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? Dude, there is the Null secret, you just have to answer all questions wrong lol
Also the idea was just make the actual classic game, not add more to it, I could? Most probably, but I don't plan on doing that specifically on release, also either bc it would be very hard to make the full cake structure there would need a 2st floor upstairs, which I'm unable to make
Caption: APR = All Placeholder Rooms; The Seed contains all placeholder rooms (0/6 F2 for example, if containing a placeholder room, then it contains 1/1 placeholder room)
32293268673 - F1 - Wide Detention Room
-82270134915 - F1 - Elevator touching corner
-4082523499 - F1 - Faculty w/ Wall of Windows
0 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
18810225194 - F1 & F3 - 0/2 Notebooks F1 & 0/8 Notebooks F3
-8347657206 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks 1 door to Playground
92188261392 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
58013831457 - F2 - Wide Faculty Room
-76812485968 - F2 - Elevator in the center of the map
84757499827 - F2 - Widest Faculty Room
9226579826 - F2 - 3/5 Faculty Out of Bounds
-5180493371 - F2 - 1 door to Library
-85781925462 - F2 - 0/6 Notebooks (APR)
79335724498 - F2 - 0/6 Notebooks (APR) Smallest Layout
-12484046510 - F3 - 0/8 Notebooks U Layout
-4082523499 - F3 - 0/7 Notebooks APR Window inside Elevator
-41611716194 - F3 - Tiniest Classroom
-5180493371 - F3 - Window inside Elevator
-74228324063 - END - 6 Notebooks
40510175808 - END - 6 Notebooks
-4720508436 - F2 & F3 - 0/6 Notebooks F2 & 0/8 Notebooks F3
-9778791697 - F1 - 0/0 Notebooks
56600948727 - F2 - 0/4 Notebooks Small Layout
74964123176 - F1 - 0/1 Notebooks 1 door to big room
7013000777 - F1 - 1 door to big room
1699149007 - F1 - 1 door to big room
72790349671 - F1 - 1 door to big room
27054227267 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
4366013044 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks 1 door to big room
33486309567 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks (Cafeteria seed, really rare)
-90029711792 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-29741934539 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-23175859785 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-50172214988 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
-57153381691 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-1738120589 - F1 - 1 door to big room 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall Highest chance for 0/0
61487936680 - F1 - Elevator touching corner 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
-90963789662 - F1 - 4 Faculty connected to each other
-12392596552 - F1 - Elevator touching corner
83124295887 - F1 - Elevator touching corner
62012917079 - F1 - Elevator touching corner
-14320851532 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-21217190945 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
35952327440 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-95448304900 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
46425639053 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
-4583863614 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks Highest chance for 0/0
-65091419137 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks 1 door to big room
-9533677802 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
2288340575 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
205062261 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
22564998034 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
8109641047 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
65708328964 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
52798301746 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
99698707956 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks Elevator touching corner
28620431514 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-76641927322 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks VERY small layout
74836101141 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-16632713360 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-3850780934 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-33572097189 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
79126585680 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks 4 faculty chain
-55544804624 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
-26896843231 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-82489063555 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
-37812468011 - F1 - Elevator touching corner 4/4 Faculty inside playground
-85841577224 - F1 - 3 Faculty inside the janitor closet
-689975324 - F3 - 6/8 Faculty inside Playground
-28105892224 - F3 - 1 door to big room
7864802354 - F3 - 1 door to big room
25041324479 - F3 - 1 door to big room U Layout
2947291493 - F3 - 1 door to big room
-71073344472 - Hard Seed
-73691583314 - 0/1 Notebooks (Highest chance for 0/0)
46958456672 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
56799732122 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
46958456672 - F3 - Widest Classroom
-28747869846 - F3 - 3/4 Elevators
-97746595344 - F3 - Small layout 1 door to big room
41529374703 - F3 - Double Swinging Doors
-73691583314 - F3 - 2 Faculty inside Janitor closet
All seeds I found during development of the game:
Use this format as reference when reporting your seed
- 7 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -21 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
- 71488940883 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
- -999 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -524459360 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -9065371460 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 14416188856 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 12837043388 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 67716915627 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -35350803282 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 10381553929 - F1 - 1 door to bigroom
- -48004472857 - F1 - Elevator touching corner
- -28400059171 - F1 - 4/4 Faculty inside Playground Highest chance for 0/0
- -88704973388 - F1 - 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
- 26486932151 - F1 - 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
- -11652483872 - F1 - 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
- 36004511360 - F2 - Small Layout
- 93177304858 - F2 - 0/6 Notebooks 1 door to bigroom No Field Trip
- 68735799483 - F3 - 0/8 Notebooks (Seed with many hallways and still manage to be glitched)
- 32670555390 - F3 - 1 door to big room
- -67935817406 - F3 - 1 door to big room
- 10381553929 - F3 - 1 door to bigroom
- -99999999999 - F3 - Elevator touching corner
- -99582769612 - F3 - Double Swinging Doors
- 36004511360 - F3 - 7/9 Faculty inside Playground
- 61646883020 - F3 - U Layout
- 7167711430 - F3 - Small Layout 7/8 Faculty not connecting to hall
- 52075041598 - F3 - 1 door to big room Long 2 Tile Hallway
- 3618844362 - F3 - Cafeteria with an entrance on every side
- -4080279291 - F3 - 7x4 Hallway
- 36004511360 - END - Small Layout
- -99582769612 - END - 6 Notebooks Smallest Layout
- -95791871611 - END - 7/8 Faculty not connecting to hall
1- like this easter egg, maybe should add in F1 somewhere hidden
2- forgot him lol, adding on the future content update
3- I thought on that, but I don't want to focus on adding every content from og BB , the future content update will add instead other characters/events
4- Sorry, I really don't plan on adding this