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A member registered Jul 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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question. can be quite weird at times, and occasionally frustrating. I purchased your vn when your first release came out and i loved it! But its been a while since ive been able to continue.  Do i need to repurchase it? Or do I have access to all builds after the first initial purchase?

OMG! I want more!!! AHHHHGGHGH

Can do, and im definitely willing to go that route.

the only issue with that however is that id have to start a new game from scratch. Downloading from the website vs the app, has the issue of saves not carrying over. the app creates a file specific for those saves, but ive never figured out how to take the new update from the website and force the app to use the new update.

for now, ill download anyhow off the website, but please do let me know if you discover a way to resolve the issue with the App and this most recent update.

i noticed you released a second summer days vn, does that mean this one is complete?

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i am unable to download on the app on PC

that does! and I'm in full agreement.

you have definitely made a loyal reader from me. I have no missgivings, no complaints, and definitely no arguments from me. Im not looking for sex in a vn to get me off, if i want sex in it, its because i want to see the bond between characters grow and flourish. I want to grow attatched to the character and truly connect with them.

So please, by all means keep up the amazing work, and thank you for talking about this with me!

I'm not the best at coding, but i have a friend who could help. Im also a decent author myself, and would love to help you with writing that if you desired any

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you could just impliment a show or hide NSFW system? Ive seen some artists do it where if you click SFW, it will take a  set of code and the story will run as if meant to be sfw only, while on the flip side, toggling NSFW would use a seperate set of code and the story would then read off the more adult lines as if always ment to be NSFW.

it basically means, writing two seperate sets of text. 

this can also, influence the people who tend to be completionists to try both so they can get a unique perspective of each toggle.

up to you, but it may help you. in this context, you could leave the game as labled 18 , and ask the rerader which experience they prefer when they launch the game

I've noticed that this vn is  18 . does this mean NSFW? or just adult elements that'd require an 18 rating like language and violence?

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checking in, are some of the more recent sex scenes still locked to patreon? I was a huge follower of this vn, for the story is well written, and i was genuinely invested.

but when I saw that...

seeing a "paywall" to enjoy that, it blindsided me. I consider sex scenes a vital part of character growth and story progression and figured id wait till i knew if this was a permanent change to the VN. it a permanent decision?

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is chastity available in this? been looking for a vn or game withit, but i cant find a single author willing to add that.

like... chastity isnt a bad kink, its just edging and denial, and an extreme domination/ control dynamic behind it for some. 

so, reading through all the comments ive noticed a plethora of questions on how to get various scenes.

have you thought about publishing a guide to help everyone?

I read the comments and saw that no ones asked this, so i figured i would.

You mentioned LGBT and adult themse but only explained as far as the violence and such, but as there is possible romance, i must know.


im going to take this question further. NSFW?

hey, been a big fan of your work. I've been following you since your first release with this game, and i'm in love with the newest version your working on. great work as always.

curious tho, as i see youve been adding new species to the character creation. what are your goals in that dept.? any other species to look forward too? (Im hoping for a cat or white tiger or something )

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Is this game fully complete? The price tag makes sense if it is, but im getting confused on if the game is actually done.

Or is it still in production? If so, once i buy it, do i get full access to future updates?

seeing as no one else has asked the question, i figured id get it out of the way and ask first. Not that i'm looking for that kind of thing, but does this vn have or will it have NSFW content?

Ill be the first to ask, as with every VN, there will always be those that do. Will this, or will this VN ever be NSFW?

I would like to know this aswell

you say the demo is SFW, does that mean the full game is NSFW?

Yep! thanks

The new update wont download on the desktop app. all updates prior worked fine, but this one wont.

 I dont intend to be one of the people who only look for this kind of thing, nor do i wanna make any assumptions, But i may as well ask and be the first person to do so. Is this, and if not, do you ever intend to make this NSFW.

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its not something that i as a reader can figure out. The app only streamlines the process with a simple install and launch game button. there have been multiple vns over the years i've seen this with and it has never been a reader issue. Its code within the game itself that the app is clashing with. its rare, but it DOES happen. 

every time i've seen this, i've posted it. and 90% of the time the content creator sends out a new update shortly after that fixes the issue itself. I personally don't know how to fix this. and even if i did, this is something that only the game author can fix

(ps. i apologize if this message sounded harsh, I was only trying to give a logical response that may help)

best way to add VNs to your library so you can always find them is to add them to a "collection". you can also view other peoples collections as well.

although, even though this is a good workaround, i hope the author fixes this issue soon so i can just download straight from the app

i can no longer install this on the app

im no longer able to install this on the app

for as short as this build was, I absolutely Loved it!  a good well done intro to the characters we've seen thus far, and i love how cute and shy the MC is!

as a fellow content creator and writer, im impressed!

good luck and i hope this continues to amaze!


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is he no longer doing ANY public builds anymore?

the public is 11 builds behind.... like wtf

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Absolutely great VN!!!! and well worth the read.

but im not gonna lie, im saddened that this was a short vn. It had the makings of a much larger masterpiece, but it left so much unanswered.


How will the king react to their running away? will the guard join their quest and stay by their side as an ally? Will the duo get thrust into an adventure that could affect the fate of all humans as a whole? What about that one kingdom with the unique mounts that only Aetrian can ride but cant because of bad blood between the two kingdoms? Aetrian's affinity for magic was AMAZING!, will he create more devices to both help the duo with the adventure.. or in the bedroom? and will the seal making Jarrod unable to cast magic be removed now that hes now a free man? Will we ever see Jarrod bottom to the Dragon?

Please! i beg you; this VN left a cliffhanger of the ages, and I am DESPERATE to see more

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furry. the MC litterally refers to his mouth as his muzzle like two sentences into the VN. And its quite obvious that the MC is the wolf on the main picture.

You're actually a source of inspiration for me. I've been wanting to make a Vn for years. if I have the timeline correct, I've been coming up with the idea for what I wanna do since 2016. And only now, when I'm finally ready to put the work in, I'm stressed as hell.

But look at you! you not only took your time with this, put your passion into it, and made one of the best Vns I've seen in years... even if it was short, You gave me the courage to put my foot down and get to work! I'm greatful your planning on continuing this, and I definitely plan on using that passion as a source of inspiration!

Now that I've actually got the idea in mind, now starts the work. So please, once my project "The Dream Within" launches, (who knows how long that will be) I'd love any and all advice from an up and coming artist who's become so successful in such a short time!

Keep up the amazing work!

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im still worried. two months later and... silence. 

I cant afford the patreon, (unemployed), so any information they'd have there im unable to see

I just hope they're ok

Thanks!!! i can get past now!

my character is level 12. still keeps getting murdered

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i feel like complete noob for asking this, but what level are you supposed to be in the whelp stage facing the 6 imps? they keep wiping the floor with me

oh wait. nvm. found the escape bttn

is there a particular reason i cant run from ANY battle?

whats the average playtime for this game for someone to sit down and play start to finish?