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A member registered Dec 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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jugando me planteo acerca del ser . ¿algo mejor que eso? 

need any more help with sounds? 

its @giowwn_cutib
the account is a void so if someone reads it will be by your rt. but yeah, ill write a message

a place to find people to play with

hi. is there an online place to meet up for playing?

love it

send me a message. im down for composing

go ahead. nico___#7304

hey. I would gladly make some music. I only ask for experiments time in the process. 
If that works up you tell me ^^

¿De casualidad hablas español? 
Lo sospecho por el nombre y porque he visto que en el juego dices que el inglés no es tu primer idioma.
i tried the exe now as before only read the txt file. As you asked for advice i thought adding a different music for each character would make a better atmosphere. Although the way it is now made me feel like i was reading a book about them.  So it depend on what are your intentions

Those are good . You thought about what would it be to have the life of each one and then wrote it?  I dont know all the characters and despite it, the poems are intriging. 

awesome. really fun

this kind of thoughts have been running through my mind and now i have gathered new info to take into account •͡˘㇁•͡˘

Hola. Me presento voluntario al puesto de ilustrador. Tengo muchas ganas de participar. Aunque no soy experto en dibujo, disfruto mucho haciéndolo. Un saludo, espero tu respuesta