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A member registered 39 days ago · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for the response! Going to download it and see if I like it :)

Is this mostly a porn game? I see it's extremely highly rated. Just also seems sexually intense and wondering how much more there is to it if you can elaborate a bit! I usually play "clean" VNs but I'm down for a good story if there's explicit content too.

Whew I'm glad I saw this comment about Firefox. Pt 2 was downloading fine on Chrome but couldn't get pt 1 to download for the life of me until I saw to try Firefox. :) Awesome. 

Checking in for an update because I love the concept, thank

Hello, title is as follows. Github, Patreon, Steam, etc all worked. Twitch just has a white screen with "gone" in small text? lol. I opened up Twitch in another tab just to confirm I was logged in (though that should have been a non-issue), and I was. Then, YouTube states that the site is trying to access my account info and that it was blocked. Exact text as follows: "

This app is blocked

This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access."

This was both for the YouTube account AND for the gmail account. For transparency, I also am sending an email out to support, but wondering if any other community members have experienced these connection issues and have any resolutions. :) The only other account I didn't attempt to add was Twitter (X)  as I don't have one.

Just coming back to check in on the Eng version 😶‍🌫️

Will this be uploaded to Steam also? 💜 love this VN and happy to have found it again :)

I love this visual novel! Just installed it on Steam so that I hopefully don't lose it again lol. And just to clarify, the newest updates are posted to steam too, right? I see someone left a comment on Steam about two achievements being bugged. Thank you!