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A member registered Jun 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you. ((: Yeah, you at least aren't the typical Hero in any way. But Twist: the Tribe didn't kill the colonizers...

Thank you. Yeah, I had not much time left for much testing. Thank you for playing. ((((:

Thank you very much for the roses. (((((; Sorry, I know this game has absolutely no polish. But I am glad you had fun with it. :)))

thanks, man. It´s supposed to go like this: Get the blunderbuss, the cutlass & the banner and got to the  crow`s nest and talk to the dude. Then it continues

Thank you. Very kind of you (((^;

(1 edit)

Sounds intriguing. I will give it a shot  next time (^:

there might be the collision a little bit off. Try activating the totem again after the video

Finally added screenshots (^;

New post on patreon (^:

Oh, so now it functions ((((:

Hi, my dude, I bought the game but when I run it it says "The program cannot run correctly 0xc0000906". What`s the problem?

Consider checking out my Patreon-page:

My Patreon. Thank u. Thank u. Thank u.

New screens.

A sneak peak into the UI, the second dungeon & a village (still no NPCs though).


You need to run the RPG_RT file. (^:


Review from "TheRPGmakerAddict" from the RPG homepage:

"Good Christmas day!
Today... will I play and discuss a Christmas game? NO! Not at all!
Today I'm going to remember when I was little and I played some old-school adventure games: there were both text adventures and point-and-click adventures like those by ICOM Simulations (that used the MacVenture interface and engine).
Ok, that wa 1985-1987, but why I am mentioning this game? Because Swans In The Wallow, Norpoleon's Rpgmaker2003 adventure game, totally reminds to me of these old classics: we have immersive first person visuals of the various locations with sometimes animations, limited exploration (usually you can go north, south, est or west, entering new rooms/locations), and various commands that let us explore the surroundings and interact with the items and people.

The plot also reminds to me of "Deja Vu: a Nightmare Comes True", but while there we played as an amnesiac detective in 1941, here we play an amnesiac wife, Regina, looking for her husband Erik during a vacation in east Germany. As she investigates and looks for him, she encounters many weird characters and soon it will be clear that something is not right at all! Strange creatures, animals that do not stay dead and weird cults are involved.
To solve the situation and find Erik, our heroine has to explore the countryside, that includes a farm, a forest, a swamp and a hostel where a group of metalheads are partying. These places, together with the holiday home, have to be explored several times, to solve various tasks and look for items that often have to be combined in order to solve the previously mentioned tasks.
But this games includes also some Rpgmaker 2003 classic battles that I think fit pretty well the atmosphere of the game: Regina is lonely but determined to find the missing husband, so she will use anything she can find to fight and kill animals, people or even weird creatures.
Regina starts the game with almost no equipment, but she has a couple of useful battle skills (and one useful to recover the stamina, needed to use them), and while she won't get experience from battles, the money earned (it's odd but even animals have money!) will be indispensable to buy useful items, consumables and even new battle skills.

Anyway remember TWO important things: a warm bath will restore your life and stamina, so you can spare the consumables for the most needed moments, and also remember to save often at the mirror in the living room of the holiday home. Ok, you can save in some other locations too, but it will detract some points. I'm not so sure this will change something, since I encountered just oa couple of choices during the game, but after finishing it I noticed, from the ending credits, that I missed encountering some characters and/or visiting some places, so I guess there is something more you can find or avoid. Maybe even another ending? I don't know!
Visually the game uses 100% custom made visuals that are rather colorful but also simple/stylized (just like in those 1985-1987 games) and still really fit with the creepyness of the scenario. It's a really unsettling game with different influence from Call of Cthulhu, the backdoors and other modern myths, and I like how besides the many bizarre visuals and events, the sounds and music well complement the graphics in creating a mysterious and immersive adventure.
I also found lots of descriptions that shows the attention to the details of the author, see for example the description of Regina each time she looks into the mirror, or how the conditions of the fridge changes over the days, the writing is surely as important as graphics in this kind of adventure.
Only problem is that I found a couple of untranslated parts, for example when the red woman speaks or when you face the trials with the three cultists, but I guess this is something that will soon and easily corrected. No other problems, in my opinion!

Final Verdict
Swans In The Wallow is a cool short adventure, well I admit that some parts took me some time to be solved (like finding the gasoline or the card) because it's necessary to examine some particular places more than once. I did not expect this, anyway I was able to finish the game without need of walkthroughs (even if the first opponent was a bit tough, but I guess it's because I was not prepared, still I killed it on my third try. Other enemies instead fell without problems).
The only thing I did not like very much of this GOOD game was the abrupt ending, so I will end abruptly here too.
And if you are curious... MY FINAL SCORE WAS: 44"

4/5 stars!!

Review from "TheRPGmakerAddict" from the RPG homepage:

"Good day
and welcome to play something really different from the usual games:
"Team JethKo - Knee Deep" is an RPG Maker 2003 adventure game created by Norpoleon, about two investigators, Jethro Adimari and Aoko Kitamoto in Chillcottin City. The game is divided into four chapter/cases that the due has to investigate, but who are those two?
Jethro Adimari is a journalist that is fired in the intro, so he decide to take a camera and a gun, and start investigating some killings that are happening in town, since the police of Chillcottin City is inept. Aoko looks like a more cheerful and talkative version of the Kimiko from the Boys: an apparently innocent but extremely violent oriental girl, that assists Jethro in his adventures. She starts unarmed (still she can throws grenades!), but she likes breaking the fourth wall, comics and using machetes or chainsaws, and she is deadly with them!

Setting: Now, the world: the game is set in a strange city where mysteries and weird things abound, a mix between Sam & Max and some other adventure/investigative RPG Maker 2003 games I played, in particular the trilogy composed by these three titles: "Mystery Falls" / "Similar Mountains" / "Deadly Woods", that similarly propose a world full of mysteries and conspiracies but also including some humor.
Unlike the games I mentioned, while these are set in a more modern mystery/horror setting inspired by Twin Peaks, the world of "Team JethKo - Knee Deep" is a more cyberpunk-ish one, with hackers, ufo, androids (but also some mutants that seems to come straight out Lisa: the Painful!) existing side to side with some less modern items like typewriters and old cars.
For some reasons, maybe the first person view, the investigative theme and the futuristic world, it also reminds to me of 2064: Read Only Memories. I do not know if this was among the sources of inspiration, what I am sure is that the game borrows something from Hotline Miami: the top down view for exploring gritty modern locations like the crime scenes and the urban dungeons.

Gameplay:Yes, there are dungeons in this game, and it's clear from the (very cool) intro that our heroes have also to fight criminals, from normal thugs to monsters and supernatural serial killers, that act as fine chapter bosses and will provide some tough challenge, but also offer a great reward in terms of cash and experience points. Ok, it's true that there is an area, the park, where you can grind, but there enemies are rather weak and do not provide lots of cash and experience, by the way I did not find the need to spend much time there, once I had some of the best weapons available. Uhm I guess I struggled only with the very first boss (probably because Jethro had just his gun and Aoko had nothing. With the earned cash I bough the chainsaw and later I got a third party member, and everything changed!), even if I defeated him on my first try, it's true that there isn't plenty of consumables or locations to heal or restore (there are none, from what I noticed... just shops), anyway it's not a really combat focused game (except for some obligatory sections where technically you CAN avoid most random enemies), it's an adventure!
Saving is also limited to some installations you will find in dungeons and in some locations like the headquarters of the Team JethKo.
Speaking of locations, you have a top down view of the map of the city with some places that you can visit, some are added or removed after each chapter. The team travels around in a red and white Iso Isetta car, entering the various locations were we can explore and interact with items and people choosing between various actions like : "Pick up", "Talk to" or "Investigate" but also "go to the Pub" or "enter the Mall" when we can enter other locations inside the various city blocks. Finally there is the "Use" option when we can use something that we have inside the inventory. Mind that IF you have to use something from the inventory during the top down (Hotline Miami-style) sections you will have to instead press Esc to open the menu.

I am cruising around town in my Isetta!
The enigmas and tasks are all pretty much simple (just collect the clues and feed the computer with them!) even if not always intuitive, I mean during a particular case I had to check the walkthrough (when you have to find a body, and I think that stumbling on it is pretty random! You need luck, or a walkthrough!), for the rest I was able to guess most of the solutions... thanks to the bum of the underground station that is always helpful with his advices and hints, that in any case are just indications and will never explain plainly what you are supposed to do! Anyway he helps a lot!
Music and Sounds:During the whole adventure you will also listen to some music that... I did not recognize but it's pretty catchy and good as it fits the atmosphere of the various moments, except for a specific map (done on purpose since also Aoko commented that!). Anyway there are also some moments that are strangely silent, but ok. But besides music there are also weird sounds, voices and other noises, all custom made!
The bad:Unfortunately it's not all good, since, besides the font that's not always easily readable, I found a couple of errors: for example in chapter two, if you go to the countryside you cannot use the car to leave meaning that you will be stuck there! Also the menu charset of Aoko in te last parts of the game it becomes the car, but this isn't really a problem, unlike the dreaded bin section: in that part you have to grab an object inside a bin, guiding the hand and avoiding glass shards and germs... the problems are three: the first is that you are no faster then them, the second is that the path is narrow, and the final problem is that touch one and it's instant Game Over! Uh I hated that part, the best strategy is approaching the germs "diagonally" since there is only vertical and horizontal movement, and move AS they move, so they cannot intercept you. Anyway that part was really TRASH (literally and not literally!), the only good thing is that it seems to be optional so hopefully it's unnecessary to finish the game. Still it helps!

Yes, this game is linear but includes some optional parts and extra rooms that may offer extra cash, items, weapons and a companion, still I'm not sure I've seen 100% of the game since there are some things that were left unclear... maybe for a sequel?
The best: Ok, so far I wrote what I liked and what I did not like, but now it's time for the AWESOME! Yes, because I simply loved the custom graphics. This game uses a stylish mix of pictures and drawings, and sometimes even pictures with drawings over them, there are cutscenes, some of these animated and a real cool aspect: almost every character is drawn (and often has various "versions"), but they have a photorealistic faceset that still more or less matches his/her appearance. And what about the battlers that have different animations depending on the weapon used? Or the cool looking maps? Oh yes, cool is a good way to define this "Team JethKo - Knee Deep", but it's late, let's read the final verdict!

"Team JethKo - Knee Deep" is a great adventure game inside a colorful but grim futuristic world. I probably don't have to specify, but being a game all about investigating killers' homicides it involves blood, violence (never gratuitous or exaggerated), feet pics and also drugs (despite the cartoonish nature). This isn't a lighthearted game, but it's also not a game without irony or comedy, it has a bit of everything (it's a game of contrasts) and overall I liked the story. Clearly those players who like the classic adventure games like Sam & Max will appreciate it more, since the game is about going around back and forth, getting useful items to obtain clues.
The first two chapters felt a bit longer than the last two, and the final one is especially short, but it's also because in the first two cases you have more locations to visit, and you have to learn what is present in each of one, before starting to put together the pieces of the puzzle (I admit that at first I believed the game was only the first chapter! I was happy to be corrected!).
Sigh! I wrote too much! Anyway it's obvious that this for me it's a great game with some little or minor flaws (and also a bit unsure about some events of the game, but maybe I missed something!), but for the most part I enjoyed it very much! I can recommend this, and I will!"

4/5 stars!!

Review from "TheRPGmakerAddict" from the RPG homepage:

Today I play "Eheb Saga - Droughtlock", a game by Norpoleon made with Rpgmaker2003. Unlike the other games made by this author that I already played and reviewed, Khnocka Dorra, Swans in the Wallow and the wonderful Team JethKo - Knee Deep, this is not an adventure game with rpg elements. It's not even an adventure or an rpg, no it's an action game. And yeah, it's in Rpgmaker2003, probably the only point of contact with the other games mentioned previously EXCEPT for the use of edited/custom graphics.

In y "Eheb Saga - Droughtlock" we play as a female slave, a dead slave named Vinnagan. A short dream sections serves as a tutorial for the game that require using the numpad. Our heroine can attack, dodge, dash, block use healing items, interact with the surroundings and cast spells. But let's start from the beginning: the world the decadent and cursed Eheb desert where people are dying, a sort of apocalyptic scenario in which the bad guys, some evil gods won. Undead and feral creatures roam the lands, and few survivors live (or, better, survive!) among the ruins of a city in the desert.
The first mission is escaping the well in which the body was resurrected by a ghost, since our protagonist died while searching for water many years before. The second? Finding a mentor, and we've three possible options: an Immortal, a legendary ghost warrior, a Beduin, last surviving member of the race of nomad desert-dwellers, or a Ghoul, an undead that lives in the cemetery.

Each class has its own perks: Immortals can use heavy weapons and heavy armors, and have a spell that can make them effectively immortal for a short period and can pass through some walls, Beduins can climb some walls with a hook and use light armor. They can harvest medical herbs and are have a a good stamina and excellent attack value. Finally Ghouls start with a shield, can use grenades and medium armor and have three differenr spells. No matter which class you will use, all are better than the starting slave class, in the beginning in fact you can die really easily. So remember to use your potions and save often.
Saving is limited to save points that looks like fetishes: saving not only heal the protagonist but also restore the potions AND the enemies killed!
This is almost the equivalent of Dark Souls but made with rpgmaker (the system includes in fact not only dodging blows but also a stamina meter that means you can't just mash the attack button!)... even if it's true that as you level up and unlock new vendors and options things become a little easier.

Unfortunately not everything is good! Combat is... not so good: I mean it's not bad either, still I could not understand when the enemy did damage me since I entered the menu and noticed that I was wounded! But apparently no one did hit me, thanks to my hit-and-run strategy. Still it happened! Weird. Anyway this isn't a big issue after you upgrade a bit your hitpoints, just keep them in check!
Battles with bosses are another part I hated but ok, they're supposed to be difficult. Still I do not think that Rpgmaker2003 is a great engine for real time combat, so no matter how skilled is the developer, the final result is often meh. At best!
Visually I liked this game: it has style and music is good too, the only issue was the use of text in dark colors over a black background, not a good choice at all since reading was difficult.

I gave an average rating but Eheb Saga - Droughtlock is NOT an average game (I admit I hated and loved it at the SAME time!). It's instead a game that does many things pretty well and other badly. Let's start from the good things: the story, some of the art, the evocative setting and music, the presence of three different classes. What's bad? Well some of the art, combat and maybe the save point system with Game Over (even if the Game over screen is cool)... I'd have liked a "respawn" or automatic reload Dark-Souls style, since everything here screams "Dark-Souls" from the stamina system to combat but uhm ok. It's fine as it is, this is a peculiar game, and unfortunately the rm2k3 system does not translate real time battles into something pleasant. Pity, because everything else seems instead really inspired!"

3/5 stars!

Ein Deutsches Let's Play der Deutschen Version von Ageleszly.

Viel Spaß. [:

Eine Komplettlösung liegt dem Game bei. *:

Thanks, man (:

(1 edit)

Na, Leute,

alles crémig?

Hier ist sie endlich, die deütsche Version von Team JethKo - Knee Deep!! \\\O///

Ich habe mir einige künstlerische Freiheiten erlaubt &

es eher wie eine deutsche Synchro der 70er & 80er Jahre aufgezogen.

D.h. es wird viel Sche*ße erzählt werden

& es wird der ein oder andere markige Spruch kommen. [:

(Die englische Version ist natürlich weiterhin verfügbar!)

Viel Spaß!!
(1 edit)

BALD Auch AUF DEüTsch!


(1 edit)

No, theres Like a drum audible every other Second. Or Just Go to the door to the south in the hall where the corpse of vanderdekken Lies. And click without a Pause, again and again in that door. :)

all ten Seconds or so you may hear Something Like a drum. This means a door that is closed most of the time is now Open. There you'll find Something that maY help you.

Oh, sorry, my bad. You also need a long-bow!

Were you in the hidden hall with the door that opens just sometimes right after a clicking noise you always hear?

There you find an ingredient for the longbow. {:

Also: sometime it helps to read the letters and books. There are sometimes informations hidden that may help

you what to do next. (:

i think you may now enter the Underground 

Did you find a flute & play it at the very spot where wallenstein was summoned?


I THINK the answer to your question is: at the left of the ladder down to the basement are a few bottles. Take those. They Help you Pass Out and have a fever dream where you find Something that you need to kill the Ghost (:

i think you have to either kill IT or flee. I dont know from the top of my head. Did you know that you can heal by using the jar with the Barrels downstairs? One barrel is for healing panic, one is for healing in General. 

It could also be possible that you only may kill the Ghost by finding an amulet in a fever dream. Or it was another enemy all together. (:

(1 edit)

khnocka dorra

it's pretty primitive yeah ^u^

edit: first line "khnocka"; second line "dorra"

You got it (;

You are really the first one to get this^^

Yes, If I remember correctly ( i'm at Work at the Moment) its the Button on the NUM Pad. Read the otherworldly book to learn about the controls (:

the lets Players got a broken Jam Version xD youll find the flower and the coin later in the Game.

For the doggo: youll find some Kind of weapon in the House! Equip it and Slash the four-legged foe. {:

Okay (:

Looks pretty cool O:

Part 2 is here!

(1 edit)

Marvin Maker did a video about Khnocka Dorra too. Follow him for more RPG Maker Let's Plays. {:

No, you don't need to play.

It's completely self contained. [:

I will will do a remake of the first one anytime soon [:

Und hier der Rest von Bärenbruders After-Jam! hf (: