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A member registered Jan 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yay! Now managed to complete the game properly. 100% I can say, I played all levels in the cut content section also. Some cool stuff there :)

Great game, super polished!

The sound of frying makes me hungry...

That was a huge ispiration for the game. Also, I made the game this hard as a tribute. I remember that finishing Heartbreak 100% was really, really hard at that time. And I was 16.

The galaxy was tasty, 10/10

One of my favourite game I've played so far! Really polished and a aesthetic with just a couple of elements and colours. Good job!

I love fact that the scale of time constantly change, make you feel more focused on gathering withe sphere or destroying anti-matter depending on the situation.

I had some trouble just with a couple of thing. The matter/antimatter ratio is a bit unbalanced imho. Especially when the scale goes up, there are too many antimatter spheres that slow your progress down. Also, I would like to gather the sphere not by clicking directly on them, but with some sort of syphon effect. This is kind necessary in the late stage, when the small sphere are hard to directly aim. Another stuff I'd like to see is to spawn bigger sphere directly, to also speed up the pace of the game.

Overall, amazing game! Thank you for submitting!

Thank you!

Thank you for playing!

I died in the tutorial too, my recommendation would’ve been to only have 1 or 2 ennemies there to make sure the player can win and see the whole gameplay loop there (with the upgrades/units)

That... makes a lot of sense XD

Thank you! Glad you liked! :D

Cool! Thank you for playing! :)

One of the most creative entry I have seen! Great game!

The AI is pretty good-- which is impressive for a gamejam imo!

The AI was the the hardest part. I spent so much time on it, and in the end is not even close to what I wanted to do. I'm not satisfied with it, but I'm glad you liked :)

To plan turns better, maybe some visual indication of each character/enemy's attack/move range on hover? I randomly moved at first, not knowing if I was moving a character into harm's way or just out of reach.

There is actually a range indicator for the enemy on click... But is bugged, and does not work after the first turn of the battle. Sorry for that. XD

Also, maybe it would be more intense to have it go 1 player hamster, 1 ai hamster, etc?

Oh, that would be cool. Didn't think of that. Thank you for the suggestion! ^-^

And thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Rate n. 100! Yay!

Great game! :D

Thank you for playing! 

I agree, the battles could be more interesting with some more variety. The first thing that came to my mind was different map layouts, but I decided to cut them to not overscope the project. I tried to spice thing up with class power-ups and bonus when you win battles. Also you can earn a game-changing power up if you manage to win the first big battle.

We all need more Hamtaro-like games!

I agree that the game is pretty tough, thank you for playing!

You are not dumb, the game is just hard XD It turns out harder than I expected, I didn't have time to balance the difficulty as I wanted. It's still totally winnable, expecially if you are used to the mechanics of the genre (for example if you played fire emblem before).

Anyway, Thank you for giving it a chance!

Fun game! I especially liked the last puzzle. I would like to see more levels! :D

On the technical part, the jump is a bit floaty and I think that the character controller could be improved.

Overall is a nice entry, good job!

Thank you! ^-^

The core concept of the game is interesting, but in my opinion too many mechanics have been added to the gameplay, often without being thoroughly explored in the various levels.

Overall I found it very creative!

Nice game!

I would like to have the ability to rebind the keyboard inputs for the machines, I think the game is already challenging enough. In my opinion there's no need to make it more complicated by forcing the player to worry about which fingers to use to press the keys XD

Overall the game is pretty fun, I managed to climb several levels before getting stuck. Good job!

Great game, it was fun!

Very interesting concept!

I found the levels a bit too hard when I try to grasp the rhythm listening the sample, but a bit too easy looking at the visual goal lol.

Overall I liked the game idea and the implementation is neat!

Amazing art style and polish!

Great game idea and nice implementation!

There are some bugs here and there, for example if you scae down an pillar under another object would make it to clip under the floor and disappear, forcing you to restart.

I like the level desing and how many creative solutions you made that take advantage of the game mechanics. Sometimes I wasn't sure if I solved the level the way it was intended (like keep costantly change the size of something to move it) but it was always pretty fun finding the different exploits. Speaking of fun, I enjoyed the game a lot (5 star on that!) even if I was not able to reach the end. 

Now, could you please tell me how to solve this level? It's really bugging me T_T

Thanks for playing! ^-^/

Thanks for playing!

Cool game, was really fun to play :)

(1 edit)

True, but the feature is presented in the game like some sort of cheat/assist mode that shouldn't be used by default.

Love the mechanics and the level desing. Levels are challenging but not too hard. Great game!

Cool game! I like how movement feels and the art is nice.

In my opinion don't know in advance how much each part type of the ship improves the stats feels a bit weird. Also, having some kind of bonus for placing the parts in specific location would encourage the player to move around more.

I like the dubbing and the sound desing, makes the game truly immersive.

Good job with your submission!

This reminds me some flash game I used to play when I was little where a sleepwalking man move around the scene and I had to swap objects to prevent any sort of incidents. I love this kind of games, it's nice to see that gameplay again. 

In my opinion, this game needs to be a bit more intuitive. Why can I select the egg, but not a tree (and I tried to click evrery single one before checking the solutions XD)? Some visual hints by default on which objects are selectable would be helpful. Another improvemente could be pointing out in advance if a speed is correct or not if it has already been tried.

Overall, I found the  graphics really polished, and I liked how you nailed the theme!

Very unique game. I love the game concept and it was fun trying to recreating the drawing using the tools aviable.

The control are ok, a bit confusing at first, but once I get used to it I could move object around easily.  I still find navigating the map tedious, in my opinion you can either reduce the map size and the empty space between zones, or make the car move faster, maybe with some sort of turbo mechanic.

Overall you did an amazing entry! Good job! ^-^

Nice art! Love the graphics and the music suits the game very well.

Nice entry! ^^

It need some polish here and there, but overall I find it enjoyable. You could add some hit feedback for the player, it's unclear when bullets hit. It's also unclear how to use laser attack that last for 1 frame only.

It took  me 30 minutes to reach the top. Totally worth it.

Fun game with a lovely style and addicting gameplay. Good job!

Very creative experience!

You did an amazing work with the story,  it's interesting and engaging.  This game heavily relies on player immersion, and some matching background music would greatly improve that aspect.

Nice entry!

The concept of a puzzle rpg is very interesting, I like the game idea a lot. 

In my opinion, the controls need to be reviewed a bit. Since I can't control the cubes precisely, I've found it more effective to create as much chaos as possible, hoping they merge. Also, sometimes even when cubes of the same size touch, nothing happens; it's a bit inconsistent.

Also some music can really help to set the mood :)

Overall it was a good and creative entry, good job.

Great visuals and funny game idea :)

Thank you for playing!

I'm afraid you are hitting a soft spot here... Right now the game is a mix between a card game, a strategy game and a puzzle game. It ends up to be none of those. I like the shape it's taking but I feel like it needs a change somewhere in the core mechanics. I want to experiment a bit more. Giving player more agency is something I want to achive. Thanks for your feedback! ^^

Interesting game! I like the concept. There are many features, and I felt encouraged to explore both the map and the gameplay.

Unfortunately, there are some things that made it very difficult for me to enjoy the game. I found it hard to read the text, for multiple reasons. The font you used is not easy to read; I'm not sure if it's because of the font itself or because the hap between letters is too large. I understand there isn't much space, the screen is rather small, but you should try to not split sentences between multiple screens whenever you can. I'm not a native english speaker, I struggled to keep track of the conversation. Also, the label transition between texts is unneccessary and a little annoying. It's cool when you start and stop talking, I don't think should be used between the same dialogue.

I loved the graphic, sprites and animations are neat. The retro style is cool and well executed.

About the music, the tracks are very good, but I felt they didn't quite suit the mood of the game. When I heard them I feel tension and anxiety, while the gameplay feels relaxed and without pressure. In my opinion having tense music constantly in the background quickly becomes annoying.

Overall the game looks promising, I love the art and the concept is cool! ^-^