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A member registered Nov 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh I have a Yellow Gameboy Color but the screen become dark.

Oh look like some blue scaly hit the gym. =^.~=

Meow, good to know! 

I just remembered that I have a friend with chronic nightmares and forget them always waking up tired.

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I have been enjoying the story in a long time.

Just remind me. I moved a year ago and have lots of family problems. .

Nova Friburgo, June 8th 2024


I was just checking my e-mail and saw last post.

I didn't even know it was possible to reply e-mail from itch using the e-mail before it and now I think interesting to find that some of yor games are in those bundles I found on the page of your store here in Itch.

I didn't even imaginated that had a bundle to help people here in South of Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul here. Just watched on tv some days/weeks ago that had near 900.000 people that had to leave their homes and about 15% had no where to go, but most had moved to other places and people back to their homes in some places where the water back down.

I felt like i was in those tv movie fantasy worlds after I saw a house of two floors with only the hoof out of the water. I am very far from where it happen but still surprised.



P.S. Maybe I talked to much but hope you all have good sales.

I got it when launched they had 1st chapter for free in Itch. I really like the story because did me think of society and others things.

A pity they removed the demo. I wouldn't never thought about buy it if I didn't played it from here, since Minor\Major did me feel sad. In other way that was 1st furry visual novel launched in Google Play store years ago.

Just got Winds of Change in 80% sale there anyway right now.

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Nova Friburgo,  May 25th 2024


Oh my furry! I don't believe I can play it in iPad.

Not many furry visual novels or games in iOS.

I created a collection here of mobile games for iOS so I may add Summoned By Accident to it.

Without count text games I know nine.



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Maybe I am confusing with Sylys. Not sure. But someone said it here somewhere.

Oh here.

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That I know the creator passed away last year. 

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Nova Friburgo,  May 19th 2024


Hope all going fine with you guys.

I just got lost and moved in part to another city year ago.

XD Days ago I just dreamed with a big furred bear on my bed. Hugging me tight and crushing my... ops. Meow!

Come back to check here and mew.




I just couldn't stop to read end sleeping after 10 AM.

= @ . @ = I need sleep more. lol

*Mews happy*

"Download or claim" and "Get for..." buttons not working here.

I had to use the Download button under the Run Demo to claim it.

Just thinking that I like him so much that I wrote a poem.


I am curious, why iOS download show 900MB download if the ones here are around 200MB?

That remind me that I become disappointed with Sam when Bennet hear they talkbad about Russel.

His gestures are kind out of the  way yes. Surprise face heheh look scared face. I used to want date Sam when I started to read the story it was as short as when he appear 1st time helping with Bennet luggage. Just you could carry me to your room? Heheh

His new sprine not catch my attention after the updates.


So you should avoid stories like Echo.

While reading it I become very disturbed for weeks it is really a deep terror story.

With a lot of sadness and moments or horror with bad ends.

Even the "good ends" are like bad ends.

Trembling in fear,


P.S. I only didn't read the route of the girl in Echo.

Back to Santa Lucia. I have been reading Carlos and Brian routes.

Now thinking about the part of the fortune teller,  maybe going to have options, if those are not already added to the story, which chooses can change the end of the story doing the dog save or not save someone. In case that part was used to tell us a tip of the future with good options doing him help and bad options do him be bad. Maybe. Maybe I should read that part again.

I would like a sex scene with Chris. But is ok if he is asexual.

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This is easy!

If that happened Kanes route would just... ends without start?

About Zack, the author must love him to much to kill him. Heheh

But if in serious way. Probably if that happen he may suffer some accident or die when he discover the serial killer, since....


He is the one investigating the murders in the story.

Since the story is around 70% done I think. I don't expect some other character replacing  him in the story. That naturally use thappen by someone close to a character continuing the investigation.

(A last though I had is about the lion. Thinking about the girl that people think he raped could be one of the murders, since the girls just disappeared from everywhere I think. In this case he pretending he is innocent in the raping when in the real he killed her.)

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I think the protagonist is the serial killer having dual personality and its nightmares are part of blured dream memories he remember of when his other side is controlling his body or his other side trying to get ride of him in his head to take control in those dream fights.

At least some of them.

In worse case the end since that a terror story would be...

He killing the protagonist boyfriend in the end of the story and when he back to his normally personality the protagonist remember what happened suicide to put a end in the murders.

Maybe reading Echo really fucked my mind to much.

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Happy New Yiff!
If reward include a dinner with Mr. Dragon. I am down for it.
( • · •)
/    づ♡ Give my heart for him.

Esse tipo de anúncio é só para chamar atenção. se fosse 13 horas talvez. Mas 30 min.

After been saved.

"Meow, Azorin my hero, wanna marry me?"


Canceled in less than a day?

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Not sure if this just something of my imagination but I feel like I remember you starting Blossom in same way kind of demo. Starting a little way and depending of what happened you decided to continue working and developing it. I think I remember some it in some comment with a city map pic illustrating it.

If I am not just imagining it thought that maybe that could happen with the other stories in some future.

I am curious. This the only novel in development now or you there working in the other stories too?

I would love one of Sal but real size.

At leat I can dream. Heheh

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It used to have unlimited saves years ago after the version 0.24 I think..

I stopped to read Password after that since I lost access to my newer saves after that and never had mood to manually renamed those all to back in the moment I last played it.

But It had only 2 lines per page, 6 slots. I have 150 saves anyway that long ago. 

I probably need rename more than 100 files if I wanted back to have access to it all.


Tem um rino de outra estória que adora uma diversão a três ou a quatro. Mas não peguei nenhuma cena destas ainda.

Mews curious.

Do you speak more than one language or using a translator?


Mews happy and lays on his bed!

That always happen with me when I copy the saves to a new device, in all renpy novels. Add save  crashes.

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I didn't expect it. Have other developer that update his story each one or two years.

Just mean I think that is one thing that attract more readers.

But well I loved to read Strokkur.

Well, other option people sometimes make pools to know what readers want.

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Nova Friburgo, October 9th 2023


I just read this story because it didn't had it. Since I could just knock the next door to find a human. 8p

But if saying they are turned off in the reviews. It mean 9500 people played the game and like it. And less than 100 didn't like it?

Just a think.

If to give my option, The problem if could call it problem is.

Not matter what you do if you keep doing sprite sex it will always go down.

Normally other furry novels have art make special only to the special scenes not only sex ones.

The story still kind short but I do not think I saw I single art in the novel that is made only to show those moments.


Anyway this story not mine to choose what do of not to do.



P.S.: I know one that add those full screen arts in middle of the story each month but that a very porn novel story. XD


Golduck deve ta com inveja desse pato.

I like him too. But if I had a boyfriend Iwould left him if he let me sleeping alone in the couch in place of hugged with him all night.

I really wanted more of him too, but kind expected the slow progress. I would love just time pass and get read to day 30 with him as I reached with the tiger.

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Since I love Gabe. I only reach that end now.


Got me a little inspired that I wrote a weird poem.

Look like a letter. 

 ... Meow ...

Sorry Gabe,

For ignore beauty shark,

Letting alone, 

In desert beach,

Surround by sea,

Filled in company,

Of warm sand,

On soft flippers,

Looking for,

With all its heard,

A love company,

Then by express mail,

Sent him a present,

To keep company,

In its lovely heart.