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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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I have become inordinately invested in the plot of this porn game, ending the last chapter on a cliffhanger is just cruel. 

Fantastic game though, mixing a surprisingly gripping narrative and interesting worldbuilding with extremely hot smut. And the sort of "moral choice" aspect is honestly really interesting. Like it's specifically called out that the protagonist could become some monstrous, domineering tyrant if they just keep using Seduce and disregarding peoples' free will and consent, but that's the only way to gain some Skills and those Skills might be needed later. It creates this really interesting ludonarrative harmony where both the player and protagonist are constantly tempted to bend their morals to gain more power and walk further down the road to becoming that monstrous tyrant. 

Having all of the options to gain Skills immediately after the game draws attention to the morality of your actions be ones that involve you Seducing people who can't consent was really smart. Every single time I saw one of those options pop up I always considered it. Even though I didn't take any of them since I was trying to maintain some morality, every single time I wondered if I was passing up Skills that could be vital later on. 

It really does capture the kind of thought process that characters have in stories when they're being tempted by ambition and power: "But what if I need the power that I will gain by doing this evil thing?" You did a really good job at that.

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I think the Proficiencies and Skills are just something players and GMs are just supposed to work together to create for each character, yeah.

They've existed for longer than the non-tabletop kind.

In the chapter What is a Bug, it says under the cute and spook section that the points are to be distributed between the characters cute and spook scores, broken into half points if desired.

But I am enjoying it for the sex scenes, and my enjoyment of it does have something to do with the way the sex scenes are presented. It's fine if you don't get it or don't like it, but it's weird to claim that the people who enjoy it are wrong and aren't actually having fun or whatever.

Not many that I'm aware of. I vaguely remember a really janky 2.5d platformer that did that, but I'm hardly an expert on porn games. 

When I said that "a lot of these games make the same mistake," I was just referring to the fact that losing the fights is both how you access the sex scenes and is punished by the game's mechanics. Though I have come around to that design philosophy at this point, even though it does sound completely nonsensical if you examine it through the lens of traditional game design.

You mean RPG porn games where losing results in a submissive sex scene? Yeah, there's several. Corruption of Champions, Corruption of Champions 2, Trials in Tainted Space, Lustful Desires, Tavern of Spear, Summoned By Accident, Lilith's Throne, Flexible Survival, and Love Monsters and Order are all the ones I know of. Most of them don't have that lead to a game-over (except in certain circumstances, like losing to a major villain or losing to the same enemy multiple times in a row), but they normally do punish you in other ways, such as you losing items or money or just not getting any of the rewards and xp you would get from winning the fight. 

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I suppose that's a fair point even though it's a bit weird from a game design perspective. Honestly I think having to struggle against it might a big part of my enjoyment of the game as well, even if I hadn't really thought of it like that until you mentioned it. Still, I do think an optional easy mode couldn't hurt, since it would be optional, but I don't know how much work actually making something like that would be so it might be more effort than it's worth.

I don't really want any dominant sex scenes in this game, both because I prefer a submissive role (as, I imagine, do many of your game's other fans) and you've kind of won me over to the "sex scene as punishment" design. Adding dominant scenes for winning a fight might detract from the appeal of having to struggle against the enemy somewhat, making it feel less like you're desperately fighting against being taken advantage of and more like you and the enemy are both DTF and just can't agree on who should be the dom.

Sorry for the somewhat presumptuous comment, and thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I'm looking forward to seeing what future updates of this game have in store.

This game shows promise, but I think it makes the same mistake a lot of games like this make: the majority of the game's sex scenes lead to a game over. This means that a player is punished for finding the sex scenes in a porn game, a type of game that people mostly play specifically for those scenes.

An easy solution to this would be to implement a difficulty setting in the options menu that just makes it so that when you lose a fight, the game continues on as though you had won it, xp and everything. Call it Casual Mode (or Submissive Mode, if we're going with the theme of this being a porn game). Maybe also add another difficulty setting that makes it so a game over gives you the option to begin the fight from the beginning, since some players will want to submit to an enemy just to see what the game over for losing to that enemy is like and this just lets them see that without forcing them to reload their last save and get back to that enemy.

This being optional means that anyone who for some reason wants their porn to actively discourage them from seeing anyone have sex can still have that if they want.

Besides that, I think this game looks pretty good. Particularly the grapple and undressing system, which is an interesting way to incorporate sex into the combat mechanics.

You should probably remove the part of this page that says you don't have a Patreon, seeing as it's been nearly a week since your Patreon launched.

I had no idea that was a hotkey, thanks!

I would love to play this, but for some reason the entire game is an eye-searing kaleidoscope of colors on my system. I think the problem is my drivers, which sometimes just kinda do stuff when I run games in fullscreen, but this demo literally only allows itself to be run in fullscreen.

Glad to see this updating again!

Huh. Learn something new every day.

I just bought this and I noticed a typon in the second paragraph of page 2 where "material" is misspelled as "materiel."

Sleeping until morning can sometimes trigger other events to occur, and when that happens the quest log doesn't count it as you having slept until morning. Just sleep again until nothing interesting happens.

Lizard man. You can encounter him in the underground corrupted temple after you get the lizard tribe's good ending. After the first encounter he'll tell you where to find his hideout so you can talk to him more.

I don't remember, I know one of them is a ring.

Wait, sorry, I was thinking of Rhot. No idea when it comes to Rhoushk, sorry.

I really don't like Xer's Love Potion scene because it's wildly counter-intuitive. Every other love potion scene for every other character has you trick them into drinking it, at which point they become extremely horny and you have sex, with the player being in control the whole time. At the end of the scene your reputation with them drops because you did basically rape them. 

Xer's Love potion scene, by contrast, has him tricking you into drinking it, leading to a submission scene and even your reputation with him going up! A player that doesn't want to be a rapist (but still wants the submissive scenes and to make Xer like them more) has no way of knowing that this will happen, so they'll miss out on what is a pretty damn hot scene because they didn't want Xer to like them less.

It would be better if the love potion option was something like "Talk about Love Potion," which then gave the player the option of either trying to trick him (which leads to the scene as it is, with him turning the tables on you) or just bringing up the subject as a "Hey, it might be fun to try this" sort of thing (which leads to a slight variation of the basic scene where he just tells you to drink the potion straight away).

Note that you can temporarily lower your maximum sanity with certain equipment, so be wary of that.

I think you just need to buy a pickaxe from the blacksmith and then go down to the caves under the tavern.

I know, I just felt it was worth pointing out the ones I notice so they can be corrected.

In the description of the Troglodyte lair it says "liar" instead of lair.

If you're talking about the one mentioned in this changelog, It's the one under your house. You need to build it.

If you check your questlog it tells you how many days need to pass before you can start building the next improvement.

I'm glad this is getting worked on again, I've been really enjoying the story so far. Don't stress yourself too much though, taking care of your own health is more important.

I've been really enjoying the story so far, I'm glad to hear it's still being worked on. Take as much time as you need!

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The creator actually does have a Patreon here, which should probably have been advertised on this page. The creator has put the game on indefinite hiatus though, so it may be dead. Hopefully he starts working on it again sometime down the road.

Just a heads up, in the section where you're supposed to be getting volunteers to act as watchman it mentions a guy who isn't causing any "rucksack," where I'm pretty sure you meant to say "ruckus."


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Is there anything you can do with Xer after he goes adventuring? 

Also, does anyone know what the consequences be for telling him that he should go adventuring will be vs. the other two options? Since those options aren't available yet, I want to know if I should just wait until they are available before I give him any advice.

In the Lustful Desires file, you should see a folder that says "game." Inside of that folder is a file that says "saves." You could also just delete the entire Lustful Desires file and download the new version, since any new version won't have your save data unless you intentionally move your save file into it.

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What watchtower sequence? Is that in the Patreon version?

After the fight with Gunnar (whether you win or lose) you have a talk with Scar. After that you can return to Scar's hideout and talk with Tank.

If you follow Gunnar to the fishing village (new area in the update), you end up fighting gunnar. If you get him horny and then lose or submit, Gunnar fucks you before Tank shows up and also fucks you. After that you get to talk to Tank and can offer him sex, leading to a different scene.

In the Lustful Desires file, you should see a folder that says "game." Inside of that folder is a file that says "saves." Download and open the new update and move the "saves" folder from the old version's "game" folder to the new version's "game" folder.

Go into the game file and move the "saves" folder into the game file of the new version.

Go to the river bank and talk to the merchant about it.