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A member registered Jun 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Amazing. I'm simply overjoyed to know that there are still those who want to write classical love stories about a man who loves a woman. I believe that everybody is free to write or create anything they want to, the thing is nowadays there is this "common sense" that is not allowed anymore to create romance without lgbt context. Is this or you are prejudice. I particularly prefer the "old fashioned one", something difficult to find on the platform.

For me the sexual part was not a problem at all, in fact I felt it was necessary in order to demonstrate how deep their passion was and, like you said, everything after was love.

Thank you for delivering such a beautiful and touching story; I'm sure that I'll never forget this experience, it was almost like a could feel the pain, the desperation and the passion of Michele.

I wish all the best for your career and hope you can bring more of this lovely experiences in the future.