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A member registered May 19, 2019

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Here's the list of all the monster abilities, updated:

Spooky Space Kook: Spawns with Energy Fields around the map that will slow you down while inside them.

The Creeper: Teleports around the map to ambush you after losing sight of you for the first time.

Captain Cutler: Covers Clue spawn points in seaweed. You won't know what's under it until you remove it.

Green Ghost: Is cloaked until he spots you.

The Witch and the Zombie: Forces you to capture both enemies. 

The Black Knight: Charges at you in an attempt to impale and kill you.

Snow Ghost: Roars and shakes your camera sometimes when a chase begins.

Witch Doctor: Has a statue that always knows where you are, and will relentlessly pursue you in an attempt to kill you.

The Tar Monster: Covers random pathways in Tar piles.

Charlie the Robot: Is the fastest enemy in the game.

The Sea Monster: Will spawn with fish piles around the map, which he will use to ambush you when you walk near them.

The Ghost Clown: Can't be seen from a certain distance.

The Actor: Changes disguises with each clue obtained, and forces you to try to capture him 3 times.

Captain Moody: Lays beartraps down, and can't be heard when roaming.

The Beast of Bottomless Lake: Instead of sprinting at you, he will pounce at you, most likely resulting in death if he is too close.

huh? huh?? new update confirmed??? OWO??

Jay, this new minigame was a cool idea. I like the mechanics of having to find SUNKY on the cameras, needing to hide from BUNKY when he decides to come into the camera room, and the way the night gets harder at 4 AM. Love to see what other minigames you have planned!

i found a few bugs during playing this game, but there's one in particular i want to point out;

if you die before putting a trap down after selecting it, you won't be able to pick another one

can you fix this in the next update?

Yes, this game is based off the episode "Planet of the Jellyfish." Sorta like an unofficial sequel to it.

i liked playing through this game a lot, but i have something to ask:

is it just me, or does the "A Mighty Storm Approaches" challenge feel harder than the other weather challenges?

you gotta try and lose him like the tutorial says. what I normally do is run around the barn until I lose him.

had some fun "remodeling" a while back

the monsters know generally where you are, so they'll always be around you.

hey dave another unreal engine-related question:

how do you make the camera bob when you move your character

it says so in the most recent post

i had a pretty strange moment in the TUNKY map today.

i got the bolt cutters out of the safe, but then TUNKY spotted me and got me, but i wasnt dead. is that a new random event?

i actually quite like this demo, even though Big Help was a pain to get around. i also liked the ending. it's actually the first ending for a baldi game that gave me the creeps. looking forward to the next update!

this demo is very good, and makes me look forward to the next version. i especially liked the ending to this demo. it's one of the few endings to a baldi game that actually creeped me out.

ey dave this might be unlikely, but are you going to expand this game on it's 1-year anniversary

hi dave im using unreal engine 4 for the first time, and i have something to ask:

how do you change the skybox to night?

hey jay when are you going to make a developer commentary on this update

Practice mode's always been around, so that's not the new one.

it can, but it needs to be powerful enough

Spooky Space Kook: Spawns with Energy Fields around the map that will slow you down while inside them.

The Creeper: Teleports around the map to ambush you after losing sight of you for the first time.

Captain Cutler: Covers Clue spawn points in seaweed. You won't know what's under it until you remove it.

Green Ghost: Is cloaked until he spots you.

The Witch and the Zombie: Forces you to capture both enemies. 

The Black Knight: Charges at you in an attempt to impale and kill you.

Snow Ghost: Roars and shakes your camera sometimes when a chase begins.

Witch Doctor: Has a statue that always knows where you are, and will relentlessly pursue you in an attempt to kill you.

The Tar Monster: Covers random pathways in Tar piles.

Charlie the Robot: Is the fastest enemy in the game.

there's this weird glitch that happens from time to time with the carts

basically, sometimes, it instantly teleports you to the stopping point instead of playing the animation of you riding the carts. can you see what's going on?

Dave, I just wanna say I hate that you made it impossible to easy S-Rank the Krusty Krab in this update. All I wanna say is, I would totally join sides with Edgy Dave for this. Just saying. :)

I saw the recent post on your Patreon, Dave... Even though I'm not a Patreon, yet, I am now looking forward to the next update.

The Magnet can either spawn on the left or right alley by the entrance, or in the back alley near the way to the rest of the park. The Scissors can spawn on a table near where the Scooby Snack box can spawn, in a storage area or in the bar area. The Wrench can spawn in 3 areas in the Hall of Mirrors.

When are you ever gonna fix the bug in the final level, man?

The Bug: If you skip the dialog after beating Doodle Patrick, it sends you all the way back to the title screen.

oh i do consider his wellbeing, it's just him canceling the update was so crushing, man.

i cant believe you've done this, Dave

I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this update to be done. You have ruined me.


Dave, you promised us Scooby Horror: Arcade this month. Where the hell is it??

Quick question Dave:

Are you releasing Scooby Horror: Arcade on or Patreon?

It's a risky strategy, but what I do is keep moving to my left or right, and it almost always works.

So i found a pretty strange bug in the final level.

If you skip the dialog after beating Doodle Patrick, it sometimes goes back to the title screen.

rq game question dave: do the enemies only spawn after you collect one of the souls

How much progress has been made on this update

this is perfect! I can beat the game like this! By cheating!!

do you wanna know how long it took me to S-Rank the Mermalair?

3 Whole Days.

I fixed the issue and I'm ready to play! Thanks for the help, Dave!

(2 edits)

So I think my save game got corrupted and I can't play the game, and I can't find the save file in the folder.

Specifically, no button on the main menu works.