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A member registered Nov 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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YANAGIBA, PAIRING KNIFE (REMOVE 50), CRANK... I also particulary liked the use card, draw card combo... however, I couldn't finish the complete set of 50 fish using these techniques.

I was able to finish your game and received the "YOU ARE A WINNER!" message using Windows and Firefox. I admit, though, that I only reached stage 4 on macOS and Firefox. It definetely has a catchy tune too... de rit, de rit... Cheers!

I reached the "END"! Cheers!

I finally got to put in time to play your game. I had to try multiple times, but I did reach Level 4 somehow. I liked this part the most. Thanks, and hooray!

I was able to squash all the outsiders and received “You win!” I did look into the tutorial and the rest of the game modes too. Cheers!

I played until I got to destroy 33 cubes according to the stats. The musical tune kept me going, at times like from a video game, at times like from a movie. Cheers!

I played the game until I got “You Win!” I liked the “Overrider(?)” upgrade the most.  The more helpful computer troops there are, the faster the path to victory. Cheers!

I played your game multiple times! The highest I got was only 184. I think I can still get a higher score!

I reached up to Level1 1. My favorite is Level 15. Cheers!

Diabolical plan! Wahahahahaha…

Yes, the goal is to identify the invaders, and it’s really up to you to point out who those are. Afterwards, you get to pound the giant bug as much as you want, well… sort of! Cheers!

I tried out all your game’s difficulty modes until “omg why”. The first modes reminded me of making a fun game out of calibration work. For the last mode, I thought that the technique can be reused with games moving in a 3D coordinate system. Cheers!

I found your game while browsing through the submissions list. It didn’t seem to have plenty of players yet. Somehow, I found myself playing it multiple times until I got “You Win!” 

I think you’re secretly a pro! Cheers!

The “build a game in 1 day” idea caught my attention. It seems that you also video recorded your computer screen the whole time. Cheers!

I got until Circle 6!

I also managed to reach the part with the moving platform and got stuck in a falling loop.

Still, I'd like to remember more, while playing your game, the trampoline platforms which were like those in NAMCO MAPPY but didn't break. Cheers!

I found your game along with the rest of the games with “cat”. I was already wondering if the game only re-spawns more enemy cats, when the boss suddenly appeared. I did beat the boss and got his weapon, which was like wow. Your game also reminded me, by the way, of another cat game for Game Off 2023: Fat Cat Games Unity’s “Restore”. Cheers!

I was looking for games with “cat” and found yours. I got to until the giant pig multiple times, but the auto-spawning cats kept on catching me. I think you’re a pro! Cheers!

Thanks for the feedback! The giant bug does reduce everyone's scores like that, and it's curious that we'd want to get rid of it and simply have the scores go up.

I think it was also because I had already come up with a mental note of how to prioritize the stacking of the blocks into rows and that I was steadily going with this plan when I learned that the game had ended. There was still the weight factor that I only really noticed when I was taking a screenshot.

I played your game more than once. I think it was when the falling Tetris pieces suddenly moved much faster that broke my steady streak of row clearings. I lost with a score of 2033. The scales had tilted too much on one side.

Your game’s cover image caught my attention as I was browsing through the list of games. Its pixel design stood out somehow. I also did get to finish the game by the way. “TIME: 171”.  I think I eventually found the trick to playing it, and your design of the world helped me reach the goal. Thanks!

This is the first game I tried out here at GAME OFF 2023. Great work on the cute animating graphics and retro-modern sound. I finished up until Level 6 Sailor Cat before I decided to get some rest. Definitely lots of things we can learn from your game! Cheers!

The review can definitely be improved. In the meantime, congratulations for placing #8 Overall! I played again your game just now and noted “WASD or ARROWS” for the controls, with “mobile” support as well. It also appears that you developed the game using your own engine. I hope to play another game of yours this GAME OFF 2023! Cheers!

Thanks! Here is the link to the GAMEBOY SHOWDOWN:

Thank you for the response! I was going for games published even outside a JAM. I remember Pocket Monsters#1 (GameBoy) to have multiplayer, albeit the battles appeared to be a bonus to the main single player game. The previous year, I wrote as answer to a question that I was verifying using javascript for GAME OFF 2021; however, the sample outputs that I observed appeared to not yet reach GAMES executed on the Super Family Computer. A few months before GAME OFF 2022, I learned of another ITCH.IO JAM, the GAMEBOY SHOWDOWN, where the outputs of using javascript caused me to verify it and use the know-how in our team’s entry. Perhaps, we shall soon find a JAM with multiplayer, e.g. make a FIGHTING GAME in one month.

Hallo, ZeWaffelMan! Thank you for the response! OK! I remembered your GAME when I recently caught sight of MR. SAKURAI, MASAHIRO (SMASH BROS., et cetera) playing with his female CAT (FUKURASHI) on the 1st of JANUARY 2023 via Cheers!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to regularly observed Developer in select GAME OFF 2022 entries’ FEEDBACK LIST; remembers: to have verified another GAME of the same name, albeit from ironhandmd; notes: Dodgy Jammers of Thick as Thieves: Hide-and-Cheek also wrote a review

2. observed: noticeable use of 2D pixel drawing technique; adds: text dialogue with each letter displayed in sequence, instead of immediately the whole text; adds: there also exists use of technique where whole text displayed, e.g. with the written letters brought by the messenger birds; remembers: another GAME OFF 2022 entry, A King’s Ransom

3. observed: game to have noticeable background music and sound effects; example: opening of letter from the messenger birds

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of reading and writing letters to be sent by messenger birds to select contact persons; notes: STORY TEXT to cause understanding of VALUE of such ACTION, e.g. security of Kingdom; security of Queen with Husband, the King; security of messenger birds over self; notes: female assistant to also exist; remembers: incoming and outgoing electronic data that pass through Internet Service Providers of nation, where cybercriminals misuse know-how to filter data to identify sent passwords that encrypt messages via among others: SSL Certificates, HTTPS (Secure); adds: technique causes unauthorized access to web services, e.g. email, online banking, of multiple people; QUICK MONEY via among others: misuse of information, extortion, harassment of target; OUTPUT: security of money count has lost its VALUE to cause decrease of security of nation AND increase of criminals in-need of QUICK MONEY

5. finished: current GAME version to receive “End of the FIRST ACT”

Thank you. Health!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed in SUBMISSIONS LIST; adds: GAME to be classified as playable via web browser; observed: Developer writes replies to feedback; read: on GAME’s web page, “old consoles like the GameBoy and SNES.”

2. observed: noticeable use of 2D pixel drawing technique; adds: 3D drawing techniques via rotation, depth-sorting; remembers: from pixel drawing of SWORD, cover illustration of video (datestamp: 20230103) @YoshikiOkamotoGameCh on YOUTUBE;

3. observed: game to have noticeable background music and sound effects; remembers: at start logo, Ghosts n’ Goblins (GameboyColor, PSP); adds: at STAGE COMPLETE, SHOVEL KNIGHT TREASURE TROVE (PC, SteamPowered)

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of causing the protagonist prince to put OBJECTS onto self to be given to his beloved princess; remembers: KATAMARI DAMACY (PS1); observed: getting select items even those NOT classified to be the target, e.g. FOOD, appears to be NOT a MINUS; adds: such items also cause increase in STRENGTH of protagonist prince to carry larger items

5. notes: STORY text with illustrations to exist, with DJIIN giving protagonist prince three (3) WISHES, albeit causes incorrect OUTPUT due to princess NOT HAPPY; remembers: reading from STORY text, princess always leaves the protagonist prince; classifies: such OUTPUT to be due to protagonist prince appears to NOT know the correct ACTION, if such exists, in addition to letting the princess leave; admits: self opted to STOP after set TIME has reached ZERO in STAGE#3;

Thank you. Health!

Thank you, too, for sharing your game and your response! Congratulations also that GAME OFF 2021 Rank#1, anttihaavikko, with his 2022 entry, “In the Cards”, has written a review of your GAME!  Health!

Thank you for making TIME to write your feedback. I remember such technique with the PROS and CONS used also by people on SteamPowered. You may also verify another GAME OFF 2022 Entry, “Four by Four”, that is as our team’s PUZZLE GAME, where pieces at chaos have to be ordered in the correct sequence. Yes, the game by itself does not appear to be loud on the congratulations. It may be when you share your GAME review and technique to quickly WIN that you shall receive the POSITIVE EMOTION caused by the LIKE counts (if such has VALUE to you), et cetera that you truly deserve! おめでとう!Congratulations!

Thank you. I remember sharing with my wife how people tend to press the LIKE button as QUICK ANSWER, when the POST to them causes noticeable TIME to think of an answer. I observed that I have learned to opt to write an answer if I classify the POST as a question or shall need an answer for clarity. Health!

Hallo, snuffysam, OK! Yes, I may need to re-verify the BATTLES again. It appears that the STORY text caused me to opt to use noticeably less TIME verifying the technique to WIN in the BATTLES. Thank you, too, for the strategy guide! I am now reminded of another GAME OFF 2022 Entry, Bottom of the Barrel (PC), and Final Fantasy 6 (SuperFamilyComputer), which cause me to wonder why such GAMES do not yet have PLAYER vs PLAYER multiplayer battles, only PLAYER vs CPU.


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed you wrote a review for “A Little Bird Told Me”; adds: GAME playable via web browser

2. observed: noticeable use of 2D and 3D drawing techniques; adds: text dialogue where each letter is displayed, instead of immediately the whole text

3. observed: game to have noticeable background music and sound effects

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of reading STORY text and doing BATTLES with among others: own rockband as training, a rival school’s rockband;

5. observed: noticeable time used to read the STORY text, which at the start reminded self of deltarune (PC, SteamPowered); remembers: the previous year (Year 2022), re-verifying reading fantasy fiction, e.g. Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth Book#1 (paperback) @20minutes per 4pages (approx); observed: self to opt now to use such TIME for another ACTION; remembers: Bryan Lee O'Malley’s SCOTT PILGRIM manga/comics, with noticeable drawing technique, albeit STORY text after re-verification appears now to be less of self’s focus;

6. admits: self to have NOT yet identified the correct technique to WIN via the BATTLE system (clean-mode); remembers: however, SUIKODEN #1 (PS1), with the Empire vs Revolutionary Army battles classified to use the ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS technique, albeit with additional ACTIONS, e.g. verify opponent’s NEXT ACTION;

Thank you. Health!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed wakeman of GAME OFF 2022 Entry, “gnoot (2022 github gameoff)”, et al. wrote a review of it; adds: GAME playable via web browser; observed: downloadable version also exists to be executed on Windows, Linux, and macOS

2. observed: noticeable use of 2D drawing technique; remembers: from background image with text that also moves with it during viewport scrolling, Super Mario Bros. #1 (Family Computer);

3. observed: game to have NO noticeable background music and sound effects

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of reaching the goal via among others: jumping, running, climbing, teamwork; adds: “system” to cause self to be surprised to learn that game can be finished in less than 5minutes

5. observed: noticeable effects using 3D drawing techniques at END; remembers: another GAME OFF 2022 entry, Fair Squares

6. adds: ABOUT page via GAME’s MENU system has links to external webpages, e.g. GITHUB; remembers: from drawing and image position technique, another GAME OFF 2022 entry, Wizards vs Lemons

Thank you. Health!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed anttihaavikko of GAME OFF 2022 Entry, “In the Cards”, et al. wrote a review of it; adds: Developer Team appears to also write replies; notes: GAME to be classified as playable via web browser;

2. observed: noticeable use of 2D and 3D drawing techniques; example: noticeable CHANGE in drawing of companion HAMSTER with headphone and mic based on ACTION, e.g. searching for item, putting the item in the set location; adds: 3D object rotation technique; adds: 2D walking image animation technique; admits: re-classified burglars as HAMSTER, instead of MOUSE after observing and reading “hamster” in the FEEDBACK of Rambo_One2 with GAME OFF 2022 ENTRY, “Ambulance Chaser”

3. observed: game to have noticeable background music and sound effects

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of searching for a set of three items to be put in any of the available locations classified for pick-up; observed: protagonist hamster is not caught when at position where crow with flashlight is also located to appear to be incorrect output, albeit may been set to decrease difficulty for player and developer; notes: select items can be taken, albeit are not the target items and no highscore ranking exists; adds: mansion map is reusable via change of target items

5. finished: all available missions, including the tutorial and mansion night#1,2,3; remembers: MAPPY (Family Computer) due to GAME SETTING also inside a mansion where select items are taken; observed: self may have continued if there exists additional levels; adds: however, ELAPSED TIME already available as CHALLENGE; admits: finishing quickly the game (without yet the ELAPSED TIME CHALLENGE) causes POSITIVE EMOTION classified as achievement for reaching THE END

Thank you. Health!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed in SUBMISSIONS List with keyphrase: Windows; adds: noticeable drawing technique based on sample screenshots; remembers: from cover page, own quick drawing using pencil and paper

2. learns: application to be .jar file that is executable also on Linux and macOS with the Java Virtual Machine installed; opted: to verify using macOS via the command: java -jar -XstartOnFirstThread  wizards-vs-lemons-0.0.5.jar

3. observed: noticeable 2D pixel drawing technique that reminds self of flash games and mobile games, e.g. Axie Infinity (Android); adds: at select parts, images appear to be displayed in an incorrect sequence due to noticeable variation in the position of the images

4. observed: game to have background music and sound effects

5. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of destroying all the lemon monsters as the protagonist Wizard; adds: upgrades and items available; remembers: from GAMEPLAY, select games, e.g. Diablo#1 (PC) via use of potion when health count is nearing 2/5 empty; adds: such ACTION to appear to be as that with Warcraft III and Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) (PC) based on observation;

6. observed: when self as Wizard is defeated due to health count reached zero, continuing GAME does NOT appear to cause a reset of the upgraded items; adds: self opted to be as the FIRE Wizard, and then maintained at least 1 lemon tea @500lemon, and then upgraded Lemon MAX and Health MAX; shares: self to not use any other health item; adds: after upgrading to get the auto-clicker, continued with maintaining at least 1 lemon tea, and upgrading Lemon MAX and Health MAX; added: as upgrade, POWER MAX; notes: when Lightning Wizard item @40K (?) became purchasable via technique, self increased upgrade count to 2, then 5 each; observed: by 45 level upgrade count of Lemon MAX and Health MAX, lemon money has noticeably increased, with any item at any count appeared to be purchasable; observed: self to have upgraded, so as the damage received did NOT anymore appear to need the regular use of lemon tea to cause health to return to full 100%; admits: self also increased the upgrade level of the right-most, refresh (?) skill, albeit its noticeable VALUE via CHANGE in OUTPUT appeared to be unclear; observed: self continued until getting the 1M “GOD MODE” item; observed: self would have ended GAME, albeit received notification of 20 remaining enemy lemon count to cause self to continue;

7. finished: GAME to receive “CONGRATULATIONS”; adds: learns GAME STORY objective to be of making lemon juice for self and Wizard companions; notes: quick sharing of GAMEPLAY know-how that select games from the 90’s (PC) and even those of the present (Mobile) use as technique, keyphrase: < 30mins; with review, 60mins (approx) in this case

8. notes: as reminder to self, .JAR technique to execute on multiple Operating Systems; adds: however, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) has to first be installed; adds: execution on mobile, e.g. Android and macOS, may NOT yet be quick, in contrast to web version via javascript; notes: Steam Powered to use SteamDeck for mobile; adds: Steam Powered GAMES to appear to NOT execute on mobile via Android and macOS;

Thank you. Health!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed GAME OFF 2022 Abandon the ship!’s developer, Diego Ramirez, also wrote a review of it; adds: GAME to be playable via web browser

2. observed: noticeable 2D pixel drawing technique, with keyphrase: learnable; adds: noticeable font technique as that used with 80’s arcade and family computer games, e.g. Super Mario Bros. #1 (Family Computer);

3. observed: noticeable background music; adds: sound effects to remind self of family computer games when getting the banana, Duke Nukem#1 (PC) when falling from height whose measurement exceeds the set threshold

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of getting all the missing lunch boxes of protagonist monkey’s co-workers, and then returning to the chief monkey; adds: banana count and elapsed time to exist to cause another play of the game; admits: self had to re-verify the GAME’s explanation on the web page to learn the correct action to finish the game after getting all the lunch boxes

5. observed: self to be surprised to learn that there is no JUMP command; adds: self remembered Elevator ACTION (Family Computer) when protagonist monkey became stuck to the moving concrete, albeit in this case, monkey did NOT die;

6. notes: as reminder to self, protagonist monkey’s walking drawing technique; adds: when OUTPUT, that was previously classified to be NOT doable, becomes observed to be doable, it causes more developers to re-classify it as doable, keyphrase: track, running; remembers: self to have previously observed the OUTPUT of using javascript to be as that of family computer games, based on the PAC-MAN javascript game; adds: web version on mobile with controller inputs as observed in applications, e.g. invertedhat’s postie, allalonegamez’s rewind-time;

Thank you. Health!


Thank you for sharing your game.  I’ve already saved its RATING;

1. verified: GAME due to observed in SUBMISSIONS List with keyphrase: Linux, survival; adds: GAME to be also playable on Windows and macOS based on Downloads list; opted: to verify using Linux, due to notified shall need to update to macOS 10.13 or later

2. observed: noticeable 2D pixel and 3D drawing techniques; notes: tank directional movement to appear as that of the actual; adds: tank prints; observed: rotation of turret based on computer mouse position to use Math techniques, with keyphrase: triangles; remembers: from background and object color combination, Return Fire (PS1)

3. observed: game to have background music and sound effects based on FEEDBACK; shares: self opted to verify without sound;

4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be of surviving against the continuous set of incoming enemy tanks via destroying them using own turret; observed: power-ups to also exist, albeit attack damage and the displayed output after upgrade appear to have no noticeable change yet

5. notes: as reminder to self, tank movement technique

Thank you. Health!