tried The Hero's Journey? It's pretty long and the story is great. If you like Ebon light, there is a high chance that you'd like the hero's journey too.

Thank you! I just finished Laceaga's route. It was great! Doing Vadeyn now and I'm enamoured!

I just started playing this game and I'm already hooked. I only just got to the part where I woke up in the strange bedroom and I'm just wondering who are the romancable characters in the game? Since it wasn't stated in the description, can someone please list them for me? Thanks! Looking forward to completing this game multiple times! 😊 It seems so interesting.

Thank you for mentioning this. I think it is super important to have proper warnings for games such as these. I was negatively surprised by a suicidal character in another game I played. I will brace myself such as I attempt to play this one. Hopefully it is not too triggering! 

I  love this game. Lucius is such well written character. He is gentle and his personality is awesome. I love the freedom ending. They deserve to be happy and free. This game had me glued to my screen. I did not want to put it down. Could not stop reading! I highly recommend!

This was a short and very interesting game. I liked the story but even the good ending was bitter sweet.  

Very nice game. Short and sweet! It has a very cozy feel, interesting characters and beautiful art. 

This is such a great game. It had me engrossed for days. I really love Rhain. Protect him all cost Seren! He's so precious. I obviously played his route and was so enamored with him! He was so well written and so in love with her for so long, I just wanted to make sure he received all the love he deserves. I did start to fall for Yi Kai as a character, but in the end he had nothing on Rhain.  

It is such a rare treat to find a long visual novel that really pulls you into the story but this game has done that and all of the characters were so well developed. Amazing!  

Great little visual novel with a spooky feel to it. I enjoyed the story very much. 

ohhh!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to replay. 


I have a question. Does the Guide romance route have two alternates? I keep getting the one where he hugs you and we both end up in the water. Please help. I want a better ending with him! Great game, btw. I've been playing and replaying it for days!!

Otmund's route is awesome. I feel like you really get to know him as a character and everything flows so smoothly. He grows as an individual and it gives his character depth. His personality is awesome. Rein, on the other hand is not someone I would be friends with irl. Swears too much, a bit bitter and spiteful. But to each their own. I really enjoyed this game and would recommend ! 

This was a really well written game. Fun, adorable character and great story. Its very interactive and I like that you can hack other people on the friend's list. Overall, great game. Highly recommend.