Nice arcade style game, play to the end, lots of fun.
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This game is quite complete for a jam game, though arcade style jump scare gets quite old for me, this game does it does well. What I think can be better is some relaxing 8-bit bgm, and one or two presudo level to ease player up, that can enhance the theme and scare the sh*8 out who plays game to the end.
Thank you for playing. Good idea about texture glitch, maybe some chromatic aberration effect can help it more fit to the theme. I am impressed for your insistence on gathering resources and craft items. The methods intended to maintain stable money income is showed in gallery of this page. Eating raw ham would slightly damage health but increase player's running speed, and you can sell/buy stuff while running. After first day's grinding with running circle, you should have about 1000 money units, you can buy two towers and some wood fence, use wood fence to round up building areas, then there will be tight money so that you have to choose if build a cabin or not, for ervery night from 3 to 6 player status drops much faster, sleep can speed up time and increase health and happiness, but decrease food and water.
So my stratergy is to run to pond and drink water to 100, then go back build the cabin, even if I had to build fewer towers. And I will choose to build near the dead tree, for max grinding efficiency. And after doing all that the game will go into routine the second night, that you will always have about 1000-2000 money units on your hand to build, eat and buy branded bottle water. Thus about 7-10 days in game ( 10 minutes or so in real life) it will get boring so player can just quit the game.
Right click on item icon in the inventory will show sell button, then you can sell your stuff and get money. The map contains only two pool and a hidden rabbit in three oblique directions, and literally nothing in south-east. I put a dead tree in the center in case player can not find where to go back work, thought to put an arrow indicator towards the tree but did not have enough time. I could change the kill-drop items to gold coins, or just increase money value after each kill, but animal remains can enhance the concept of killing, thus make more negtive emotion feed back. Also you can eat raw ham to run faster, with no particular reason.
Thank you for playing this game. I think drinking water is the most basic need for one to survive, however it cost money in modern society, which is funny, ther funnier part is that in working place companies always supply free branded bottle water. For the grinding part it is surely annoying, thus I put a secret rabbit on the north-west corner of the map, kill it will give you 1000 meat, and every time you start the game it will refresh in the same area. It's quite easy to kill but do not get too close for it can kill you with two melee strikes. Once you know the secret the game will turn to a tower defence game with not much strategy thinking needed.
Losing job is bad but not so bad, I have more time with family and chance to charge up, I think while looking for next job, I will put some time to try to make this jam project a full game with more positive feed back game play.
If the keys color can match the doors, that could be much easier for player to know how may puzzles solved and how many left. It also can lead the player twards the path you want them to follow, like the explosive barrels do. I think when you put player into a maze,you should avoid player to go trough a path that lead to nowhere or no feedback. I really like the spooky dispearing guy for it's a positive feedback.
Great game visual, this is some professional level production. The only minor issue is hitting detection of the security room fight is not working well, can not deal demage unless I press the box in robot's face then click the button, even after doing that it's not certain do deal demage. I specially love the reflection of enviroment for the materials.
This jam have so many nice games to try,I have only tried out a few of which so far. So I'll play and rate all games follow in this topic.
Here is my humble game to try:
This Game is what I pieced togther what Survival Engine offers, using the sample asset and basic framework, with a lot modification. The idea is to make something not follows rules of Survival games that the original framework intend to implement, but rather like tower deffence. And the core concept is to roast about my losing job as a game developer recently, and make fun of consumerism which both are aberation of life, so some part of this game is tweaked not so enjoyable intentionally. However there still at least 10 minutes of fun if you kindly play it out, but not guaranteed ;)
Install instructions
Unzip the file and double click the exe to run.
How to play
Move:A/S/W/D Rotate: Q/E
Use/Sell: Right Click on icon
Remember work from 9 to 17, then do whatever you want.
Very nice game,Here‘s a humble game to try
Very nice,a humble game to try
Thank you for playing this game. Acctually It's designed player can not get any resource directly from enviroment, to demonstrate a world that anything need money to buy in first place. After first day's work you can sell all the stuff you picked up and anything in the craft area can be bought with money. When you found ways to get money stably, you can stop working and go fishing or do whatever you want. I think this money driven cycle is aberation of life. People work from 9-17 just to sell labor to get money, to buy stuff that they need to survive, or they don't really need most time. To end the cycle you need to manually do a hard quit.
There are only a few things I think really matters for surviving in this game.
Tower. It's like game skill sets that help you finish daily work more efficiently.
Shed. Every one need eat and sleep to survive. And should afford a place to live.
Food. Not very expensive. However when working as a developer I hardly have chance to cook own food, always buy food and eat.
Water. Everyday we drink bottle water to survive, otherwise could get sick, that's funny. In game it's relatively expensive to buy bottle water directly. You can just buy a pod (should rename it to bottle) and go to pool and fill it, that makes exactly same thing and save some money.
All the other things you can buy are not necessary for game play. The discription of bottle water is directly copied from web site of evian.
There is a way to get wood and other resource though, for example, you can buy a tower and wait until animals destory it, then there will remain some wood on the ground.
Hi, enjoy this jam, so much good games and great ideas. For I do not have a PC on my hand so I can only play browser games, and still impressed by most.
This Game is what I pieced togther what Survival Engine offers, using the sample asset and basic framework. The idea is to make something not follow rules of Survival games that the framework intend to implement, but rather like tower defence. And the core concept is to roast my losing job as a game developer for 10 years recently, the job which I think is aberation of life for you have to spend long time each day dealing same problems only for money, so some part of this game is tweaked not so enjoyable intentionally. However there still at least 10 minutes of fun if you kindly play it out, but not guaranteed.