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A member registered Apr 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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The gameplay is excellent. Nice music too. I liked the different levels of game (systems down to planet). Was cool to set which units would enter the fight. I thought the money came in too slowly. I would lose before growing my army.

This was fun. The tutorial was a lot to take in though. Enjoyed building my ship and seeing it work. All the parts were useful and felt well-balanced. The summary wraps the game up nicely.

That's how jams are. In 4 days, this is very good.

Enjoyed the story. Great idea for scaling. It worked really well. The environment was really interesting and fun to discover.

The controls/collisions were problematic. I got stuck a lot, where I had to wiggle free or restart the game.

Nice unique game.

The character is a pleasure to move around and boost. I like how the scaling looks like the character is deflating like a balloon. The particles give nice feedback. I found the level difficulty just right for a jam. The last few levels took a few tries, but they were doable.

I played on Windows 10. Might be the 3440x1440 screen. It's often a problem.

This was really difficult for me. After many playthroughs I found that staying small was the only way for me to survive. Evade and regen with some shooting. I regretted any offensive picks, even though they were the funner options. I just couldn't survive. So the boss took a long time, but I could stay in one spot and shoot. The regen handled the hits.

Had lots of fun. I think the offense vs defense needs some balancing.

Really fun puzzles. The portals worked really well. Really smooth. I like that the boxes were essentially used to create missing parts of the level. I could definitely see this idea taken further.

The stairs were frustrating to climb at times. I had to wiggle a bunch to climb them (the level with the gray boxes above the movable moxes)

Had a bunch of fun. Nice mix of objects. Great selection of different shapes. I found most useful for some purpose, except for the surfboard, that one was always a throw away. Everything looked good. That moment when you're about to get to the next level, but seem to have a shrinking tower...

Solid game. I love that even the title screen is made up of windows. It's pretty hard. Really clever puzzle. I hope this wins.

My background was all black, unlike the screenshots. That'd be even cooler to play with a transparent background.

It's a game that should have felt more repetitive, but each step was a pleasure. I liked whizzing up the tower with the "e" button. The zones were all interesting in their own way. Enjoyed the effects and jump scares. The level of pixelization was a little hard to look at some times when moving. Though it did look nice overall.

Cool game and a great idea for a factory game. I agree that the time was a bit short. I could get through a few floors. Mixing colours is great. I didn't get to use the lift successfully. That's where I think a longer/no timer would help. It gets really complex when you mix the floors.

Probably the most unique idea I've come across and right on the theme. The parcouring was really nice. It was buggy, but the r/ctrl always solved the problem. The camera was a little nauseating at 5%, especially when I tried to move out of the shrinking area. Love the game's name.

I like seeing the cell change as it is upgraded. Nice chill underwater music to swim to. Liked watching the little cells get flung by the bubble streams. It's all pleasant and feeling easy until I get eaten. Every time.

Yeah the scales will just give a different look to the fish if you go near the purple octopus in the bright zones. Scales 3 and 4's looks are actually buggy, since they shrink the mouth's range, so I hope you didn't encounter that. I added the scales originally as a type of key, but I didn't like it.

Thanks for playing!

Great atmosphere. The music/sounds really build tension. Those big fish are pretty frightening. Love the art and animation. Especially the player's fish and its "chomp".

The background didn't take up the whole screen (3440x1440):

Great music for bashing robots. The bat is really satisfying to swing and hit. I like that to pick things up you need to switch to hoover AND click. It's a few steps that add some nice complexity when I'm evading other robots.

Fun and challenging. Controls feel really good. Couldn't beat level 10.

Pretty cool game. As others wrote, the placement was frustrating. Despite that, I really enjoyed unlocking things. Not sure if I finished it or I encountered a bug. It ate my letters at the end. With all the letters, I wonder if there's a secret somewhere in there too. Definitely an idea that merits a full game.

Fun puzzles. Love the end scene. Agree with Skatah. Space for jumping.

Nice idea. The gameplay is simple, but I can see how it could scale. Aside from shooting faster, not sure what the different yellow polygons did. Also it took a minute to guess the controls. I think it'd be worthwhile to add them to the description.

Really cute rooms and puzzles. Looks really good, and the ending is satisfying. I found myself guessing what could be moved or scaled. Would have liked something to distinguish what I could interact with from what I couldn't. I liked scaling the light at the start to introduce the game.

Bananas are funny and a practical measurement tool. This should be a building tool in a tropical cozy game. I liked the building. It was smooth and felt right. Though I discovered the shape didn't matter. I started drawing one line per building. Still loved hearing the A yay!

The difficulty progressed well. The paint margins were pretty tight, but doable. The movement was pretty satisfying. I was engaged with every shot. Liked considering planning strategy to see it all go wrong. Like the order of shots, since the ball was smaller over time. I really noticed that when the red frame came in and it bounced my paint away. Also, with the eyes, I'm always a sucker for characters that acknowledge the player.

Nice mix of mechanics. Fun puzzles. Stuck on XI right now. That one's a doozy.

Nice building art. Was pleasant having all the buildings on a map with just a camera pan. Without a x1000 button, waiting became a stronger option than clicking a bunch. So an idle game encouraged me to be idle. Was nice to sit back after frantic clicking.

Great title screen. The dancing fish crack me up. Nice chill music. Nice looking too. By the end, my view was mostly blocked by the snake.

I felt the relief as the cloud rained on a region. Really nice drawings and music. The fire was a little frustrating, since I found it virtually unavoidable (I did avoid it a few times.) Super cute and solid game overall.

Good idea. Spot-on for the theme. The acceleration's a bit slow. Bouncing around was pretty fun though. In one puzzle, I almost solved it using bouncing. I missed the shot and had to do it the proper way. I couldn't figure out how to let go of the box when I grabbed it, which was frustrating at times. The music's great. Appreciated the timers and achievements too, not to mention that they're persistent.

Too bad about the levels. Really juicy game. The clicks feel good. The art is top-notch. I like how the start page was animated, pointing to the start button. Really cute.


Leaderboard is a great idea. I'll come back to defend my position if anybody beats me :)

This plays like a kid's book reads. It's so nicely illustrated. And happy! Nice story with friendly aliens and unique characters. Nice music. Different for each quadrant too. I like your credits screen, with the real story, and a huge list of assets used. The assets were used so cohesively. Everything fit so well together. Really well done.

The combination of games I never expected. My first round, I ran out of ammo. My second round, I played the match 3 round with intensity. Walking through the maze step by step reminded me of really old RPGs. Using up my well-earned bullets was fun. The minimap was really useful. I liked how I could see patterns in the map so I would remember if I've been there. Not to mention the yellow square was an obvious point to seek out.

Nice song. Helps give the game a somber feel. The weapons were fun to use. It was pretty satisfying to kill the dryads. Funny that our hero dreams of swords when he uses axes and crossbows all day. It wasn't immediately obvious to me what to do in the dream, so I died the first time. That's probably cause I was just using the crossbow the first round. I noticed that when you're behind a tree, the hand is in front of it, like he's hugging the tree.

Really nice looking game. Loved all the animations for the cat. The parallax forest looked really nice, but it felt off. I think the layers were moving too fast. Platforming was challenging. It was very fast and fluid. I appreciated the frequent save points. It was kind of funny to see the cat bounce around when I kept dying right as I respawned. I thought the shrubs blended in a bit too much. They were sometimes hard to see.

I was thinking to myself that the tongue must have eaten up a lot of time. Totally worth it.

For level 8, it was the beginning. Those two bats were hard to get by. I'm a pro at it now, but I must have died 20-30 times before crossing them once.  After crossing them, any death forced me to cross them again. And I died in each segment at least a few times. I hit that second heart a bunch of times.. so close to finishing the level.

I think the bats are a solid addition, but that segment was much harder for me than anything else in the game. Starting with one bat might have made it smoother, but still challenging.

(2 edits)

Incredible atmosphere between the silhouettes and the sounds. Liked seeing the tongue stretch to get a bug, except of course when it killed me. Room 8 took so many tries. Had to be so careful at every step. It was much harder for me than room 9. Aside from that, the game progressed really well. Satisfying ending level. A bit of calm to close it down. Really enjoyed this solid entry.

It gets pretty tough. I made it to round 10 after many tries. Had fun trying to get the right balance. There's chance in where you get to place, so the game's a little different every time. Intuitive controls too. Appreciated the speed control.

(2 edits)

Had fun. Interesting take on the theme.It wasn't an issue until the last round, when I had to avoid them all to beat it. The last round took many tries. Would have been funny to see a death counter. Those throwing things are really challenging in groups. Fun music! It went really well with the levels.

So chaotic. The sound effects emphasized the chaos. The word game sometimes sent a lot of red words really fast, but it was nice that I could always escape out if it got too crazy. It really gets difficult when the words get their alternate spellings. I tried looking down the hallways a few times. I thought they might light up.  Nice polished game. Liked the song too.