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A member registered Apr 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I hope the rest of the game will also be to your liking :*

I might expand on some scenes once the main script is written, so I’ll keep that in mind!

Thank you! :D English is not my first language either, so I often worry about sounding off, but I am glad to hear my preference for classics and slightly ‘old-sounding’ English doesn’t make the script annoying to read! 

Thank *you* for playing! <3

Glad to hear it! :D

Thank you! :D I have a follow-up planned with The Specter and another character, but I am not sure when I’ll have the time to make it haha, hopefully soon. 

Ahhh I messed up the brackets, thank you SO much for letting me know! I re-uploaded the flies with the fixes added. 

Thanks for playing, and I hope my other projects will also be to your liking! :D

Thank you!

Thank you! I play on mute too, haha! :D But I figured that using the sounds/ambiance I like to listen to while I write might be a good (and not so distracting) idea, so I am glad to hear you enjoyed my selection as well.

Not in this un-life, sorry :,(

5 chapters and the epilogues! I am currently in the middle of chapter 4, so I am hoping to have this game wrapped up later this year, though sadly I can’t promise anything.

Me too! Hopefully I’ll be able to write and code more during my break from work. :D

Thank you!

Glad to hear it! And yes, the choice locks you in Saltire’s route, and it’s unlocked only if you’ve not already picked another RO earlier in game.

Thank you for being so sweet, and I wish you lots of success in your endeavors! <3 

Well the VN is a demo of the IF, so it encompasses a bit of the story without going too much into detail, while the IF is a more in-depth experience, with more choices, etc. That, and the PFM VN was the first story I ever wrote, so there’s a lot I’ve learned since then, both writing and coding-wise. And I do hope to keep improving as time goes on. 

I am a bit self-indulgent in the things I write, so I know it might not be everyone’s cuppa, but I am happy to hear it’s enjoyable enough!

Now, how to start writing hmm, to be honest, I don’t think I have any helpful pointers. I just read a lot, so I found that writing came naturally when I started. That said, I would recommend looking up those how-to videos from actual screenwriters, as they offer insight into the delivery of the scene, dialogue, and presentation. Their tips can be used for ‘regular’ writing, too, not just for movie scripts, so you might find them helpful.

Thank you sm! ❤️

Thank you so much for playing! 😊

Not if Mal does it first 🤭

MC's background is left largely to the player's imagination, as their past has no actual bearing on the plot other than they are forced to keep their head low, hence their choice of occupation. 

One of the players further down in the comment section figured out the little hints I left in the game (e.g. MC's reaction to Modesto/a's etiquette book) so if you'd like, you can scroll down and give it a read.

Ah, thank you so much! 🥺 I do have a lot of stray ideas I try to get out of my head by releasing shorter games, so I hope the next project I make will also be to your liking. 

Thanks for playing! 

Thank you! 🧡

Happy to hear that! I've planned on adding a second route someday, so hopefully I'll be able to get back to Cursed Place when I have some free time :D

Hi! You caught a variable bug, thank you so much for letting me know! Both instances are fixed now, and I re-uploaded the game files, too. 

I am glad to hear you've enjoyed Cured Place, thanks for playing 🧡 

🥺 Thank you for your sweet comment, and for making my entire day! I hope my other projects will also be to your liking.❤️

Thank you! <3 I get what you mean, and honestly I'd love to one day add the IF's script to the VN, but it's simply not possible right now. The key idea of extending Perfumare as a text-only project was meant to allow me to add more content without having to worry about including all the art assets that, while are fun to do, take a lot of my time and energy (not to mention coding them all into the game, too). From the start, the VN was made to only be a short trailer of sorts, but if I have the chance and more free time in the future to get back to it, I'll think about it more seriously. Or more likely, I'll consider adding some art assets to the IF version, to make it more VN-like, but that's only after I am done with the base game.

Thank you for saying so! It means a lot to me to know that people are enjoying my game. :D The sequel to Perfumare will also be a Visual Novel, so I hope you'll like it as well. <3

Added a guide [here] 😊

Thanks for giving FMO a try! <3

I really enjoy, both writing and reading, stories that are up to interpretation, so I am aware my projects might not be everyone's cup of tea. The first chapter is intended to be more of MC's backstory, with their 'actual' adventure starting from the moment they find themselves in the Void, finally able to make their own choices.

With that being said, once the game is finished, I'll accept suggestions regarding additional scenes/options. I want FMO to be as enjoyable as possible, so I am very open to the idea of expanding it once main script is fully written.

There's no ETA yet, but I am working towards finishing the remaining chapters within half a year. Patreon's help allows me to spend more time developing my games, but I still have a job outside of it, so I can't throw myself fully into the developing process. Maybe in the future I'll be lucky enough to develop games full time. For now, though, I hope the game will be worth the wait. :D

Thank you for reading! :D

I have to admit that Lotar's and Mal's popularity surprised me, haha! They are both extremely fun to write, though. 

That said, I usually prefer a smaller number of ROs in my games, because that's easier for me to handle on my own, but in FMO I thought that, given their extreme, at times personalities, it would be best to give the player a wider variety to pick from, so that hopefully everyone can find a route they enjoy. The workload is much heaver because of it, but I hope it'll ultimately be worth it. 

Hi! Yes, Echo will be the 'secret' RO, unlockable after finishing the game once. Thank you! <3

Dark fantasy is my beloved genre, and most, if not all, of my projects revolve around horror and grotesque, so I don't think they'll be your cup of tea haha. Still, thank you for giving FMO a try. :D

(It depends on the character and their role in the story. Sometimes their name has a specific purpose/meaning, like Malitiose's here. Other times, I just find a name or a word I like, and it resonates with the image of the character that I have in mind. For more 'modern' projects, I like to use names from my list. I like to write down all names and surnames I come across that I like, then I pick and choose what fits best for a specific character.) 

Thank you so much for your comment and for making my day, I am super glad to hear that you enjoyed FMO!  (And a big thank you for using the spoiler/space lines! 💛)

Well they are evil but very honest about it? And honesty is a very attractive trait, is it not? 😉

Thank you! 💛

No problem, it happens! :D Thank you for playing! <3