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A member registered Jun 07, 2021

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oh it's typically either one but most of the time it's micro.

There isn't a micro or lilly world that I see but I do see a save file generated in the games folder.

Yes I have!

I'll give it a shot! Thank you!!

I have recently been playing this game and when I save my progress everything seems fine. UNTIL, i open the game back up to find that all my progress is gone. I've restarted the game about three time now due to it. Any help regarding the situation.

Unfortunately I have been trying to install and play this game on my computer for hours now but each time I play I come across an error page when playing. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it multiple times since I thought maybe some files didn't extract properly. But nothing, any tips or advice?

Just as the title states, if there an estimated time when the game will be fully complete and mostly free of bugs? Id like to buy the game but I'd like for it to be completed fully.