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A member registered Jan 30, 2024

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You might be onto something here.

But there are other ways to express bonding and escaping from the rigidity of your job/life. As i said, some of these scenes are fine in concept but they stretch too far and become too graphical, it feels out of place and messes with the pacing for no benefit.

Sex is an overdone resource is what i mean, i understand that these men are sex-driven and connect that way, but that is no reason to compromise the fluidity of the experience.

And you want to talk about "gay guy who's been through shit" You wanna do assumptions!?
Look Patty: just because you gave sloppy head to a 60 year old grandpa that couldn't even get hard in a piss-drenched public restroom when you turned 18 doesn't mean you "know what being gay is like" and you've "been through shit" It means that you have a twisted vision of sex warped by porn and empty hookups that made you think that men want nothing but a hole from you. And because of that you make stupid connections to deny that you were used and you were never really wanted.
You ain't no deep shit, you ain't no better than me, boy. You're a loser, like all of us.

(1 edit)

I think you misunderstood a part: i defend the sex scenes in the opening, they have a purpose and they are justified, my problem is with some of the scenes a bit further down the road that seem extra. If I'm missing something please someone explain: what are the sex scenes with Cliff, Murdoch, William and Kane supposed to represent? What's the message?

I don't have that big of a problem with the characters engaging in intercourse frequently, i just find the execution (the actual scene) stretched and unnecessarily graphical, like, tfym there are EIGHT different CG for a sex scene? let's move on! It's very overdone.
While i still think some sex scenes are rather gratuitous, i accept that some of them could be necessary to develop a point, if executed correctly.

And what's that you mention about ancestors? Huuuh? You brought that up for no reason, it doesn't prove anything.

Either way, i can tell you are not very sharp on your reading comprehension, respectfully. Some of the things you are replying here and on other posts sound almost delirious.
You have to get into your thick skull that toning down on the porn in TSR is not going to affect the story in the slightest. You have very dramatic expectations for the further development of this novel, I trust Howly and everyone else to deliver successfully, because they were capable of writing Adastra, Echo, and parts of TSR, and that proves their abilities

EDIT: wow you just changed the whole original message, now this reply makes 0 sense.

This comment section is madness, there are VERY LOUD people here who think "this is going down the drain" because they fired someone.

It was for a reason you guys. I admit I'm not the most illustrated person on this drama, but i investigated a tiny bit... And thank God they did.

I LOVE this novel and its stories, i find them brilliant. But the goonery started to get tiring. And yes, it is goon material because 7/10 times it adds pretty much nothing to the story, as much as some of y'all would like to say it does. It feels like it was added for the hell of it, as much as i would like to deny it.

In Echo, intercourse was used sparingly (mainly if not only in the Flynn route) and it demonstrated something, it made you wonder what the character really is about. When he takes you to the smoke room, you can tell the purpose is not to arouse, but to unsettle and overwhelm the reader, to make a point. And it was not even explicitly illustrated, which was perfectly fine.

In TSR the use of sex as a narrative resource exists! The MC is a whore after all and intercourse is expected; The route select that ends the introductory arc actually does an OK job in representing the character's views on Sam and what kind of relationship they have, per example. But later on it gets overdone: Sam & Yao, Sam & william (that one happens a lot) Sam & Cliff (for some reason) and that scene where William does fellatio... Why? 
I thought i was reading how the plot evolved, i do not get the message of those scenes. I mean, i would expect some conflict rooting off those interactions or something, but they're just enjoying themselves, it's porn. Leave the porn for those terrible seasonal AUs.

Lots of those "less heavy" scenes could be summarized into a couple phrases and achieve the same. But resources are being wasted into illustrating all of that: meaningless filling to satisfy the fantasies of the responsible writer (This is an assumption, i am aware that this last point is rater bold, take it with a grain of salt.)
If that's the case, no wonder he was fired!

My point is: TSR is already one of the best VNs out there, but it has problems with its questionably introduced sexual nature and i expect this to be addressed in future revisions with the recent changes. Nothing more!

If this, or Khemia, or whatever is cancelled, it would probably be because of the gooners that think that adding semen every 5 lines is a sign of maturity (when it's precisely the contrary) and became so bloody pressed that they felt the need to drown the comment section in childish comments. You know who you are ;)

And to all of you worried: this is the furry community for God's sake, there are bound to be weirdos, this should be expected, we'll live! I place my trust in the rest of the writer's confidence to bring TSR to its true form and not succumb to anyone's opinion. Its the developers that make this novel, not us.

It looks like you have a lot of thoughts about Echo Project's development in writing and stuff.
I suggest you turn it down a notch or two and focus that energy into working on something actually meaningful in your life, instead of telling people (who you don't know AT ALL) what to do, think, or feel about their job.

This comment demonstrates nothing but frustration and immaturity; ironic seeing that you mentioned "16 year olds (...) minor, minor, minor." when you act just like one!

None of what you're commenting will help or encourage the writer/s to handle what they've been going through. I don't think you even like them that much, seeing that you commented a tasteless "fuck you and your emotionally frail army of minors" on the TSR comment section. Isn't it ironic accusing someone of being "emotionally frail" when you're someone who seems so emotionally attached to fictional characters that they have to go throw a tantrum on the novel's page because they are not working as fast as you want them to?

Think about what you comment for once in your life, oh! or "use your fucking brain for once in your life" like you would say.
and i suggest you to try and cope better with loneliness because you don't want the image that this scene you've put up will give you.
And remember: just because you turned 18 last week doesn't mean that you will stop being pointed at when you're acting like a baby!

Get it together XOXO