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A member registered Apr 16, 2023

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Loving the new weeks and the Freeplay options! Yet to play Week One End with Pico, but it looks amazing <3 Love learning about his lore!

Really? That's so weird, that's what I did and it all turned out fine- Umm, maybe try watching a tutorial then? I'm really not sure, I'm sorry!

I know right? I was honestly wondering how it would understand what I typed, and I was trying to be nice and say something like 'I don't even know who you are, sorry-', until I realized it was typing out its own message and I was like, "Well nvm then 😭"- makes sense though. And the door opening and closing sfx at the end was a good way to end it lol

Do you mind me asking what happens to her? Or if opening the padlocked door changes anything? I've not played the true ending yet (I got the 'happy ending'), but I'm not afraid of spoilers lol. If not though, I get it! I'm gonna play through it anyway, just for the experience. 

(1 edit)

I've seen people mention two endings, but I had a feeling that the 'happy ending' I got wasn't the true ending lol. Especially with others saying how they felt bad for Nika? Nothing really of note happened to her in my playthrough, other than I feel bad because she's all alone in the apartment complex. Then again, I don't really think that was entirely what they were getting at- 😅 I'm most likely going to try for the real ending though. Do you know if opening the padlocked door changes anything? I ended up opening it with the code, but saved before I did so, just to be safe lol

Ooh, cool! I'll for sure play them when they come out!

No problem; sorry you couldn't play though!

I think that'd be good if she implemented it, yeah 😅

Lol, well at least more people are seeing it! I've recommended it to my friends myself. And you don't have to play it! It's pretty taxing, obviously, so don't feel obligated to 😊

Adorable! I love the music and art style <3 I ended up getting the happy end, and am probably gonna play it again. What's the other ending??

So, so adorable! I got � of it on my own, but admittedly need a tutorial for the last bit 😅 It's a super cute game though! Highlyrecommendd <33 poor fishy though lol

oh no- don't hate yourself, none of the endings are your fault man 😭

(4 edits)

I honestly feel that wholeheartedly. When I first played, I didn't read the content warnings, so the ending was shocking. I'm not sure how to exactly explain it, but the entire mood just felt.. weird? Like, obviously, with such a depressing topic,it's going to feel different, but the vibes I got from it weren't what I expected; probably because I didn't expect it at all.

The message of the game is good, that streamers (and all content creators in general) are still human, and have feelings too; and that it's crazy how fast something can be taken out of context and spiraled into so much more. However, I do feel like the ending could've been executed better, and maybe not as extreme as suicide. Even with the second ending, you're just kinda left with that 'wtf just happened' feeling when you walk away from it.

I think the biggest problem is that the rest of the game is all happy and cheery, with barely any indication of what might happen in the endings, and you don't really know what you're getting yourself into until it happens.I've played several other psychological horror games, maybe not entirely like this one, but at least they led up to the endings and made sense. Even if they featured topics of suicide and death in them, it wasn't just a "oh this is a cute game" and then a sudden, seemingly random 'in-your-face' terrible ending. The plot actually led up to the endings and made them make sense. IDK though, that's just how I see it. 😅

I feel that. As amazing as the voice acting is and stuff, I really wish we could skip through some dialogue during the streams, and especially the dialogue in the first voice message we receive during the beginning of the game. It's becomes a sort of drag lol

that cat is a demon responsible of all of this 😭😭 just play the second ending you'll see

Lmao, it's honestly a better ending than the su*c*de one (in my opinion), but it's still bad 😭 I'll tell you about it if you like, but I recommend playing it for yourself, for a better understanding, and so you can see what happens.

It depends on what device you're using. Right now, it's really only for PC and doesn't really work for mobile 🙃

Actually, (spoilers!) that is part of it! He does die in the cold, you have to get the other ending to find out. I won't spoil it too much incase you wanna play that ending for yourself, but all you have to do is make sure that he DOESN'T get to 1M subs, so just tell him to hide his goal from his followers and not sing the karaoke stream. Then you should be all set ^^

There was a person who spent hours making a few hundred acc's to rate the game. thought he was a bot and took them all down. It sucks, I know 🥲

Yeah I feel that lol- And I'm guessing that you probably got the su*c*de ending then? That's what I figured you meant, I just wanted to be careful. If you play for the other ending, by making sure he DOESN'T get to 1M (choose for him to not tell his followers of his goal and not do the karaoke stream, then you should be all set), you'll get a 'second' ending, where you find out the truth about Ryuk, and who he is. Nothing happens to the cat in the su*c*de ending, but trust me, in the other one, you will NOT care for what happens to that demon 😭


I promise I will- you do the same lol



My hypothesis is that it was the cat's (Ryuk's)doing. He somehow compelled us to stab and kill him, especially because we say that the feeling felt weird and unnatural, and how the knife just randomly came to fruition in our hand. Plus, how Zilas apologises and says that it 'wasn't our fault'.I'm pretty sure he knew it was going to happen, because he didn't seem shocked.

Don't worry, that's the ending that mainly everyone else got at first as well. Most people's first idea was to help him get to his goal, and that's the ending you get if you do so. There is a second ending, if you don't do so, but beware, because that one's really not better 🙃

Exactly! Streamers (and all content creators in general) are still human, and have feelings too. It's crazy how fast something can be taken out of context and spiraled into so much more.This game, as saturated as it might be, has a really good moral to it, one that's a really important, quite harsh truth.

Just looked at another one of the comments your in, and I'm so sorry to hear you lost your acc like that- Especially putting in so many hours to make hundreds of alts like that 😭 I commend you for putting that much passion into it though!

Legend has it, if we get the game to 5k ratings, a new ending will be released. Not sure if it's good, but there's always room to hope, right?

It depends on the ending you got. There's two, and one centers around the cat (Ryuk) afterwards, but I'm not sure if you got that ending or not, and I don't wanna spoil anything by telling you the wrong one accidentally 🙃

You're not weak, I literally started freaking out like "HE PROPOSED AND WE KILLED HIM WTFFFF" 😭😭🤣 I'm pretty sure we're all attached to him, I mean how could you not? He's ZILAS 😭😭

the third ending isn't released yet, There's only two sad ones rn 🥲

(2 edits)

NO bc it does 😭😭
In the second ending (saying second bc that's normally the second ending people get), the cat (Ryuk), says that if the game gets 5k ratings, then Zilas will be 'revived'. Technically, we don't know what kind of ending it'll be, but if it's not a good one, I'm gonna scream 🥲 ZILAS IS SUCH A SWEETIE PIE; AS MUCH AS I LOVE JENNY (the creator) I HATE HER FOR DOING THIS TO US; LIKE I CRIED SO HARD DURING THE 'FIRST' ENDING 😭😭🤣

On the other hand though, Jenny's actually really chill, probably my one of my fav developers so far. I've watched some of her streams and stuff; definitely a girl who knows her audience and how to reel them in 🙃 with a hot character like Zilas, that is

Not yet, sadly. However, if the game gets 5K reviews there will be!

at least there's a warning screen now- wish that was there last time 😭

adorable game; very wholesome yet sad at the same time <3 my condolences to all who lost their pets, I won't know how to feel when I lose my dog..

this is amazing! it really makes you brain think lol 🩷 amazingly well made!

Ah, DDLC was so fun! I think my most recent was OMORI, which I recently just replayed. I also managed to get the other ending and it definitely surprised me! Luckily, I don't think it was as bad as the first ending, but then again, I could have just been more used to the game by then. I won't spoil it though! However, I think the third ending will be the 'good ending', when the game gets to 5K ratings. Hoping we get tgere soon!

No, don't worry! I play psychological "cute in the beginning, terrifying at the end"-type horror games all the time; but I'm a huge empath so it just ruins me every time lol

I've already got that ending twice now; luckily no tears this time, but more fear than anything- That end picture has a WAYY different vibe, and Ryuk's eyes in the mirror scared me so bad 😭🤣 

And the same goes for you! Don't push yourself any father than what you can take. You gotta watch yourself with these types of games, even if you can handle it, and take breaks between each playthrough.

same, I really wish I did- looking at the other endings though,I'm scared- for the other endings and what's to come-

I know, right? The message is really deep, and also really important. Streamers (and all content creators in general) are still human, and have feelings too. It's crazy how fast something can be taken out of context and spiraled into so much more.

Also yeah,the ending comes right at you- There's no time to prepare before it hits you like a brick 😭