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A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Gry chyba nie da się uruchomić przeglądarce, jeśli da się to naprawić to chętnie sprawdzę

Jestem pod wrażeniem jak długa i złożona mechanicznie gra wam wyszła. Serio gratulacje. Udało mi się przejść wszystkie poziomy i było to bardzo angażujące. Życzę kolejnych tak dobrych pomysłów.

Jeśli miałbym coś wytknąć to macie za mało łatwych poziomów, w pewnym momencie gra staje się o wiele trudniejsza i zgaduję że mniej wytrwałych graczy to odrzuci. Pracując nad grą stajemy się w nią automatycznie bardzo dobrzy ale warto pamiętać że gracz będzie musiał wejść w to wszystko od zera.

Brakowało mi też trochę telegrafii, czuję że bardzo dużo informacji musiałem trzymać w głowie podczas gry które można by po prostu wyświetlić. Informacje typu gdzie dana postać dojdzie za ile tur sporo ułatwiłyby grę dla początkujących graczy. Szkoda też że nie da się swobodnie obracać kamerą, czasami czułem przez to, że niezbyt mogę zobaczyć co się rzeczywiście dzieje/stanie w przyszłości.

Overall super wciągająca gra, gratulacje i trzymam kciuki za kolejne.

Bardzo kreatywna interpretacja tematu :D
Cool gra, fajny mały koncept i jest on ciekawym wyzwaniem na kilka minut. Super też że jest muzyka.

Szkoda troche że pixel art nie jest jednolity bo mocno uspójniłoby to grę. Wydaje mi się że gra jest tak samo trudna nieważne ile mamy punktów, warto na to spojrzeć przy kolejnej produkcji tak aby początkujący mieli możliwie łatwe wejście w gameplay, a wyzwanie rosło wraz umiejętnościami gracza.

Trzymam kciuki za kolejny projekt

Hej chyba build do weba nie działa, nie jestem w stanie poruszać postacią

Fajny pomysł na pierwszą gierkę, rozsądny scope i gameplay loop. Bardzo cieszę się że udało wam się oddać całość tak że grę da się rzeczywiście skończyć i wyświetlają się punkty którymi można się potem pochwalić. Super że jest też menu a nie skacze się od razu do rozgrywki.

Also ktoś z zespołu ma zajebisty gust muzyczny.

Co do rzeczy na które warto zwrócić uwagę przy kolejnej grze, macie naprawdę fajny pixel art ale różnice w wielkości pixeli zaburzają spójność obrazu (polecam shadery pixelizujące cały ekran jako post process). Szkoda też że gra nie ma dźwięku, myślę że odgłosy packi albo rozgniatanych robaków dałyby dużo pozytywnego game feelu.
Z game designu ciekawi mnie też decyzja o paskach hp u robaków, łapałem się na spamowaniu robaka nie wiedząc za bardzo kiedy umrze a właśnie ich rozgniatanie daje największy fun. Osobiście zorientowałbym grę bardziej na większą ilość robaków które umierałyby od razu po kliknięciu.

Overall naprawdę wyszło wam coś fun i czekam na kolejną gierkę.

Thank you, I'm really happy that you found the concept interesting.

During developent i was thinking about implementing some sort of rotating feature with a scrollwheel but ultimately scrapped it as I wanted the game to be playable on mobile, but it looks like your idea ticks all the boxes I was looking for! Its really intuitive to the player, subtle and allows new strats for really advanced players. I'll really consider adding it in.

Thanks for such insightfull feedback!

I very much agree that more work could be done to game balance as requests can put you into a very hard or even an impossible position. I'm currently thinking on how to redesign the difficulty curve to adapt to players score.

The concept of eating the sweets is so cool and fitting to the game that I'll probably add it to the game in a postjam update!

I'm sorry that you've run into scaling issues as I haven't really considered scaling the game window. I've also noticed some issues with scaling on retina devices so I'm thinking of adding a fullscreen mode which supports autoscaling to the game so that it always fits.

Thank you so much!

Sorry that you've run into this issue, you're doing everything alright. It seems like on some devices godot physics randomly glitch out. I'll try to take care of that in a postjam update

Thank you! I've actually designed the game to be playable on mobile but the time limit made me scrap full support. I'll try to revisit the game postjam and address it

WOOOAH insane score you got there! So happy to hear you enjoyed the game that much! I'm also amazed how you figured out minmaxing the calls at the ends of days :D

Seeing how much you guys enjoy the game I'm definitely gonna plan on adding the features cut from the jam version down the road. I sadly didn't have time to add some kind of preview of the incoming wave and more enemy types so you can expect that :D

Thank you so so much, loved ur game :D

I feel like this game is somehow targeting my unhealthy addiction to BOTH frogs and cigarettes. Frogtown saved!

Amazing one you got there! Excellent and well thought out gameplay, stunning and unique presentation, cool ass theme, a FROG! What possibly more could I even want!

Winner in my book for this jam, really hoping you win fellow frog friend!

I always really adore the most creative games at game jams, and I believe that you've just made one. The typing mini-game is such a cool and out of the box idea that it makes the game very addicting, maybe even just to see what the next word would be :D.

One thing that I'd say is that it was quite weird to let go of the mouse every reload to type the text. Maybe all the player interaction should be contained within the keyboard?

I'm im awe how you made music blend so well with user's actions. The presentation really reminded me of that digital world in World of Goo and i really liked how it gives the game it's unique style.

Really cool!

Totally agree with that feature request. I've actually planned to make is so if you hover over the "schedule new" window it would grow and show the actual arena itself, but ironically my real calendar for my job was too full to find time to code it :D.

Top notch bubble sound. Would fish again :D

Really enjoyed the quite challenging bullet hell mechanics mixed with cartoony sprites. Also the way how the fish spins really appeals to me for some reason :D

Really really fun!

The movement mechanic is really creative and offers interesting and varied gameplay - really liked that. One nitpick would be to make it easier to predict how the player will move, maybe you could trace the path that the player will move instead of the arrow?

Appreciate the scope you guys aimed for. Multiple guns, multiple upgrades and varied enemies - thats just wow.

Overall I've enjoyed it very much!

Incredible presentation, reminds me very much of Cave Story. Amazing.

ty so much :D

Very creative idea for a rythm game! Love the pun in the name :)

Woah! Love the casino theme and the visuals! Very satisfying gameplay. Maybe you could add some special enemies that can also use cards just how the player does!

Silly me thought I'm good at bullet hell games. I'm not even gonna admit now many times I had to do the 2nd boss fight to see the credits. 

Incredible music (like seriously) and visuals, made me stay through the pain.

Very cool idea on removing the RNG from betting by letting you control the action yourself :D!

Blown away by how sophisticated the puzzles were. Very cool style. Incredible fire shader :).

Thank you so much <3!

Thanks for the comment! I always struggle with explaining the rules to the player so if you have any tips on that I'd love to hear it :). I'm aware that the game is a bit buggy and I'll surely post an update when I'm done with my uni work. Speaking on the html build I have also realized that Godot sometimes gets a bit unpredictable when exporting to web, especially with floating point numbers. I don't have any solution for it tho, as many people will simply skip over a game if it has no web build :(.

100% agree that my idea was insanely nerdy :). I'll make sure to check out that board game.

Thanks! Making the player feel cool after delivering damage was my number 1 prority when designing the vfx and I'm very happy to hear that someone pointed it out :)

Thanks for the 10/10 :O <3! It's really funny how I didn't think that the player could just try to interact with monsters card :), working on an update to fix it. I was really scared that the battle mechanics would be to hard to explain in a game as short as this one. If you have any suggestions how I can make the tutorial better I'd love to hear them.

Thanks for the comment! The dice monster was actually the very last minute addition to the game so i hadn't have time to test it well :), working on an postjam update to fix these type of bugs. Also, I really apreciate that you liked the art, it was my first time making graphics in this style and I loved drawing it.

Thanks for the kind words <3! I got the idea for using distributions and functions from lectures about probability at my college :)

Cute lil game! Highly polished and very relaxing to play! With a few more gamemodes it could easly be sold as a mobile game.

Very cool and well executed idea.  It only needs a quick tutorial so the player doesn't have to guess what each dice does.

I was impressed to see a visual novel in this jam. I chose to take Pedro to the prom :)

Great game! Impressive animations and atmoshpere. I'd make more enemies attack the player at once to make the gameplay more dynamic.

Very cool concept and great wordplay on the word chance! I would suggest to add an arch showing where the player will throw the ball to make aiming easier.

As someone who listened to whole Jamiroquai's discography during the jam, I can't do anything but appreciate the acid jazz theme. Amazing game!

Thank you for the kind words and constructive criticism!

Agreed on the difficulty. I thought that players would get familiar with the mechanics of the game in the menu by selecting the first level, but it seems like they often start it by accident and are left clueless. Some intro/tutorial section would definitely help with the issue.

I'm really thankful for your comment. I totally agree with all the points you stated, especially the hard to read text. I quickly retouched the menu to make sure more people can enjoy the game. I'll make sure to improve the game with your ideas if I ever get to expand it :)