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A member registered Feb 14, 2020

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Thanks, I will look into this. Probably the windowed mode of that version of winuae had issues with the fake scanlines. 

Nice to know, than you. I also noticed you published a v1.2 of the game. Great, however the credits page got somehow broken in the latest release: I can't read the text at left and right borders of the screen. Maybe a emulation issue, but I feel better if I report this to you. 

Hi. First of all congratulations for this great port. The game is awesome. However, I have a question for you: why there isn't any continue option like the original PC game? It's quite annoying to repeat all stages when you reached the 4th or 5th world. Are you planning to add it in the future? (I'd need this info for a review I'm writing on a printed mag, thank you). Best regards.

This game deserves a 'full' version. Something you don't finish in 10 minutes. Really. :-)

hmmm... :-)

This really deserves a port on a classic platform, being either a real MSX(2), a NES or so.

C64 port of original Nixi game was a masterpiece.

The Amiga port is amazing.

Hi! Great conversion and greatg game in general... no Plus/4 version of this? ;-)

Jokes aside, are you planning to port it to any other retro-platform?

This game is great. I am trying to contact you privately via email, is it possible? my email address is contatti(at) I have some questions before writing the review. Thank you.

Ok, it works now. Sorry for all the pain. The installation procedure is also much more straightforward than I thought! I assumed I had to unpack the files BEFORE lauching as_setup, when actually it's as_setup which unpacks them! Once everything unpacked fine, the game ran immediately. 

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I added a virtual hard drive and copied as_setup.tos along with the four .shk files. Nothing happens when I start as_setup. I guess shk files must be unpacked first, but I have no clue about what to use. 

Definitely not a simple procedure for someone who hasn't been in the Atari ST/falcon world before.

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Hi. Is there a way to get files in a different format than shk? I am trying to run the Falcon version on Windows Hatari, but I have no luck with .shk archives.

BTW: is there a official email address to contact Orion Games for press questions?

Great little gem. However, would you consider switching "continue" and "new game" option at the beginning? It's really a pain in the ass repeating the whole journey when you made to an advanced level, just because you started with the default "new game" choice.

it's damn good. However I got an issue with latest VICE and the FASTFILL version: after game over occurs, it tries to access the disk drive to perform some operation but it seems to fail. Drive led blinks red, and the game freezes.

Uh, pretty game. Why hadn't this been published at the time?


brief but satisfying experience. I'm gonna reviewing it on italian Zzap! magazine. Can we talk by email, please?

ok, I tried on 3.7 and it works, however after showing a couple of glitches and weird sounds which took my breath for a couple of seconds... :-)

great game conversion.

many thanks. I'll download 3.7 and try again. 

Hi. Congratulations for this amazing port, the idea to bring the whole GB experience to the C64, instead of adapting somehow the game, is simply great! Two notes:

1. I had a freeze immediately after entering my name in the hi-score, VICE 3.5 just didn't do anything else here (see attach)

2. this game really deserves a .crt version to match the full game boy feeling, since floppy access somehow breaks the poetry ;-)

Thank you. We will follow your efforts and write a complete review when the game is complete! You may get more information about us here,

have a nice day

This looks incredibly promising. So far the demo makes an amazing use of the color palette. Any expected date for the final release?

First Impression. I loved go go pogo girl, but I cannot say the same about of this... There is something I am not really comfortable with, when you have to jump between two walls to go up. :-/

Hey. The game is funny, however 1) there is very little motivation to catch watches, if there isn't practically chance that time runs out, 2) bonus lives come too often and 3) you can leave fruits hitting the ground with no malus at all. Hint: why don't you make the player loose 10 (or even better 20) seconds of time every time a fruit hits the ground? This would make the game a little harder, and give more motivation to take both watches when they appear, and all fruits when it is possible. Otherwise, you can easily earn a lot of points just taking the only fruits that are easy/safe, and abandoning the others to their fate.

It's awesome to play. Btw, have you any email address we can use for further communication? 

1. Good suggestion, please consider it for the next update.

If you put something eating RAM on your user-startup, then there is the chance you're running out of chip RAM when running the game. Try looking into your startup sequence to see if you can skip something for now. Maybe that BetterWB.

another issue. I couldn't understand if it's a bug or a feature: some times the hero 'doubles' itself, so I can play with two Marias on the screen. 

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Hello. Some bug reports

I noticed when the first "shooting enemy" hits you at level 1 (at the beginning of the game), Maria may end up under the platform, so she falls under the screen. You can then move to the right (without the hero on the screen) until the end of the level. Then, since you're not there, you can't do anything else but reset.

maria is under

Hi! This game is really awesome! But I played it on VICE and experienced a crash (system frozen) here, when I got hit by a monster


have a nice day!

Many thanks, I was fooled by the date of the files included in the zip file. Pressing M, a music selection menu appears, so it should be the right version. Kind regards.

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Hi. We bought version 1 of this game some months ago. Why can't we download v2? Should we buy V2 standalone as well?

With the 'download' button on top, it seems to download always v1.

Wow, very good conversion, although:

1. I pressed the esc key after reaching world 2 level 4 with so much pain (it's something I managed to do with a single coin on the original arcade), and lost my progress (I was actually trying to ungrab the mouse from UAE on Amiga Forever to save a snapshot), I could not continue afterwards. This made me cry. 

2. Please add a "level selection for the next run" into options, to let people exit the game, go out to take a beer with friends and then restart from the point they reached in the next session (at least from the beginning of the same level, I'd not pretende the exact checkpoint ;-)). The option should act just on the first run after being set, if player does not continue afterwards, he/she should start from level 1 unless he/she uses the same option again.

3. Please check the trampolines' behaviour in the arcade, because I feel it's somehow broken. Shouldn't they make you jump also without pressing the jump button when you use them? 

4.  Can't you cache anything in memory? Loading everything everytime breaks the action. Amiga is a multitasking computer after all, so disk may be accessed also while playing (I'd expect this to be fixed when a WHD image is provided, though)

5. The main difference I found with the arcade is how collision with enemies is managed. Your version is a little more punishing, although more precise (and requires quite more attention to perform the right sequence of moves to avoid/defeat enemies). Rolling stones and jumping frogs are quite more difficult to manage than on the arcade.

For the rest, I can only congratulate with you. 


Great game. But I have experienced a crash on the MSX version, using OpenMSX and the cbios MSX2 machine. Here, when I entered the hole on the right and my avatar touched the purple line, system hanged. Sound stopped. Could not do anything else than reset.

Hmmm. Just a silly question: but how can Tommy be son of Thomas, if only 3 years have lasted since Thomas defeated X? ;-)
I'm confused.

Hi. I have purchased the full game and downloaded version 1.2, however I still experience random crashes at level 5 (v1.2 let me get to level 5, while old version 1.0 always crashed on level 4). Have you any email address I can send WinUAE dump files to?

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Yes, I read your pretty well written explanation, however I still can't figure why vector5 should rebuild its game in 128 mode "just to have it", without any valuable enhancement that would take advance of 128's advanced features.

I wonder why vector5 should rebuild its game in 128 mode without adding anything our C128s can already run in 64 mode.