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A member registered Oct 10, 2023

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hhhmm I remember not being to fond of it before even if I don't know the exact look anymore.

How does this game does it

Free release every once in a while takes longer  to update


support early updates with money?

I don't know if I asked alrady, but can you somehow put that into the app? I mean so we can download it from there?

I see that more often the last few days. Here the new game 5-10 minute content. 

That or a demo that let's you feel like you have seen nothing.

Oh but don't get me wrong, I still have to give this a chance so this is not my opinion.

Nothing finished no sorry, haven't gotten to many of the payed once yet, partly because I don't want to pay extra trough paypal to often and the account security I only partly understand here. Both options.

Sooo I guess you could also try a house in the rift or harem hotel, but .....I think I stoped them more often than I did with other games, so probably good scenes but....okay that is enough and I noticed my concentration is gone.

Otherwise steam  Being a DIK.

Glad if I can help. Should you think anything is just as good I will give it a go too.

what is this for? I just saw that I have the option to change to a new version in the app that I use when I go in the configurations from the game, where I can find stuff like "deinstlal or test updates"

The first two characters I saw so far had very special looks, kinda " I eat you up" or that goofy one from the main char.

"Eternium", "Once in a Lifetime" I think, "Fap nights at Frennies" I think.  

Now I have to think for a moment because I liked stuff like broken dreams correction center but wouldn't call it a master piece yet.

"Unraveling August" (if it finally continues pretty funny), " Summer Heat", maybe "Ripples" I'm not sure.

I also tried some stuff here and there that I probably don't remember or some other interessting fun games that I just think aren't big or special enough to call them master pieces at this point.

To me it's how good the animation looks, if I'm interessted in actually reading the story and once in a while I feel like I have some art tick which is similar to  I just really love how they made the characters and stuff.

I tried my best early in the morning and with no gramar check :)

I remember one thing I didn't liked, the negotiation puzzles, especially if you have no time or like me already had a puzzle in your free time.

Okay just to be sure if would be nice to hear if you checked it again, or if you can tell me if I was right.

I assume it's harmless, but the virus thing.

Oh I forgot the thank you above.

Does the current event map grow? I mean if you avoid the other route from the teacher, do you still get stuff to do later?

Just in chase I couldn't test if it happened yet, did you remember to make it aviable for the app too?

I get confused on how the app works sometimes, for a time I saw aviable updates in the download option, recently I had to look at the games to see the update option.

Now I see i haven't played a part slowly and probably skipped about a sport section the last time. Sooo i can't really check yet if the game alredy updated itself yet. 

I just now that I had devs who forgot to check boxes to make it aviable.

1 hour in and so far I like the girls I encountered. I have the feeling that one "Mrs" is getting played. I hope I said it right, english and stuff.

what does the supporter only mean? I do hope we get the teacher ect. updates too at some point.

and how do you fix something like that? simply removing the app again? I never really got ananswer on that for example on steam, if that would revert  any changes.

Okay I only looked quickly over it. I saw a comment a day or two ago suggesting the dev doesn't help if something happens because of stuff like this?

My PC is warm, i noticed late then unlimited fps was on.

Well not much happened, not sure what I keep expecting from these horror games here. I don't try to be mean even if I know very well it will sound like it.

try something different from mega please if the game get's bigger.

This might be normal but because a recent alert that I had, I have to ask again.

Jiangmin Trojan.Generic.hpekt

Was that normal for renpy or does it mean something? I used Virus total

Also i think there are some data where it told me unable to process, to check is my guess.

Why do these two characters look like the same ones, like you have in the 3-4 other versions of this game under a different name that I could see?

I suddenly found my way to a comment and saw very similar games. I know that some do that as some kind of advertisement but this is really confusing sometimes.

 I can see that I made some mistakes there.

1. I would like to see a screenshot/ gif showing an animation if the game has one, or a demo to get an example.

2. i heard that maybe in a month or two, we can buy this stuff on steam again, germany and another country had restrictions for whatever reasons.  

If I can buy it again, I meant to buy it there I think.

3. My account security stuff as far as I understand the options are limited here and I don't understand the sandbox option really well an explanation didn't helped so far.

4. If I buy the game here, I hoped we can think about getting the game as a gift on steam too potentially. 

For now I just don't know if it's more than  a rumor and I will be able to buy it there myself soon.

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I want a window that shows the animation quality pleaseIf it's on steam too, I probably wait until I can hopefully soon buy there again because of the germany thing (I heard something), otherwise I would need to ask for a key if I buy it here, that should still wait being gifted the game was what still worked there I think.

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The renaming option is hopefully nothing that was added backwards? I noticed I don't like the games to much where I had to replay huge parts to experience stuff otherwise.

Do you still need to put the update into the app?

I remember a dev who forgot to do something and I didn't got an update, it is out yet right?

oh a devlog and probably a months wait okay I saw this late this time.

I still want to apologise, while I probably meant it I had my reasons to be a bit salty yesterday, but once in a while not would be great in theory that'Ssall I meant.

I think I deleted a boss. That bird boss I escaped when I thought I was to weak, but I escaped while using a entrance of the area. 

The enemy was gone afterwards and the crystal spawned.

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Maybe a bit slow but great so far

at a point when the dev sees this,please be somewhat active everywhere you sell the game, at least once in a while so that not two months go by like other devs.

is this optimized? Could be that it's the effect ultra engine has on my PC even if I wanted a good one back then but yes it works a bit louder.

released? Isn't it in development?

Also what is powersave?

I just still have an old handy and not sure what the account protection methods are for this here, so I try not to buy everything just because I also have to use paypal here.  Sandbox and a similar think steam uses are the two accounts things I know about but I got no good exlanation on the sandbox thing yet, the other thing seems like you can but don't have to.

Hhhmm I want to make the decision when I'm not tired but I'm interessted.  I definitely come back to it if I know more about the steam situation.

Good I could bad I accept many gramar mistakes because I'm tired so I stop for now, thank you for the answer and anything new.

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Okay and what is the plan? Do I get the whole package when I decite to buy it now?

Currently this might be something I'm willing to risk, seems like I own it now I suddenly see.

Well I tell you if we can buy stuff on steam again I heard this might be allowed in auttumn somehow. october ect.

Then I would be interessted to buy it there 

Can you fix the problem with the names?, or allow us to be type the name again? I'm called MC after I procceded with the chapter from the old save.

edit: ahh okay I had to uninstall it and now it's buy okay. 

I will admit I'm interessted in taking part early, do you make it more expensive for later buyers the more there is?, like a steam early access?

Hhhmm okay I try the experience again then. Can I already achive any scenes?

Is there more like this? I feel like I already know the 5-6 strong games here especially those for free. Here I also stopped doing the phone stuff after two less interessting routes and hope that doesn't bite me later.

I asked that already, but here is how another dev answered they found the option to activate it for the app.

once you upload a file, when editing the post, in the files section,  under the name and size of said file, there's a list where you have to state the type of file it is (executable, video, etc.) and at the side of it, there are some easy to ignore small checkboxes, from left to right they have the windows, linux, apple and android logo. 

These checkboxes, that do nothing in the web version, are the ones that the app check to see if a file is downloadable in your system.

I might have said this already, but this is really good and it's getting better.

I was holding myself back a bit, because I wasn't sure how complete or uncomplete it was yet and what routes I would be able to follow to what point. I'm glad I played again

The only thing that comes up to me now is it came out around the same time and might have been a rock band type of game.

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want to find out, in chase I tried my best and didn't got the option, can I do that already?

okay i found out how to do it, does it matter if I said photos or getting laid there? This is the save where I normally try to act how i want to the first time.

Can you do decision recaps? I think I already asked for something similar, but I also noticed that I barely remember with wich save I treaded Miller which way for example.