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Lexi Games

A member registered Feb 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thanks for playing the game, I'm glad you had fun!

Yeah, I tried to design a few of the later levels to have multiple ways of beating them—this is actually the main thing I wish I'd had more time to expand on and work into the final level. It's something all my favorite platformers do to some extent. It makes it more likely for a player to beat a level in a way they enjoy, and it can potentially help them progress instead of getting stuck because there's only one path and it involves a specific trick they struggle with. It's also satisfying to discover obscure paths and outsmart what seems like the intended way!

Cute lil' game! From everything here, the graphics stood out to me the most. From the screen-wide sway, to the details of the environment, to the waves in the background, to the quack wave, it was all amazing. Seriously, fantastic job! ♥

There's a lot of good things that can be said about this game, so I'll stick to what stood out to me the most.

The ghosting effect for movement is awesome and such a clever move to replicate the effect of playing on a Nokia. The difficulty got pretty tough, and I enjoyed that, though I admittedly found myself spamming kicks at the end because it felt like the safest option, but it should still felt doable with a more varied playstyle for sure. Also, very readable and pleasing art style.

Good job! ♥

This was fun, and it has a lot of potential to be expanded even further! I noticed how in the mines the camera moves a bit at the rhythm of the mining, which is a tiny detail that makes it way more intuitive and fun—I loved that.

Being able to crash the frost wraiths against their own blocks is a nice risk-reward situation; you can choose to either just dodge them, or try to crash them which is riskier but buys you some seconds without them around to focus on dodging spikes. I will say though that to me it always felt like just dodging the wraiths was the better choice, as they wouldn't fire if you were constantly moving up and down, but having the other option is really good.

Good job! ♥

I liked this! It can start deceptively easy depending on your difficulty settings, but as you up them it gets more and more tense, and a single mistake can end your run. I'm glad you made it possible to configure everything here, it was a great way to allow players to set their own difficulty level. And as a bonus it allows you to make everyone an NPC and see who wins! Good job. ♥

Really fun! Every level has its own "aha!" moment where you learn more about how the mechanics work and interact together, and they felt like just the right length to not get burned out by repeating steps if you fail.

Also props on the graphics and the menu music! They were both really satisfying and added a touch of flair to the whole experience, and the graphics felt consistent throughout.

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Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! ♥

Totally understandable about the last level, it's definitely a challenge. If it weren't for playtesting it would've released in a considerably more difficult state too, which turned out to be way excessive for the progression I was able to work into the game within the deadline.

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Thank you! It means a lot to hear you enjoyed it, and I'm glad I was able to make it feel intuitive.

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Thanks! I'm really happy to hear you liked it, and congrats on beating the game!

This is really fun! Having the only input be switching lanes makes it approachable, and the combination of limited resources and varying enemy speeds makes it engaging and remain so for a long time. I think you've captured the essence of what makes a game fun, and with the smallest amount of resources at that. Great job! ♥

I was slightly confused at first because I misinterpreted "frozen enemies" as a type of enemy that was visibly encased in ice, and it took me a few tries of not being sure why sometimes I couldn't kill the "other" enemies to understand—though this could be a side effect of playing many games from this jam, which feature that kind of visual.

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That was amazing! There's so much to love about this game.

There are so many animations for the main character, and they're all fantastic—from the squash and stretch to how they flow between each other—truly making them feel alive. There was a clear sense of progression in difficulty throughout the game. And the combination of character and environmental mechanics was really fun, there were a lot of things happening but it never got overwhelming thanks to good level design.

I was enjoying myself so much that I ended up laughing multiple times when I panicked or when wacky things happened as a result of this interplay of mechanics. That final level took me a few tries, but it was just satisfying to repeatedly smack the guy with a bunch of blocks.

Great job! ♥

Fun game! Sprites are really cute, and the premise is funny. It feels nice to enter a loop of picking up bombs and throwing them to rack up points. Good job!

Fun lil game, and super cute dino! I like how the core mechanic allows you to set the pacing, I can see that making the game more approachable for some people. I think it has a lot of potential for even more levels. Good job!

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That was really tough—survived 14 days in my latest try, though! Might give it a few more tries later, it was fun. I think the lack of sound effects in favor of tense music was the right approach here, it personally made me more immersed in the life-or-death situation that the characters are in. Also, the overwhelming darkness from the lack of a background was ominous, perfect for this game. Good job! ♥

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That was fun, and the art was really cute! I'm glad the bonfires served as checkpoints, made it a smoother experience. Also, the music totally reminded me of music from back in the day. It was a nice relaxing experience, thanks for making this. ♥

This was really cool! Fun combination of gameplay elements, I really enjoy bullet hells, and the twist made me hyperfocused to make sure I wouldn't miss a single one. The art was also fantastic, the final sequence was awesome. Really good job! ♥

Fun lil game! It becomes a nice challenge to learn how to get ready for the cocoa to appear in places that might be hard to reach if you're not ready. I played several times, it's comfy and the bunny is super cute. ♥

Really fun! It's so simple and direct it makes you want to keep replaying to get a higher and higher score. I like that you have a limited secondary ability to manage as well, gives a nice amount of variety and mistake forgiveness. Good job!

It was a joy playing this! The art is incredibly cute, and the slower pace of this game compared to some in the same genre made it a pretty relaxing experience. After completing the story mode, I think I played the free mode for about half an hour. Great job! ♥

This was really fun! I could easily see it getting expanded further, the mechanics here have a lot of potential. I noticed at around wave 15 they started to consist of only one enemy? I'm not sure if that was intended or not.

I had a lot of fun, thanks for making this!

This is really fun! The increasing speed and variety makes for a nice challenge, and the art style is really cute. I've played quite a bit now. Good job! ♥

Incredible game! It felt like everything was well measured and balanced. Even the tightest of timings felt doable, and there were lots of good design choices like making the platforms not have a hitbox while they spawn. Also lots of enemy and gameplay variety. Definitely a tough game, but still a fair one. Good job!

Incredibly fun game! I hadn't played something like spot the difference in a long time. Memory games are fun and I think you made something really neat! I also tried the alternate mode a little, and I like the idea of having a manually curated mode and a random mode for players who seek more and perhaps a more difficult challenge.

I do agree with other people about how to play not being quite clear at the start (it wasn't until I read a comment here that it clicked for me), but that's not too hard to address, and the core of the game is very enjoyable.

Really fun! It stood out to me how well you managed to introduce the mechanics gradually and in their simplest forms before building on them in later stages. Also, the art was cute and really well made—in particular, the duck's jump and fall as well as the ending images were impressive. Keep it up!

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That was really fun! It felt like the temperature dropped fast enough that I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I was always in a hurry to either find a new spot or return to one to warm up. Making it harder to see as the temperature dropped and you're frostbitten was even more nerve-wracking, in the best of ways.

It was admittedly a bit hard for me to understand what was in my vision sometimes, especially at the start, but I got used to it after spending some time with the terrain.

This was nice, I had fun! It felt a little hard to dodge sometimes, but it was still entertaining. Keep it up!

Fun concept! I like the idea of having to predict multiple variables before a single action that determines the whole result, like building some kind of domino effect and getting the satisfaction of seeing it all unfold when you do it right. Would definitely enjoy playing more of this!

Adorable little game! The art style is so cute, and the gameplay was fun all the way through. It was a nice relaxing experience and my day is better for it. Thanks so much for making this. ♥

Incredible game! You were able to create a feeling of tension and eerieness throughout this whole experience, both with the art design and the gameplay. The sprites stand out to me, especially the larger ones, they really make you feel small and scared. That whole final stretch I wanted nothing to do with the monsters and to just book it out of there.

(2 edits)

I enjoyed how to get through the stages you have to learn the routes and optimize the safe spots and patterns. It had a nice puzzly feeling to it, and the stages were short enough that you could retry several times without getting burned out.

As an aside, I really like the animation for the controls on the game's page. Easy to read, pleasant to look at, and adds flair to the experience!

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Interesting take on the theme! I also saw other people mention the sound effects, and it's true I haven't heard these in other games for this jam, so props for that!

I love this game. It had a phenomenal atmosphere, and I've only seen one other game with anything like this. I'm a huge fan of works that tap into the surreal to create an eerie, dreamlike experience, and this was a lot of that. Seriously, I adore everything from the worldbuilding, to the character design, to the dialogue.

I wasn't expecting the ending (at least the one I got, unsure if there are more), but it makes total thematic sense and I appreciate it for that. Just the cherry on top of the cake.

And I caught at least one SCP reference, which is always neat!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you! Hearing all this means a lot to me. ♥
Congratulations on beating the game!

Someone found the secret room! Congrats!

Really fun mechanic! I also enjoy it when platformers make you have to figure the order of actions out, and this game had a lot of that.

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The tension created by managing the lifespan of the balloon and the impossibility of going back up made this a lot of fun! I also enjoyed how the premise of the game was subverted in a couple of levels in a way that still felt strongly tied to it.

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Incredibly addictive! I could see people getting hooked to this game for days on end, trying to beat their own high score again and again. You've done a lot with very little, and details like the number shake and particles, the stretch and squash of the ball, and the leaning of the platform make it very satisfying to play. I think that's essential to making a simple game focused entirely on a single game loop like this enjoyable for a long time. It did take me a while to figure out how momentum's built, but besides that it's a fun mechanic.

Gravity Shift was fun! I really enjoy simple platformers with ever-increasing difficulty like this. Movement feels tight and the overall design philosophy was solid in my opinion.

I'm really happy to hear you had fun!

For the record, what level were you stuck on? I like learning about people's experiences with my games for future ones.