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A member registered Mar 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Don't know why I had such a hard time understanding what the controls were at first. I figured it out. And you wrote it right there. I think maybe my RMB was not working, cuz I swear I was click on everything. Any way. It's a nice game. It's a little tricky, but I got the hang of it.

Reminded me of Monkey Island - grabbing things in one spot to use them in an expected way in another spot.

Cool little story.

Silly premise! I tried my hand a several rounds of plinko. It seemed to reset a number of times, and I don't know why. I think it was simply because I was clicking the mouse button... I wasn't sure how much I was or wasn't controlling. I finally stopped when Plinko got stuck coming down.

Cute and sad. I like the story. The cut scene after catching the fish, something striking about that.

(1 edit)

Cool, chill game. The music goes well with the premise. Nice job setting a scene that shows a story.

The controls are a little tricky. I think part of it was that W and S still impact altitude while shift and space do as well. Part of it is the maybe less conventional layout with space and shift. The right click movement of the mouse also caused some problems, even in full screen, it got clunky. If I played it long enough, my brain would probably adjust. I think it was starting to.

I like the colors of the scenes with the sunsets and twilights, too.

Baron! Thanks for checking out the game.

Glad you played! Still got to work on that ground detection. Thanks!

Okay. Once I switched over to the desktop, movement was so much easier. It's a really pretty looking game! The sound effects are great, too. I like the premise. It's got a good pace to it.

Good foundation for a game. Once  I realized these monsters aren't after me, they're only focused on the weapons stand, the urgency kind of disappeared. It was kind of odd to be able to see the arc of the bullets and to shoot the whole automatic clip without any recoil. Just recoil would add a lot to the game.

The monsters are terrible (in a skillful way) looking and the scene itself was put together with a great thematic purpose.

Great work!

Nice take on Glitch Garden. Good balance in the waves and strengths of the items to buy. The art went together and moved well and the sound matched it all well, too. Great work!

Grateful you played! Thank you.

Thanks! I'm working on better understanding Cinemachine. It does make for some odd sweeps of the camera sometimes.

Thanks! I got another jam I've been sucked into, and I really do want to makes some more levels for Stanley and some more obstacles, too.

Thank you! For sure could use some tweaking.

Thanks. I do need to better hone the ground detection system. Thanks for playing!

Thanks, Taco!

Thanks for playing. Wow! I did not know my meme on that one. The hip gyration makes me think they really are related.

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It's a nice game. I could see making the game go on for a while with different power ups or making it a minigame of something else. I like the voice announcer, too.

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Like the music and the adventure. The hoard is unmanageable. I was able to cheat by dashing up on to the north wall and shooting arrows down on the enemies while scurrying from right to left. I too thought the rust to the south was just a wall until I read the post below.

That stinks. Were you trying on the browser or the Windows .exe?

(1 edit) is the only reason I know gherkin, courgette and aubergine, too, when they were building Glitch Garden. 🥒 🍆 

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This was really good. It took a little time to orient to what I'm doing, but now I'm excited that I know what I'm doing. The music and story go well together -- a BSG bitter sweet. Sound effect would go a long way.

It's a very cool look. It's probably not what you're going for, but it's not a short hop and skip to having this look like it's taking place on a corkboard with thumbtacks and post-its. I was glad I read the comment below -- without that I wasn't clear what I was suppose to be doing because the monsters come so quick it's hard to know how they're actually impacting resources or what resources are. Was I trying to evacuate things to bases not under attack, was I transporting only specific resources, etc?

I had the same thought about the background sound - Head cannon was I was playing this table top tower defense game in Ye Olde Game Parlour, especially because the music was so chill. Something a little more martial sounding would change the feel significantly.

I was starting to think that my armaments would always out scale the enemies. I finally met my match though. I couldn't quite tell, but it also looked like placement almost didn't matter. Tower's ranges were incredibly far. Some variation could make things more interesting.

All this constructive criticism aside. This is amazing for 10 days of work! Something to be very proud of. The effects of the towers firing were really cool. The different cards and the economy. Plus you had time to put in a json writing level maker! Very cool! You could do a lot with this tower defense game.

I would like to know more about Bob. Is it Bob because he bobs? Those moving platforms will get you... memory alone can't get you through that maze since they're not always in the same spot. Uf! I was surprised... my brain really wanted to solve the puzzle enough to restart a few times over. Good work for your intro to Unity.

Is the jump scare if I miss the mark after 3 goes? Sounds like you got some great suggestions about how to make the jump scare scarier. I could also add, maybe luring people in with a few other simple minigames and showing signs of glitching as they proceed.

I forgot to check. Sometimes. The directions buttons were always misoriented, but sometimes all 4 would work, sometimes only 3 or 2. Was that by design 'cuz our poor could-be-victim is limping?

Thanks for checking it out, Thracco!

Thanks. My kid said the song brought back memories of his childhood (he's only 12) -- because it's in so many things since it's CCBY4 Kevin MacLeod -- composer to the internet. What would Twitch, YouTube, and GooglePlay have if there was no Keven MacLeod? Thanks for double checking!

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback Satinel. Agreed the barrel spawner needs to be moved a smidge away from the elevator lift (maybe something to consider for later stages.) You went right instead of left on that last level... good choice.

Glad you got a chance to play. Thanks!

It's a great game. It felt jittering - the fps maybe taking a hit. I wonder if that would resolve if it was running on desktop instead of browser. The use of the 3D models and set up with music and sound were really well done, too.

Ha! Thanks for playing!

The art is fantastic! It was frustrating and felt slow that I couldn't upgrade between rounds, especially since I would have to restart at level often -- back to $67 that gets me bubkis upgrades. Didn't mean I didn't play longer than I intended to!😜

Great work!

Thanks. Good to know there might be a level to work in there before 3.

I appreciate it! Glad you enjoyed!

I appreciate the feedback. Sounds like there's some camera movement to tweak. Thank you.

Ok. Got a little more fun that it was more than just a guessing game. It's s cute scene with nice little details put in there. And the random soup - nice touch.

Well apparently the enemy of Rozvir is excess. I overspent every time -- didn't even make it to the siege. I like the concept -- it would make a great table top game.

I've seen templates like this used more often for story driven, casual RPG. You gave it some action. Nice. I was really curious to know what the clicking sound was feedback for -- there was such chaos. Is it striking the enemy gherkins, is it the gherkins striking the cardboard boxes?

It definitely played better in desktop, but it still was hitting lags as the enemy wave and the friendly cat count started ticking up.