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Kyan Rowse

A member registered May 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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(4 edits)

Hello, thank you for your feedback. I do agree a more clear tutorial would be helpful. Specifically to explain some of the mechanics. I'm thinking about doing a simple implementation with a popup window that summarizes the mechanic as you encounter it.  

Also, I noticed you had mouse issues with the zoom mechanic at the cutscene. What screen mode were you in when playing, was it windowed or Fullscreen? And what resolution is your monitor? I think that might be the cause of the bug. I'll try and run some tests regarding this.

Again thanks for the valuable feedback. :)

(2 edits)


Augment is an escape room-style puzzle game with cinematic elements.

You have been captured by a mad scientist who has a passion for augmenting the human body. Like all mad scientists, his creations went out of control. You are one of the successful projects. You must use the abilities the mad scientist granted you to escape from his lab.

Core Features 

  • Pixelated graphics style inspired by PlayStation 2-era games.
  • Cybernetic eye implant with zoom capabilities that can be used to find hidden clues
  • X-ray vision for seeing through walls. 
  • Short Playtime
  • Cinematic story
  • Puzzles

Project Page

Nice idea and fits the theme well. Awesome that you made it in 48hours. Love the music and sound effects. 

Really nice use of the theme, was a good challenge too.

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Love the aesthetics, gameplay is fun too. I would continue working on this after the jam and commercially release it. I reckon it would do really well on switch or any mobile device. 

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Amazing. Really enjoyed it. 

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Cool little game, love the visuals and voice over. Not sure if this was a bug with my headset or not but my in-game hands had a weird offset. They weren't aligned to the position of my controllers. I was using a Quest 2. 

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Yea I encountered the same issue, the first time I did the tutorial it didn't happen then the 2nd time I slashed the slime then walk around the pillar to the right and then the game crashed with a fatal error. I used a Quest 2 with link play. 

The art style is beautiful. Moving the bird with my hand feels really nice. But I found some aspects of the gameplay unpleasant. 

I found myself constantly getting slammed in the face by rocks. The main goal is to stop the bird from hitting objects but in doing so you sometimes have to put your face in front of a rock. Which doesn't help with motion sickness. Maybe my playspace was just too small. 

I would turn this into more of a calming audiovisual experience, the bird movement feels really on point so I would focus on that and remove the hectic aspects. Performance-wise it worked perfectly on my Quest 2 via link.    

Love the art style. Gameplay-wise I would remove the timer. I feel the core gameplay is more about trying to fit as many building pieces into the level as possible. The game reminds me of the board game Blokus. With the timer, the game loses an aspect of its relaxing charm. I want to spend lots of time choosing where to place a piece whilst enjoying the relaxing feeling the game provides and learning the best combinations for certain types of buildings.  

I love how you can fall over sticks. The animations are cute too. 

Great idea, simple but fun. And well implemented. 

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Thanks! Glad you liked it. For others please note the video contains spoilers on solving puzzles.

Yea no worries, wasn't sure if what i was experiencing was bugs or not. 

Game has no sound, not sure if that's a bug, there is one point where a character walks into the shop and you hear her speak but the audio sounds mega distorted. Also game doesn't have a clear goal, not really sure what I am meant to be doing. The tracktor mission is pretty Janky too. Also game only works with a ps4 controller.

(2 edits)

Hey, really love your game. I'm a sound designer for games. I am interested in helping you guys to improve the sonic quality of your game. If your interested in working with me, send me a email via my website.

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Cool Game, Car engine sound is too low crank it up! I wanna hear that engine roar. Also music is a 3d sound on the car just make it 2D wanna hear that pumping beat.

Love the art style.

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Awesome Sound Design!