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A member registered Jul 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

It's really fun! Although the difficulty curve suddenly spikes a lot with the final boss xD. Besides that the game's great!

Really fun game! The combat feels a lot like in Elite Dangerous, which is great considering this is a 2D game. Keep it up!

Really nice idea! I think it would be cool to have a bit of a story or a "goal" for the game, right now you are just lighting up the darkness for the sake of doing so. I also think the UI could be a bit bigger, I didn't see the help button at first. Good luck with the game!

Made a small summary video showcasing what I got done over the last two months! Be sure to check out the prototype if you haven't alre

Hi! Here's what I got done over the last two days:

  • Added ability to see resource changes in resource menu
  • Farm now shows connection line to city properly
  • New city texture
  • City name is smaller now
  • Trade routes now show trade routes to player city
  • Trade route lines are smaller now
  • Construction site textures updating correctly now
  • Added ability to see funds in trading menu
  • Added characters stats info in drop down menu

Here's what's still on the list:

  • Add unit icon for colour-blind friendliness
  • Add ability to change unit characters
  • Add option to hide city name
  • Clay pit overlapping with city names

Also: Feedback is greatly appreciated! -> The prototype's goal is to get feedback on the game, a few people have played it already, but I haven't got any feedback via the comment section. So, if there's something you want to point out, feel free to leave a comment!

Well, I did play a lot of Minecraft in the past - That might have carried on into my pixel art 😅

Hello there! I've been working on a 2D Strategy Game for the past two months and have finally managed to release a prototype! If that sounds interesting, be sure to check it out and leave me some feedback!

The game is set in a medieval environment. You can create custom units to build new structures or trade goods with other cities! The prototype is of course, well, just a prototype, but it already features all core gameplay mechanics, being:

  • Randomized terrain generation
  • Pathfinding
  • Unit creation system
  • Trading system
  • Basic control of city districts


Finally released my first prototype today! I'd really really appreciate it if you took a look at it and gave me some basic feedback!

Finally got the trading menu done!

I've updated the visuals of the game! Here's what it looks like at the moment:

I'm now six weeks into development! Here's how far I've come:

I think this forum should concentrate on the fact that you can post devlogs here for games that you haven't put up on yet, so for the projects that are not finished games yet (at least that's how I've experienced it, correct me if I'm wrong). Maybe you could build on that aspect and add additional features for promoting a not-finished product, I feel like itch is still lacking features for that

Hello hello!

I have implemented the option to build and destroy districts in your city that directly impact a city's population and income:

Every second turn in the game will take place at night, here's whatthat will look like:

(1 edit)

Hello hello!

First of all, say hello to the new character, the mountaineer! Characters make up units which area a key component to my new game and all of them have their own special abilities! The mountaineer will allow you to cross mountains with your units.

The trading menu looks (and works) a lot better now, you can send out a trader character to another city to establish a trade route.

I gave the combat interface a brand new and wayyy better look!

Subscribe to the Youtube Channel! 100% of people watching are not subscribed, which I can tell, since I'm my only subscriber 😂

Hi there! I hope you're all having a great day!

For the past two days, I've been working on creating a trading system allowing the player to trade with other cities. You can already buy resources from other cities, selling to them will be implemented over the course of the next days

Additionally, here's some art I made for the different characters that can be combined to create custom units: Can you guess what they all represent?

The art looks really nice! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished project

I updated the trees to make them more realistic and bring some dimension into the otherwise flat-looking game. What do you think? Is it an improvement or are the old simplistic tiles better?

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There's still a lot to do but I think I've made great progress for just doing gamedev casually on the side. This game will be packed with interesting new mechanics once it's done - I'm making sure everything is done with attention to detail and without copying from major games in the strategy franchise! Be sure to follow me on or subscribe to the youtube channel if you want to stay updated on development

I've started development about a week ago, the game is going to be a 2D PvE shooter set in a desert environment. I've made all of the pixel art myself, the pictures above are in-game screenshots. What do you think about the general appeal of the visuals so far?

I've made a small prototype over the course of the last days attempting to mimic the experience you get on a rollercoaster or a similar fun fair ride! This is of course really difficult in 2D, but I'd like to know if this is an idea worth continueing. 

You play as a ghost in a haunted mansion, every 30 seconds, a new event starts, which alters the game in just a small way that might mess with your perception. You need to keep moving to avoid touching an enemy following you and your goal is to score as many points as possible by collecting orbs.

Test the prototype here

I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out!

Great! I'll join the Discord and keep an eye on the development

(1 edit)

Cool! I think a bit more variation in the overall pacing would be very beneficial, the game so far either gets too overwhelming with the amount of enemies or too boring if you are too strong. Maybe consider spawning the enemies in waves instead of all of them spawning "at once". A volume slider would be good too!

Thanks! What exactly makes the inputs feels restrictive?

Thanks! I'll definitely make some adjustments in the future, I will post some updates in the devlog

The controls were not that intuitive at first, but it was fun to figure out things along the way! I think action remapping would really add to this game. I expected a dark / scary game at first, then I was surprised by the lightheartedness of the game, and then came the ending! Interesting story progressing

I will add a few more mechanics and levels to really finish up this project, thanks for your feedback!

Fun game! It took me a while to find an approach to solve it. I would have liked to see the theme be implemented a bit more, so, you could have made use of the special features of a train. Maybe stopping the train with a brake or having the characters spread out across different wagons. Nice work overall!

Interesting, my first approach would have been selecting a tile with the arrow keys, then hitting another key and then being able to move it into a free space with the arrow keys again.

Yeah, I thought I had to make it a little harder because of the lack of levels. I guess that was a bit too much 😂

Really cool! I think you've found the balance between fun and difficulty. However, once you have upgraded your turrets enough the game gets way too easy, consider adding stronger enemies or larger enemy waves after some time. Additionally, you should practice shading when drawing 2D textures, just to give the game a more polished look.

This was really fun! I think the game has got a lot of potential, some spiced up graphics and better sounds would really polish this. Good job!

Really nice idea! The levels were challenging but still fun. For future game jams, try to keep in my mind that the theme should be a core element of the game. For example, in your game the train was only a side element and game centered around the frog.

Nice way of using Godot's physics as a game mechanic! Maybe there's a way to implement the train theme a little more, and multiple levels would have been cool!

Nice work!

Really interesting idea, maybe you could try to make the rail layout clearer, possibly by placing them a bit further away from each other. Also, you could turn down the specular property of your green floor texture, just to give it a more finished look. A grass texture would have improved the overall graphics too. The controls were straightforward and the game was quite fun!

The game sounds and looks great! The puzzles are all well thought out, but the controls were not really intuitive in my opinion.

Overall the textures looked good, but I feel like the colour scheme could be a bit more appealing. Really nice game!

Really fun game, I don't know if it is because of my monitor size, but the train appears pretty small for me. Very creative idea and awesome sound!