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Pepe Coral

A member registered Aug 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Me da igual si os caen bien o mal los 127 desarrolladores de El punto, pero acaban de dar una masterclass de metodologías agile, kaizen y relaciones públicas. Ignorad los personajes, mirad los actos. Son unos cracks. La jugada es arriesgada, espero que salga bien.

Yes, time was so limited, not only because the jam itself but things to do. Thank you for playing 

Impresive graphics, and cool game

Cool game

Cant see the page :(

Cant play

oh what a pity 

Thank you so much, it was the point of the game, thanks for your feedback 

Thanks, not the first time someone says me something similar lol.

Thanks for all this feedback,  the part where the color switches is a metaphor, sometimes things change suddenly and you have to adapt to them fastly, but yes maybe it's not that clear 



A cool prototype, nice idea

Interesting idea, and fun to play.

Cool concept well made

I mean the target is clear but sometimes the enemy detects you incorrectly and makes the game unclear. Anyways everything else was well made

Super fun game, i spent a lot of time trying to finish it but there was no way. I really liked it

Interesting game

Its a cool game, well done

I cant find where to download/play the game

Its an interesting game, i want able to win but it was fun

Thank you, maybe in the sencond level there are objects that are not visible.. Good Luck thanks for playing

Not really clear game

Well executed game

So cool graphics

Nice game and cool interaction

Cool hard game

cool game

Good game

Thank you so much

Not really understanding anything

A really good game, cool idea, sometimes its hard to see the perspective

Its a good game, i couldnt finish it becouse at some point i couldnt jump anymore, the frame rate for me was so low, the graphics are so good

Cool game and cool concept, sometimes its so hard to dodge the enemies but its good

Cool concept, but controls are really bad, even if you want them to be kind of messy they should be responsive

El tiempo de la jam hizo que tuviese que recortar el numero de niveles ya que cada uno lleva mucho mas tiempo del que pueda parecer,  me hubiese encantado hacer mas. Muchas gracias por jugar <3

Gracias por jugar <3

Toda la razon, la curva de dificultad es bastante mala, pero ya que iba a hacer pocos niveles veia mas interesantes los complejos que los mas simples. Muchas gracias por jugar y pot el feedback <3

Si, un error tan tonto como marcar una casilla de loop ensucia bastante la experiencia. Gracias por jugar <3