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A member registered Feb 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Starting off with today I wanted to get the dialog system functional, and that's what I did So the next thing i did was play with some new tactical suits.

I'm not sure where I'm going to go from here, there is a lot of things that are functional, alot of art I need to make, as well as sound effects that needs made. I did work on some title screen music I'll post it at some point before I release the demo. 

I worked on sounds most of the day, I don't normally do anything in the sound department but I made a few sounds for the title and the station as well as got some random background sounds to play randomly. (I don't know how much i like the random sounds however...). This lead me into making the sound settings for later when I work on the settings menu. I quickly found my logic was very flawed when The station sound was being played every time my alarm went off nearly locking up my computer. So That has been an adventure, I worked on that for some time until I finally got the sound working and moved on. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next, so i sat staring blankly at the monstrosity of the project and what it has became.

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I'm hoping today will be a pretty productive day, so I have a list of things that I worked on or done.

1. finished the menu system - you can now un-equip gear from the menu system(armor and helm)

2. fixed a bug with the weapon depth, and drawing weapon based information when not supposed to

3. started on npc generation - trying to remember to make any system kind of modular sucks, just having an idea of how you want things to work isn't enough. you have to make the code as modular as possible so you know what "properties" you will need later. So in my case I have npc stats, which don't really have anything to do with character generation but later for the combat system we will need these things already in there so i threw that together so I could refer to them. Race is what desides how the object should look. So I made a way of changing the race with the player character, most of the code for how the player looks, and reacts to input will work with the npc's, definantly saving some time there. digging into the npc's at first i collected averything from the player 

So another note, when your working with INTEGERS and FLOATS remember when you say something like 

variable  = random(number) // this will give float in gamemaker

variable = irandom(number) // this will give integer in gamemaker

if variable == 0{

}else if variable == 1{


this caught me up for a couple hours be cause the number was .49 rather then 1 or 0. It wasn't until I debugged everything down to drawing the variables out that i realized what was going on. So after so many hours of coding it's not a bad idea to take a break...... >_< .

Notice how the heads are wrong, lol, this was a problem immediately after so again, deep diving into the code to see why things were backwards. I have now fixed the races in the game, and there are naked npc's so that is done. The menu and npc's are ahuge win for today, I'll continuie to work on them, I already have a dialog system to put in there. Clothing them shouldnt be hard. I have to work on the sprites. I initially wanted to go with a star trek type theme but I feel like I could come up with something a little more original so I think im going ot leave that for through the week and move on.

The races as of now, will be unlocks, After you help liberate the Systems you will be able to play as the race. This will give different bonus's to stats and classes, maybe some races are simply better then others at things and that's simply how things are

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I know I have a few more minutes before 2pm but I don't think I'm going to have anything to show. Had a few things I had to do this morning so I pretty much just worked on the menu system that ties into the equipment system I worked on yesterday. I'm going to spend the rest of the time today working on more sprites and tiles. I wanted A playable Demo of the player by tomorrow but I'm not going to make it, since I'm bypassed my time frame I guess I'm going to push it to next Sunday and try and get the station as playable as possible.

I for some reason didn't see that, thanks lol.

I may be having to much fun with the new race but I had to throw some mock up stuff up before I left to go to work.

I looked in the documentation but I Was wondering if there is a youtube tutorial for this. 

Well, of course I couldn't just do one thing. I got some help with the main conflict and started throwing around ideas on the invading force.


These guys may very well be the Alien invaders, I'm not sure as of yet but it's looking that way.

This isn't anything for the amount of assets in this pack, Thanks for the one time price! 

I finished the armor up and now to finish the menu,  I'm going to work on that tomorrow though. 

Is there any way you can split the animations up into either individual frames or one animation per line? The current one line format is kind of hard to see what's going on with different amounts of animations per different animation.

What are the sizes of these sprites? 

There isn't much to show today I had quite a few things to do when I got up so that cut my time down a few hours. I continued to work on armor dropping and equipping, it's hard to make progress being pulled in fifteen different ways... >_< ... After I get the Armor done ill have what I need to work on getting the menu up and running, while I'm at work I'm working on some menu designs and how I want it all laid out, one thing I'm not good at is music, ui, and stories so I guess we will see how those things pan out.  Hopefully I get the armor system finished tomorrow and there will be something to show. 

So I here is where I will post the links to the resources I got that I didn't make myself, or the base that I went from.

The colors of the game I'm using this Color palettefrom palette list.

The  Character bases, I linked to all of his itch because there are more then the one I used.

I have to include These characters, becuase that was the first template I Was using.

however I switched to the new char style because I needed some more space as well as I liked not having hands on the characters. 

I used scifi type font here for the title screen, and I have  font I used in game.

I Finally have both of the basic wearables for both races, I wanted to shoot something but i didn't have enough time to add a new entity into the game so I added collisions with bullets for all the garbage.

wearing the army greens

You can't see the bullet shooting the trash but there is a nice little particle of empty casings and a clip there.

showing empty particles

I'm left with designing / making the menu / HUD for the player and I'm stuck really how I want it to look. I want the hud and menus to blend in as much as possible with the game for immersions sake but for now to make things functional I guess I'm going to make a traditional menu to show what information the player needs to see and work the menu into the game later.  I feel like the cloning machine UI wasn't bad really.

here is the character creation menu

All the info you need for classes and the race is there, I didn't intend on making the clone creation animation look like a shower but.... The main menu / HUD is the focus atm, I'll work on that tomorrow and hopefully have something to show for it. After the Menu / hud I'm going to put the armors in the shop so you can buy them, I have to make another body clothes for when you spawn in and don't have anything so your not naked.  There is so much to do and not much time to do it other then on the weekends. 

I'm putting all the post-alpha release dev blogs in this post, I think daily dev logs in the same post makes more sense. There won't be daily updates (outside of emergency patches updates), however weekly game updates and daily dev logs seems to be the way to go.

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Added the basic suit, a weapon pistol with animations. 

I'm working on the menu right now,  want all the menus to look as in universe and immersive as possible. It's not really working out that way yet though.

 I only have from 9am to two in the evening to work on the game through the week so I can't do very much in terms of new, more art, tweaking, and bug fixing then new during the week. 

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The attention to detail in this  is great.

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Up coming update
System Liberation ver 0004


W,A,S,D - move player around the world

mouse movement - your character will most of the time, always look at or face the mouse

left click - to pickup items or interact with objects in the game.

enter / space - used to accept desicions in character creation and elevator

right click - will pick the lock on the chest in the shop ( will change later on)

F11 -  make the game fullscreen

current game content - 

character creation -

  the character creation - 

    class select - medical, science, pilot, or security officer with there own starting stats

jobs - 

    garbage - you can gather garbage on the station and throw them in the compactors on the current floor to make some money.

   Crate jobs - you can carry crates and barrells from the hangar to where they need to go to make some money.

you can explore the sspace station, although there isn't much in there now im hoping it will come to life as the game gets more and more developed.

You cannot atm download the game, I'm a few days to a week away from getting the first alpha version up and running. 

also on the one pack or more. I have been looking for scifi assets for my game and I can't make a bunch of purchases at once with my bank card without it being flagged as fraud. So I recommend having a one time purchase even if you do decide to go with individual packs.

I swear the circle for equipment slots on the ships i found a sprite sheet with that on it a while back and i love the idea of different sized ships having different amount of equipment slots. and ive worked that into my game.

yes on the scifi pack, theres a billion and one medieval packs out there but not scifi stuff.

Abandoned project of mine. >_<

This looks great, there isn't enough modern sci-fi assets on itch! Keep up the good work.

I'm working on a game that your HUD packs going to be perfect for if you want a playable prototype (before HUD) I can send it to you if you have an email. I just found your HUD at the perfect time, there currently isn't any hud in the game lol.

Do you do commisions?

Also do you have un-armed sprites of the characters w/o the weapon? 

The license says " any closed source project ASSET-BUYER owns", forgive my ignorance but does this include commercial games?

in a 16bit coloring?

Do you do commision work? I was wondering if you could make two or three more ships in this style with different weapon attachments. I can contact you on discord if you like.

Thanks man

 Is there somewhere I can buy all your star ship packs for one price? My card don't like it when I make several small purchases. Ko-Fi and pay pal works best if possible.

Are there the tools as well? or would we have to make them ourself? Want to make more money if there isn't?


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ok got it, sent thanks

I'm in need of some recolor, if you have discord I'd be willing to pay for them and show you what I'm working on. It's a personal project of mine that I don't plan to release publicly. Just a hobby.

Where can I get those sprites in the battle thumbnail?

Is there anymore plans for this series? I would love to have some more monster type characters. Any and all would be appreciated!

Please change the colors of this page I can't read the text. 

in what ever engine you are using, you can change the image_blend = c_red (for gamemaker) and set an alarm to reset image_blend = c_white after a few seconds, maybe even scale the image a certain way. This way you don't have to rely on the artist for certain animations or if you want something temporary.

edit: I know this was 2 months ago but for anyone in the future,, >_<