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A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, sorry for the late repply, but here it is the base .png files that I used for shield:

You're welcome! : )

Thanks for the support :D. I'm taking long because I'm involved in another project, but I am posting updates for the next asset at my profiles @otsoga in bluesky and @elpedro_pixels at Instagram.

Thanks! I am busy because I'm work in another project but I'm still working on my assets, at the moment you can see my updates at my bluesky account @otsoga or my IG @elpedro_pixels

Hi, sure!

Hi, at the moment I'm more focused on updates and probably new enmies.

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Hi! Yes, I used the particle system

Thanks for the support :D

Hi, o updated it on this one.

I think it's from the goblin boss asset, but I will update it on this one too in some days

Hi! Sorry but I'm too busy for comms at the moment.

Well technically yes, but unfortunately I'm not available for commissions at the moment.

Muito obrigado!

Hi, as I said in the main assets comments I did only the running to be not mirrored because it looks better like that but doing it for the other poses would increase complexity and also the character price.

Thanks! Hope you enjoy the assets!

Hi, probably not since I'm focusing on new characters and assets at the moment.

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Pode ser usado em um game comercial, mas não pode ser revendido.

I think that's because of the glow effect of the salamander's fire tail, a solution would be using the ase file and hide the glow layer to export the no glow sprites.

Thanks :D


Hi, I'm envolved in another game project so things are being delayed a bit

The eleonore pic is available at the free NPC asset, Callen still has no pic.

Yes I will! I just cant say when because I'm too busy at the moment.

Thank you for letting me know :)

Hi, if so it would be a add-on since not floating animations are in a different concept from the main asset

Like spawning a fixed shield on the scenario? I did a shield speel that can be casted on allids on the asset tester but using particle system since I thought that it would be a easier aprouch for this type of magic.

Thanks for the support! The game is looking cool!

Sorry, that's not a asset yet, I'm still polishing the skill UI so I can release it.

Hi, can you be more specific?

Thanks : )

Hi, separating the FX and noFX pngs and organizing then in different folder doubles the work when preparing the asset for releasing and can delay it if I do for every move. But knowing that I also let the aseprite file available, where it's possible to personalize the sprites and exports then in the way that works better for you.

Thanks : )

Yeap, I will do more diferent creatures


Thanks :D

Soon! The wand animations will be a addon while the comet dive will be a update

Relaxa, eu tb

Thanks! I wanted then to be kinda of scary

Hi, which browser? I tested it on edge, chrome and opera and worked. Can you specify the error please?