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Mandy J Watson

A member registered Jun 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really like this - the art is particularly good but the whole idea is great.

I couldn't get past Chapter 4, however. I tried about five times and closest I got was 16 points away. I'd like to have a preview of what unit is coming next, which would help with strategising. Also, the font on the scroll is a bit small (even at full screen).

I've just noticed there's a typo. It should be "receive" in the first line.

(1 edit)

I did. I have the confirmation email from 31 August 2024. (Also, that's the link for the contributor copy, not the agreement.)

These are some really great adventure seed ideas.

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I love the art. I love the design. I love how you managed to get so much information onto one card. Well done!

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I have some ideas. (I'm also open to ideas.) I don't know if I will take it further, though, as I like this as an intriguing one-off, rather than the start of a world building project, but I am very tempted to do the other Burgundy Knight, which is similar, except it's lost one of its eyes.

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This is a very creative idea. I like it.

(CERAMIC Strict is new to me. I've got a couple of cards that qualify so I will have to update their pages when I have a moment.)

One I use is Carlito (, although I don't use it that small, but you can try Neue Helvetica if you have access to it or Nimbus Sans L (

Sorry - yes. Wasn't trying to argue either. I got my first two packs on Friday and when the cards print well they are so cool so I want everyone's cards to print well!

Sans serif typefaces work better at small sizes. If you want to put white/light text on a black/dark background the rule of thumb is to step it up a size and/or boost it slightly with a thin border, although that border trick won't work well with a serif font when it's too small because it'll just turn the letters into blobs. Increased leading also helps but, of course, then you lose physical space.

I love the art for this. Useful tool, too.

I don't know what the font sizes are because I have an older version of Affinity Publisher and can't open your file (are you on V2?) but the front of the card is pushing the boundaries of the smallest. The back is going to be too small with its font size and leading (and the dark background), except for people with extremely good eyesight.

(I say this as someone with decades of experience as a print journalist. Nevertheless I voted yes because I really like it.)

This is very cool but I don't know that it's going to be legible when printed as  bridge card. I suspect the font is too small.

The genre choices made me laugh!

I got a copy of this card (two, actually) in my Tiny Library packs and I thought it printed really well. Looks good!

Thank you!

I upgraded from Build 721 (AFAIK) to v0.0.851.

I was outside Harrowdus, visiting for the first time. I went in, investigated the whole town, talked to NPCs, etc, then tried to leave and got kicked out with:


Moonring v0.0.851:

actor_manager.lua:3484: More than one creature exists with ID: 1


[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler'
[C]: in function 'error'
actor_manager.lua:3484: in function 'checkCreatureIDs'
state_game.lua:15291: in function 'saveCurrentWorldAndChangeWorld'
state_game.lua:14685: in function 'zoomOut'
state_game.lua:7780: in function 'fixedUpdate'
state_game.lua:2724: in function 'update'
main.lua:1275: in function 'gameUpdate'
main.lua:1295: in function 'update'
[love "callbacks.lua"]:162: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

I am now stuck there. If I reload the game I'm on the Overworld map and it's just an arrow, no me, and I can't move around. I can only go into the city. If I try to leave the city it kicks me out of the game with the error again.

Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.

Thank you!

Thank you so much!

Indeed, and thank you for noticing. Sometimes a graveyard just has your ancestors (or someone's, anyway). Occasionally there's a magic sword. Often there are just really beautiful gardens. (Probably not so much in this case since the groundskeeper is neglecting his duties!)

I've seen other people use similar images (I made these myself during last year's jam) and it adds a graphic element that helps to break up the text so that's why I do it.

I hope you play it and enjoy it!

(1 edit)

The music machine eventually leads to a nighttime dance parties.

Appeasing the spirits eventually leads to friendly spirits in the graveyard at night.

Giving tribute to the ocean shrine eventually leads to dancing mermaids appearing in the ocean. If you don't you end up with angry mermaids and lose gold.

This is beautiful work!

(1 edit)

Ok, cool. Got it. I understood the intention, just not how the mechanic worked with a die.

So are you saying you first need to roll a 1, then, once you do, you need to roll a 1 or 2? Continuing, once you roll a 1 or 2, you need to roll a 1 or a 2 or a 3? (And so on?)

Question: How do the filled circles increase the odds of the favour being granted if it's based on a 1d6 roll?

(BTW I'd suggest "agree" instead of "obey".)

In Afrikaans, "meer" means "more".

That is an excellent point. I would like that kind of party.

This has a similar sort of frivolous tone as my card. I like it!

Funny thing is, I'm not actually a partier....

Since you mentioned about grammar, it should be "a few minutes' break" (with the apostrophe).

I love that this is handmade. The art is really great.

I'm glad to see this card was included in the Tiny Library booster pack. I don't know why it wasn't well rated in the jam. I really like it - it's both a tiny solo game, as well as a useful mechanic you can plug into other games.

Ha! It could. It is pixel art. All cross stitch is just pixel art (or vice versa).

Congratulations! I see you've racked up an impressive number of Very Positive reviews so that's an incredibly good sign for long-term success. Well done!

Hi. As people have mentioned on some of your other assets, your licence here of "public domain" is incompatible with you then saying that a person can't sell the asset. Public domain means you are giving up all rights to the work and anyone can do anything with it, including using it for anything, altering it in any way imaginable, and selling it as is or altered.

Rather remove the licence and instead write something to the effect of:

"Terms: No credit is required. Commercial, public, and private use is allowed. You may alter this asset to use in your (commercial or non-commercial) projects but you may not sell the original version or any altered versions as standalone images or assets."

You can also look at an example LimeZu uses, which is more elegant than what I just typed.

(Love the art by the way.)

Dex Carlisle for the June jam. (This may end up being an ongoing thread because I really like the font.) Thanks again.

Great, thank you. That's perfect.

I don't interpret it that way, which is why I am asking. To me it seems to be two completely separate and unrelated items placed together under one section. The licensee doesn't need IP rights to be able to make slight modifications for printing purposes. [7.1] already gives permission to make these slight modifications anyway ("However, the scale and size of the Works may be modified for manufacturing purposes.").

No. Now you're saying "creator". Are you talking about the licensee or the artist? Because the way this reads to me in the contract, 2.4 reaffirms that the artist (me) retains copyright but 7.1 tries to contradict that by saying the licensee (you) will pull rights away by claiming trademarks or patents.


Please explain this part of [7.1]: "Licensee shall be entitled to file and acquire any kind of intellectual or industrial property right as to the title, rules, parts/format and design/layout of the Works." as it seems to contradict [2.4]: "The Licensee acknowledges that the Artist owns and will continue to own all rights and interests in the Works, including the copyright in the Works."
