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A member registered Mar 17, 2023

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I haven't read the novel in a while so i'm a little late to the sprite change party and i'd like to share with you all my reaction to seeing Shoichi.

"oh nooooo HES HOTTERRR!!! *Internal screaming* XD"

Edit: I wrote that before even starting day 39, I was refreshing my memory with day 38 and OMG HIS TAIL CAN WAG NOW <3

Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe this novel, it is beyond words i'm afraid, truly a work of art.

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(Minor Spoiler)

Im a little sad with how Carl's route ended because him and chase seemed happy together, and yet at the same time I cant be upset. Beautiful piece of art this novel is, i'm so glad I finally decided to read it. Really made me feel warm and fuzzy inside after this first ending, and hearing the menu music while typing this out is just so out of this world. I feel like i'm on clouds watching a horizon.

Thank you Echo Project for a wonderful story <3

I hadn't even thought of running it that way, turns out it works and doing so brings back my saves as well. Thanks for the help ❤️.

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Is it just me or did the new Ren'Py update not only break existing saves but also break saving. I keep getting the same "Exception" throughout all the the visual novels/games i'm playing when I try to save. "Exception: Not saved - no valid save locations.". I started getting this "Exception" a couple days ago, I thought the issue would fix itself but I don't know :(

1st. Love the Trailer, really spooky and made me feel like theres something sinister hidden within the game. Especially after playing a while before watching the trailer.

2nd. Does the game have music? I've been playing for a while now and just assumed the game doesn't have music but it bothers me that despite not hearing anything there are still music and sound sliders. Is it just me? because I cant find any comments talking about this, I really hope i'm not missing out :(

Other than that I still really like the game and still plan on playing despite this little inconvenience.

(3 edits)

Chuck taking over and getting rid of the the choices was pretty funny, i've never seen that in a visual novel before, unless you count Doki Doki Literature Club, good job guys, could say I had a good Chuck-le... <.<

Oh my god. Im only six days in. Played for less than a day. And I had that small moment of realization of what the password was when I saw the vault after Resonating.  After typing in that password and seeing how its changed the story during dinner, I think it's safe to say this has quickly grown to become one of my favorite visual novels. Amazing work guys, honestly, how many visual novels out there that hook people in so quickly. 10/10.

The day 22 picture is taunting me.


thank you!

Anyone know how to delete saves?

Hello everyone, this is a heads up to any future/ongoing players and the Author in case they aren't already aware, but I found out that upon installing the game, if you go to the gear icon (for me its on the bottom right of the screen) and click "manage" then wherever the game is stored (for me its "show in finder" because I use a mac) you'll find the game folder and within it the actual application for the game, and you'll come to find its just called "Game". Well, once downloading/installing the files from itch, the very same "Game" application will begin running in the background whether it was opened or not. 

Now hear me out, i'm not sure if this is an everyone thing or a mac thing or just a me thing but this is something I noticed after finding out the "Game" was, according to my battery info, "using significant energy". 

I actually re-downloaded Deep Inside just to make sure I was correct and yeah, after once again uninstalling Deep Inside, the "game" application remained within my computer "using significant energy", the only difference was that it was now called "" by my battery info (re-installing the game changed it back to just "Game"). 

Anyways, I figured out a way around this. Before uninstalling the game from Itch you have to delete the "Game" application from within the files or else it'll stay running in the background.

Thats all I wanted to say,  just wanted to let current and future players of Deep Inside know about this issue if it does turn out to not be just a me issue. Other than that loved the game, gave it 5 stars and i'm eager to start Emerald Wasp :) 

Happy Playing everyone! and thank you Author for the amazing games!