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A member registered May 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Needless to say, Daniel is hot, right? Everyone here has eyes to lust after this man, and the way he talks really gets to me! But really, I wanted to focus a bit on the general atmosphere of the game and the story so far...

I really think it's going in the right direction and it's going to reach a very large (and weird like us lol) niche around here, plus the background sound, the gore moments, the artwork and frankly the special ending were all very well crafted and fun to play. I was very interested in Daniel's backstory with us and I can't wait to see this game grow from a prototype into something bigger. I loved it, I've already recommended it to some friends hehe <3

Ok, I spent DAYS on this game, probably about a week, and even though I want to write a huge thing about everything in the game, I'll focus more on the routes and romances (but I want to make it clear that I loved the game).  


Leos' Route: This was my first choice since Leos is my type on paper! And he surprised me with his more sentimental and sweet side. His reactions with Raen evolving at every moment, even with Fawn, made me feel like the three of us were really a small, troubled but happy family. I have nothing to complain about in Leos' route—he's problematic at the level I like, a complex character but not too much. He has a traumatic past like all the characters LMAO, but his was more interesting and captivated me. I was really upset and almost cried when I chose Leos over Fawn because Fawn’s reactions made me so sad, and OMG RAEN IS SO DUMB AND BLIND! But anyway, it was nice to see Cyne trying to distract Fawn in Leos’ route—one of the few times I actually liked Cyne, to be honest. Overall, it's my favorite route because I just love my hot-headed guy <3  

Fawn's Route: This is simply the true route for me; there’s no other (even though I prefer Leos'). From the start, the game brings us closer to Fawn, and he is clearly drawn to Raen, developing a crush and then love for him. Fawn is sweet but determined, strong, fearless, and everything you wouldn’t expect from a guy with such a cute and delicate appearance. I felt awful every time I hurt his feelings or had to leave him aside in other routes. It’s really painful because he’s the only one who truly cares about Raen from the beginning. He never did anything bad to him, not even when he hid his past. I didn’t feel betrayed at all; he had every right to hide it. He’s such a delicate but strong being at the same time. I just wanted to protect Fawn throughout the whole game; he just needs so much love and a happy ending. Fawn is literally a housewife lol. I love this cutie! His route is the most profound of all, so I don’t think it’s possible not to like Fawn, even when you’re not on his route.  

Cyne's Route: Istg, I can’t stand Cyne. Please don’t judge me, but he made me uncomfortable throughout the entire game. Sure, Cyne provides some comic relief, and there are moments where he is funny, either with a line or just his tone of voice, but I did his route only for the CGs and because I wanted to know what his deal was. Honestly? The critique created in his arc is good, but nothing I haven’t seen before, though still good. I understand how he became who he is, but I couldn’t create much empathy for him because he annoyed me so much. He doesn’t know boundaries, and he constantly makes sexual jokes, which OMG, really got on my nerves! Also, the times when he kept touching Leos, even when Leos showed he didn’t like it—I didn’t like that either (also, I was jealous lol). Another thing that MESSED WITH MY MIND was the ménage with Fawn. That was the worst hot scene, and I couldn’t even focus on reading because I was so uncomfortable. I felt like I was in Fawn’s shoes and just wanted to die. Fawn literally saying, “if this is the only way I can have you” to Raen, and then later with Cyne in private, Fawn accepting that he had lost, that Raen didn’t love him back—oh my god, that destroyed me. Fawn is such a sweetheart and DOESN’T DESERVE THAT! I hated Cyne’s lack of awareness. After all, he can be very persuasive and knew about Fawn’s feelings for Raen (and as always, Raen knows nothing). And I know no one forced Fawn into anything, but it still hurt. There’s a lot we do for the ones we love platonically out of desperation or loneliness, and that really gets to me. Anyway, I don’t like Cyne, but his route isn’t that bad; there are fun moments and some good hot scenes. The ending is kind of funny and cute too, but that’s my take. 

It was a good game!

(big spoilers!)

I loved this sequel, but I WANT YOU TO PAY FOR MY THERAPY! First of all, why is Rick's route so sad? Even in the good ending, my boy deserved more than just going off to war—I just wanted to see him happy and safe with Alex far away from all that... Then there's Damian, still a shameless scoundrel in every route, LOL. But in that bad ending, seeing how their relationship was supposed to be more, how even Damian himself is sad about how things will end but hides it so well, is so painful. It hurts even more because he's my favorite, but at least in the good ending they can't keep away from each other, which makes me happy. <3

Monty's route was cool too, but I think I see him in an even more twisted light now—especially since he pretty much lets Alex die, or almost die, every time, LMAO!

(maybe spoilers? dunno)

I recently discovered this game, downloaded it, and took a few weeks to start playing, and I regret having waited so long, you know? It's really good. The reading is quite light and fast-paced; it didn't make me tired, and I really loved how the story is well-crafted and without loose ends, although I was curious about the spirit of the woman! 

And also about the boys—my favorite is definitely Damian. I'm guilty of liking bad boys like him, although I found him a bit... too much? With our little bird during the game. But as a friend, he is really dedicated. He really cared about the boys in his own way and did everything to protect Alex and go after information, whether because he doesn't like being bored or just out of concern. He was a great help and gave me many laughs during the game.

Rick, on the other hand, is quite cute and quiet, the typical nerd, but in private, he’s not so innocent, if you know what I mean. He passed unnoticed by me when I played Damian’s route, which was also my first time playing, but when I went to play his route, I started to notice the details and found him increasingly cute. I wanted to keep him in a little jar to protect him. 

Buuuut, some might judge me a little because I didn't like Monty very much. Maybe he’s not the type of personality I usually like, and also, all this being the center of attention thing annoys me, as well as how he exploded at Alex, and then came that ridiculous insecurity and gaslighting with the poor boy (I won't lie that certain jealous scenes amused me hehe), but his good ending is quite nice, and I liked it. However, my favorite is and always will be our problematic Damian! I loved the game, and now I’m going to play the sequel!

Isaac and Rex routes are certainly the best, but my dark side prayed for a Bishop route. The bastard's hot as fuck aaaaaa

I've played so many mind and soul polluting games here on, but this game has just completely invigorated me. I feel like I've had a bath of peace and cuteness that has washed away all my sins lol The game is so cute, I'm not even such a fan of children, I felt like Aeron, but they are SO cute that I couldn't resist (apart from Jack who is a real spoiled brat) I'd give anything to play more games like this, to see the dynamics of the relatives with the little ones, the funny and cute moments, I'll just keep all the CGs for the rest of my life in my special folder haha <3

Oh, I understand how you feel, but I don't think it's a problem with your writing, I think that each type of yandere, as well as games, universes and so on, has its own target audience, its niche that will love it and interpret it the way you want or more than that (like me :3) I know yanderes who are worse than Louhi, there are people who defend or love, in Louhi's case I understand him on certain issues and if I were the MC (I'm already in deep shit and dying) I'd try to help him in some way, like maybe try to find out if there is a cure? Something to control the effect of his virus? Who knows! Even try to get into his head somehow so he can isolate himself forever, so yeah, the famous "i can fix him" lol

You've written him well, and if you intend to continue Louhi's saga, I'm sure that depending on the path you follow, how you develop him in the future and even the story and our choices and endings, Louhi may be seen with different eyes, or even as you wanted him to be seen, you never know. Like, I find Louhi very pushy and invasive, out of nowhere he kissed me wtf, and even bathed me, but I'm easily manipulated and I feel sorry for him because it can't be easy being a fucking parasite who just needed his fucking family to accept and love him, maybe even try to help him in some way. 

The acts he commits may not be justified, but they can be understood (I think so) the worst thing is that he doesn't see or doesn't want to see that he's doing EVERYTHING wrong, but it's to be expected that Louhi has a disturbed mind (if not, he wouldn't be a yandere lmao) Anyway, I really liked everything, and I really hope I can see more of Louhi, or maybe other works, in the future <3

Wow, this game makes you think so much, and also appreciate the VA and the beauty of the characters lol But really, the metaphor of Geist being that toxic voice in our anxious mind, always putting us down, and then trying to justify the act, accepting that we're fine alone and away from everything and everyone, always in our little bubble... It couldn't have been done better, it really is a toxic relationship, but with ourselves - at least that's what I think of the whole game. 

Kalei is the famous extrovert who adopts an introvert, I feel like that with my best friend lmao Him helping the mc is a really cute thing, although at the same time he talks in such a light and relaxed way about the panic attack that it irritates me, and at other times I agreed with things Geist said. It's simply a game that makes you think a lot, and when some details fit with you irl, it cuts deep but damn, I don't regret it. Simply fucking awesome!

I don't know if Louhi's a big manipulator and has me in the palm of his hand, or if he's really sincere. I felt so sorry for him when I heard his story, it's really sad to tell someone to kill themselves because of who they are, especially in Louhi's situation where he has no control over infecting other people or having this gift. I wonder why his gift is the only one in his family that's different... But it makes me sad that his own family has simply isolated him like this.

I feel like he really tries to get some kind of approval and positive feelings from his patients because he didn't get it from his family (family issues are so common lol) but he ruins other people's lives, he kills them, it's so complicated! I just wish Louhi could find a way to be happy :(

So, I've never played anything here that was based on a world of fairies, vampires and wolves, I'm so in love with Evernight! The boys were wonderful, I want to talk a bit about the three of them, just my impression, but we all know that the real protagonist is PIX! <3

Aeden: The best romance, that's it. Do I have to say more? It's Aeden for God's sake! He has that dangerous but mysterious and sassy way about him that makes you want to chase him anywhere, like throwing yourself into danger with open arms, but it's not that dangerous. He's also sweet, but not as sweet as our wolfie boy Lucas. And, come on, who doesn't want to be queen? Being called Faery Lady by him? Cuz I fuckin do!

Lucas: I've a soft spot for werewolves. Yeah, I'm a Twilight fan and I was team Jacob LMAO I liked how Lucas had both the sweetness and the brutality and possessiveness of a wolf in the right measure, not toxic at all and quite fun to watch. He's a sweetie pie, you can't help but like this ferocious fur ball, Lucas's just the big softie and I want him. His ending, going to live with the humans, is something Astora deserves, although it would be something I'd hate to do in her place, but being in a pack is the best part.

Pragan: Ok, so... I have mixed feelings about our bloodsucker here (I swear it's not my team jacob vs edward team) He's really handsome, and charming, but I kept feeling like he was only attracted to Astora because of the blood? Dunno, I don't trust vampires very much. I think he's the most Dark Romance of the three LOL but he's not bad, for me he's not better than lucas or Aeden, but he was attractive and funny just the same. I didn't like his ending very much, I don't know, maybe it would be cool if Astora became a vampire too, but that must be impossible? Aaaa, ignore me, I'm just thinking too much. I loved all three routes, regardless!

  1. Would I be judged if I said Mark was my favorite? I thought it'd be Theo, I think he's cute, but when I got deeper into Mark's journey, there was no way I couldn't understand him and want to fix him and be by his side, he can be even cuter when he's really in love, despite his attitude, I looove guys like him (i need help lol)
  2. Almost, I didn't do the Tristan route cuz he's not my type :(
  3. For me it was when mc had her first kiss with Mark, he started to open up, also the teasing mixed in, the whole moment made the scene even better, I didn't even expect it to happen like that! My boy's a good kisser (and teaser) what can I say? LMAO

Funny how such a simple game managed to mess with my head and my loneliness problems. I answered the questions with such sincerity and in 10 days I really got attached to the boys and saw them all as friends I'll never have IRL, but it's a sweetly sad feeling. I got more attached to Sasha, Leland and Ansel, they're the best! But I felt sorry for all of them, the stories were just so touching, especially Datu's, I didn't expect that and honestly I don't think anyone did.

I'd give EVERYTHING to play more games in the Bunny Bond universe, like after stories, I've simply become dependent on my boys lmao 

I think Embry's story takes place afterwards, who knows?

Her parents aren't dead? U know, in the basement. The doctor is just... the doctor I think, dunno.

Wow, okay... This game really moved me, I'm a bit slow after all English isn't my mother tongue so I spent 3 days focused on this game, and I don't regret it one bit. I felt so many sensations playing Dead Wishes, sometimes I even wanted to cry (some triggers in the route of our dear Festus) But really, this game is incredible, how the characters have a connection, how the story connects exactly like a spider's web, everything makes sense!!! 


I kept thinking at certain points on Festus' route, the children were obviously the same children that Mateo looked after, besides there was a drawing on the wall that Anise had red eyes (others that she had blue eyes) MY BRAIN EXPLODED cuz to me it means that the children knew who she really was, just as I think Festus did too. All I know is that I finished the game feeling smarter for having understood the whole story and the purpose of "Anise", it was simply incredible. 

The worst thing was getting attached to the characters and seeing that they all suffered in life and also suffer in death, with no respite. Especially with Festus and Clement, they're my golden boys <3 But I also feel very bad for Mateo and Lucien, Mateo was obviously being controlled and used, while Luci wanted power, to control and use people because of everything he'd been through, it was so disgusting that it gave me agony, it makes sense that he's so fucked up, poor thing.

BUT I loved this game, good job really! I can't wait for future games from you.

The truth is that I didn't think I'd like EL as much as I did, and boy, I was wrong! This game is so amazing that I played it several times to test almost all the routes and even understand more about the story and the characters - and the art is so different and unique, I like it. (Also I collect CGs for life lol) 

So I've decided to leave a review of the routes I've played, it's been 3 days focusing only on this game so obviously I'm going to write it!

Duliae: My favorite man so far, he has a charm that can't be escaped, he's simply a captivating character, even sarcastic. I was focused on wanting Lacey until I was drawn like a moth to the flame when I saw Duliae. He's a fun guy to talk to, I just loved every dialogue and although I was a bit wary of him at first, he won me over easily. I recommend EVERYONE take the route of this mischievous and charming elf.

Laceaga: Our dear grumpy Lacey! He has that mysterious and dangerous aura that makes you want to know where it's going, try to deal with him, get close to him, and seeing him open up to the MC is the best thing ever. He starts off so closed off and full of rude answers, but it's such a fun dynamic and he's so HANDSOME, I can't handle him I swear. I think the ending I had with Lacey was the one I liked the most, (spoileeeeeeers) the way the proposal went and even the conversation about having children, it was so cute <3

Haron: So... this one left me in doubt. I doubted Haron's feelings A LOT, I thought he was so taken by the MC cuz of the "ghost" inside us, our new ability and all. BUT he only proved to me in the end to be a very obsessive guy lmaooo Haron has that yandere vibes, but not so much? Maybe he's just extremely caring and passionate and I'm being crazy about it, but dunno. And the way in the end he says he's loved the MC for so long makes it so weird, I keep thinking HOW LONG HARON FOR FUCK'S SAKE (but I like him hehe)

Ernol: Ernol is the famous slow burn and I kind of liked it even though I'm not the type who likes to take things so fast or so slow, but it just felt right when it came to him. That slow approach and the chemistry is clearly there, he starts by defending you to being in love on the level of being possessive, even paranoid, and threatening to kill anyone who threatens you and that's soooo attractive! Besides being a breath of fresh air, what a guy... 

Anyway, I loved playing Ebon Light and I'm going to dream of a sequel cuz I feel there's still so much to be explored, and I've also become attached to so many characters that it's sad to say goodbye... But it was a great game, good work!

This game was so good to play, to feel that my choices really had an impact on everyone's life and in the Arcade, I got attached to some characters and fell in love with Teo right away (the boy has my heart in his hands) I got emotional in several moments, which I won't mention cuz  spoilers, and I simply couldn't play it again to test other routes cuz I felt that for me it was something of a unique experience, and oh boy, what an experience I had!

Wow I've spent days dedicated to this game, few games make me as curious and addicted as this! I was a bit confused and there was too much information for my brain, but I think I understood the basics enough to understand the story and what's going on behind it all. I love all the boys, each with their problems and flaws, but due to the circumstances you understand a lot. I think the boy I was least attached to was Quinn and my fav one will always be Sebastian, my poor boy. (I also like Brandon a lot in a certain way, I hope that's not weird to say LOL) 

Can't wait for the DLC with Alex, I looooove that boy, but something tells me that his route is going to give me a lot of headaches, even though he's a lot of fun and all. 

I literally spent 2 whole days getting deep into this game and getting all the routes and CGs. I can't explain how much I got hooked on the Speakeasy universe, this game's simply incredible in every way, I kept wanting more and more, to know all the characters and their pasts, their sins, their fears and their qualities and there's no way you can't get attached to at least one of them, oh my god, good job stirring up my feelings! (Silas & Milo are my babies <3) (but also Max and Nika are so incredible, I don't even know what to say AAAA)

I only have one thing to say: I'M SHOCKED! (and I loved this game, I can't even choose a fav boy, love them all <3)

LMAO thank god then

oh luv, so sorry, my mistake :(

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It's just the "Get out of my house" and the final "It's not a Dating sim" for me, so good LOL

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(maybe spoilers?)

OK I'VE SO MANY QUESTIONS AND DOUBTS! Please tell me that there will be other games involving this story, I got so attached to the characters, they're so fun and well written I luv the humor exchange throughout the game (Brax's the man of my dreams, the guy's a huge horror fan and so handsome omg) I loved the references to the movies Hallowen, Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street... It was so cool! I really need more, I need to understand everyone's story, especially Zach, but I also want to understand how we got out alive, why Brax doesn't have an eye, what happened to Zach's father, who is Zach, who are we, mere observers or protagonists? WHO KNOWS!

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I've played almost all the Demonheart games (gonna play the cursed trial one day) and as an RPG enthusiast this game fits me like a glove! I literally replayed it I don't know how many times to get different endings and follow different steps (also I missed Brash ❤) 

This one here gave me so much nostalgia and I'm so attached to the story and the characters, I'd give anything to play more, it's just perfect!!! I hope u make more in the future, love all your games so much, it's such a good work.

the game's so short, but at the same time so cool! I was really afraid of the woman's look, wish the game was longer...


This game is so interesting, the dialog between Lambchop and Stella at the end is SO cool! It made me question a lot of things, cuz I saw Lamb as just a villain and a murderer, but the way he sees Stella being controlling and just as bad as him made so much sense (or I'm just crazy) anywaaay, such a good and cute game.


This game is so good, all the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the characters, the story itself and all the different endings! Just wonderful, I loved it! It was one of the few games I've played here on that hooked me on the story and  characters, Matt's definitely my fav, but at the same time I like Ray a lot and I understand the problems he's had and why he did what he did. So I want to say a few words about each boy!

Matt: THE REAL GOAT HERE! I really identify with his personality and certain attitudes. First of all, he's a fan of criminal cases, he's also not used to the outdoors and prefers to stay home, he drinks for fun or to numb his thoughts, Matt's also smart and protective in a rude but kind way, he's my type on paper! The green dyed hair, the tattoos and the way he dresses is soooo fine for me. Matt looks very much like a rebellious, cold-hearted boy, but he's actually very sweet and fun, with good taste and great humor, simply the best of PI. 💚

Carl: At first I didn't like him even though I found him attractive, I like guys with long hair and a flirty personality, but he was WAY too much. I thought he'd disappoint me as a lover, but he's a lot of fun and even committed, although some other characters talked about his girlfriends being jealous of him hitting on other girls, but I prefer to believe that he's faithful when dating and a total womanizer when single LMAO

He surprised me with the talk of flowers, it's very rare for a guy to know about this kind of thing so deeply, besides being very romantic (like the date) and I thought that was cute. He's the kind of calm man who tries to avoid conflicts, but also talks to resolve them if necessary, I think he handled the whole murder or Susan thing very well.

Ray: My poor boy... he's already suspicious from the start, that quiet and mysterious way, sometimes his angry expressions or some ways of speaking made me realize the signs, but I really like him. Ray has been through a lot of problems in his life and they are deep traumas, it shapes someone's personality and mind, so I feel more sorry for him than anything, the bad endings with him always broke my heart... In my troubled mind he just needed help, even though he went too far defending us, he reminds me a lot of Poptart from Band Camp Boyfriend omggg just love them so much! If it wasn't for Matt, Ray would be my number one, I want to hug him and say that everything is gonna be alright! 😭

This game was so cool to play, in the end nothing is what it seems, plot twist was sooo amazing haha

I just loved it <3

This game is SO good, but I'll admit I was stupid and had to do some research to understand what was missing for me to get the true ending lol

I loved seeing Embry again (even more with the Doctor and her mother alive) her interaction with Ryo was so cute. And the ending with Ingram made me melt, even though Ingram looked like Jeff the Killer himself lmao

I've downloaded almost all your games, I'm playing slowly cuz of time, but I'm loving it <3

The VA is so good! I liked the game, but I'm a bit dumb when it comes to puzzles, I only got the correct ending by watching a video, but I had fun trying to figure it out lol 

Was I the only one who thought the house and set looked like the one in the movie "Coraline"? Maybe I'm crazy but it seems too much alike for me. 


This game's so good, I feel so sorry for the Doctor when Embry pushes him down the stairs (or seems to have been pushed) but I also feel so sorry for Embry. I wanted to understand the ending better, it ends with Embry going into the basement, but I need ANSWERS! Omg I'm curious, I think Embry might have died, but I don't know. I also wanted to understand how it all happened, what it is in the basement, I hope there's a sequel...

I've been missing the Biker Boys, looking forward to the game release and I haven't regretted it! Of course I felt sorry for them, especially Varai, because of their appearance and obvious suffering, but it was great to interact with them again - the art style is as unique as ever, bizarre and so cool!

Jeff and Varai used to be my babies in the first game, the way Jeff treated us made me feel upset now and sorry for him (I didn't remember he was dating Varai lol) The way Jeff cares, tries to understand and protects those he loves is incredible, him looking after Jawtay and Varai is very cute.

Well, Dice continues to be the same asshole as always, it was fun to see him interacting with Pink Dice. Jawtay was disappointing in that he wasn't more dangerous, the poor guy could barely walk on his own for God's sake, I missed what he was like... but I thought his Mouth was so badass (I forgot the mouth's name now)

Padar in the end, OMG LOVE HIM <3 And I can't wait for the next game.

obs: thought it was fun to comment on what message appears when you click quit, "are you sure, silly?" lol i loved it

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Wow, I like how the two games connect in the first ending! It was also nice to see Newman and discover that the origin of everything is Static, after all, he's Newman's inspiration. 

I have nothing to complain about the game, it's short but you can digest the information very well and create theories, if there's a third game someday I'd play it too! I want to know more about SHOWTIME, I was neutral until I played this second one and started to see a little deeper, so I really hope there will be more in the future, it's very good and I'm not ready to say goodbye to Newman, Walker or even The Creator (who strangely looks like Newman, but that's just a coincidence right??).

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Should I seek some help cuz I think Newman's ending is better? But Walker's such a cutie, I felt sorry for him...

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Wow ok, I liked this game... at first I was a bit bored and didn't understand much, but from the moment we were kidnapped and it started to get more in-depth I started to find it very fun and interesting, each time I played to get different endings I became more interested in the game (Right away I fell in love with Hiroko and Ryo)

The time in the house made us get to know each boy better, I enjoyed learning about their backstory, seeing their behavior towards us and all the misunderstandings, cute moments?? and yanderes moments?? I really enjoyed it, this game is very good and it's not that hard to get the endings (I only needed help to get Hiroko's). 

Anyway, a really nice game!!!

I really enjoyed the VA, it's very nice to listen to, even more so when speaking in French. I'm super curious to know who he is, what his name is and what he is, it is not possible that he is normal or even human, or maybe he is, I don't know.

In the end he dies without air, it gives a tremendous agony when we call him, to hear that oh god...

The game is interesting, made me very curious and also pls guys if you need help seek for it, all lives matter, you matter!!!

I really wanted to talk about each route, my point of view and I want to make two things clear at first: best game ever and also I NEED A AARON'S ROUTE!!!!

Peter: I was attracted to him right off the bat, I've terrible taste in men so it doesn't surprise me at all lol I followed his route first and then found out we had a recommended order and started doing it! Peter's fun, definitely flirty, but u can tell he really has a big crush on us in literally EVERY route, I think what I really disliked about his route was that we kissed him while he was with Felicity and then he broke up by TEXTING, damn this is a huge red flag (even though Felicity's an insufferable pick me girl and I hate her, she still has feelings) In the end, Peter's that guy who can't be without a girlfriend, only developing his way of thinking later, realizing that he doesn't need a girlfriend to be happy, having other priorities, after all everyone grows up right? In the end it shows a lot the reality of a long distance relationship and also how things change, but despite that he managed to go see us at one of the shows, I think that in this final part it really touched me cuz I already had a long distance relationship when I was younger and I felt just like the MC. But I LOVE Peter, there is no way not to like this piece of heaven haha

Doug: At first I thought I wouldn't like this route, cuz although Doug 's attractive he's not my type in personality, also he's very silly, but he got me eventually. I first felt friend vibes, I would really be friends with Doug IRL, I couldn't see myself dating someone like him. But, with some time on the route, I had a lot of laughs, there were cute moments and he's a lot smarter than he looks, I even found his escape plan to be MUCH better of all the routes, his and Samuel's were amazing. I really like Doug, I found it one of the lightest routes honestly and he's like a golden retriever without a doubt.

Clark: Sorry, nothing to comment, I really don't like Clark :( (I respect those who do) He's a tough nut to crack, but he's ANNOYING and RUDE.

Samuel: This one here is the real GOAT! Samuel's not only quiet and mysterious, he's reserved, polite, sweet, funny, handsome, he's PERFECT! There is not a bad bone in his body, I swear. I love Peter, but I would easily choose Sam over him, he's my type on paper. The date with him was also so good and sweet, although he's very perfectionist and needs to relax, I think it only loses to Tom's date (he was a genius!!) I also identified a lot with his personality and ways of thinking or acting, I think that's also why he has a special place in my heart, he' also mature and honestly the best option of the whole camp. (yes I love him, I'm obsessed)

Poptart (Melvin): At first it was Peter and Poptar that caught my attention, I felt so sorry for how the others treated him (especially Olive and Mr. Wiley) He's sweet, and he definitely has yandere vibes (I love it hehe) He's the most well written here, his story is so rich and go real deep, I just wanted to protect him from everything and everyone, he already had so many problems that seeing someone mistreating him made me really mad. The parts of his ramblings and when he starts hallucinating made me almost cry, and my eyes filled with tears when he falls off the cliff. Pop's the golden boy for me, he'll LITERALLY kill for u, ride or die, he's also a bit creepy in some actions but I like it that way, I also understand that a lot of his attitudes come from PTSD, anxiety, depression and other things, and if it was up to me I would follow his route a thousand times just so he would have someone forever on his side and who loves him. MEL, WE LOVE U LITTLE BUDDY <3 (I wrote that with Doug's voice in my head lmao)

Tom: Who doesn't like a friends to lovers? Well, it's Tom so obviously the route is amazing. I'm a lazy gamer who loves to eat same as Tom, my friends who usually drag me to do other things or not give up even on my own hobbies (yep, not a good thing) Tom's our sunshine, without him the game would have a huge hole that only he can fulfill. Only I thought his date was genius??? I was SHOCKED when I found out I was living a game "IRL", I would have married him right there if I could, it was so cool! Also I almost cried with him too, I wanted to get all the bad endings and his death scenes almost make me cry, it hurt me to do those endings, the pain of everyone, especially Peter makes anyone feel bad...

Now I have a question, is the "final end" the true ending? It would make sense if it was, I also liked the references it had from the other routes, I HATED Wiley until I saw this end haha

This game gave me some good internal laughs and I felt so sorry for him, but then I saw that he can be worse than her, besides a tremendous masochist lmao