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A member registered Aug 12, 2021

Recent community posts

I do not see why it would be impossible to put the walkthrough on steam, many other games have their walkthrough on steam as a "Extra Content" purchasable download.

Please get the walkthrough on steam as quickly as possible.

(1 edit)

I purchased this game on Steam, but unfortunately the Walkthrough is NOT available for purchase on Steam.

A great many other games have their Walkthrough available on Steam as an purchasable "Extra Content" download.

When will the Walkthrough for this game be available to purchase on steam?.

(3 edits)

I do not think that would be difficult to create illustrations of Rylan bottoming, he  has always made it clear that he is not interested monogamous relationships, so he could bottom for any character in the game.  

His relationship with the mc/captain has so far been an open relationship, however by the end of the first story arc it is clear that he has fallen in love with the mc/captain. 

When installed on macOS via the itch Game Client the NSFW content is STILL NOT APPEARING!

I have reported this to the game developer a very long time ago and it STILL NOT FIXED.

This is completely ludicrous the game when installed displays all other content correctly, if the rest of the games visual content can be displayed correctly the developer should be able to fix this issue.

NO OTHER GAME installed in the itch Game has this issue.

Please get this sorted out quickly, this has been going on for far,far, far too long

I have finally got to those scenes where the mc/captain and Katari get to massage each other, they do achieve sexual satisfaction from the erotic massages. 

It is ludicrous and quite dismaying that Katari and the mc/captain are still not going all the way and engaging in full sexual activity.

Katari has stated that he refuses full sex with the mc/captain out of respect and that he is a subordinate lowly mechanic and yet Katari agrees to erotic and sexual massages.

Katari is exceptionally well endowed and he may be concerned the mc/captain may be seriously injured if he tries to top him.

(2 edits)

I certainly hope I can achieve getting Katari to bottom.  It has been very slow process to raise his levels of affection. But he always refuses sex with the mc/captain as he has a lot of respect for the mc/captain and has stated that it is wrong for him to be intimate with the ships captain.

I have tried everything I can think of to get Katari to be sexual with the mc/captain, I have tried all the outfits purchased from the sex shop and tried having the mc/captain visit Katari completely naked, listen to all his jokes, given him lots and lots of hugs and massages, have plenty of chats with him and for several days I have worn his festive head gear that he created for me. I have done everything to gain his affection and respect. 

Katari admits that he has a quite strong attraction to the mc/captain and that it takes all his willpower to not cross the line and be sexual with him. 

I thought we were finally at that point when Katari and the mc/captain began those intimate massage sessions, but alas Katari still wasn't ready to be sexual with the mc/captain.

During the scene where Katari raped and abused Rylan, I was hoping the mc/captain would have tried to overcome Katari's reluctance when he was in a state of being highly aroused sexually and  that it would be alright to have sex with the mc/captain.

So now I will be working hard to progress to that Sithyryan beach and hopefully we will achieve that scene of Katari bottoming.

(7 edits)

Regarding Katari, he describes the Uruk species as being a very serene and patient race.  He is placid, peaceful, kind, tolerant and loving, he also admits to  being a needy hugger. 

With that kind and affectionate personality, Katari would want to pleasure his partners as much as possible and he would most likely be sexually versatile.  He seems to be open to new things and not be intolerant or unwilling to experiment.

When he discovered proof that Rylan was responsible for disabling the spaceships defences, weapons, engine core and providing vital information for the initial attack he became hateful towards Rylan with good reason.  

However  I believe that Rylan did not know there was going to be such a big loss of life, he was expecting a more precise attack aimed at getting the meta-human serum, research documents and the scientist and then escaping quickly.

Bradley's cold blooded ruthless nature and brutality is why Rylan turned on Bradley as he knew that he was an out of control psychopath.

Rylan seems to have been convinced by the mc/captain of the need to resolve the strong feelings of hatred towards him.  So Rylan and the mc/ship's captain staged the sexual assault in an attempt to appease Katari.

It is understandable that Katari wanted justice and revenge for what Rylan did. 

When Katari and Bradley forcibly raped and abused Rylan in a cruel and brutal manner, that was totally out of character for an Uruk. I believe an Uruk would have wanted justice served via a fair and proper trial and if convicted a very lengthy prison term.

This was made worse  when Katari admitted before the brutal rape scene that he had found PROOF of what Rylan did BEFORE he accused Rylan of sabotage in the lunch room. 

So why didn't Katari show his evidence of Rylan's guilt back then?.

Having more characters being sexually versatile would make the game more interesting, for example Galiano is initially portrayed as being extremely dominant and a top only but I understand that later in the game he can be persuaded to be passive/bottom or even  turned into a bitch and rented out like a common prostitute. 

In reality some people do indeed only top others sexually, but a few can be persuaded to change and become more versatile, even if that only happens very rarely.

I would like very much to see much more Katari NSFW content, in the scenes I have seen he seems to be a top sexually, how do I get Katari to bottom? 

I would like to see options for the various characters to be versatile and not stuck with an unchangeable sex preference. 

It may take a lot of persuasion to get them to  switch sexual positions or eventually be more sexually flexible, but this would make the game more enjoyable and allow the characters to develop a little bit more and allow them to be seen from a new perspective.

Galiano can be eventually persuaded to perform oral sex and become passive/bottom sexually for some people , so this should not be to difficult to include in the other characters stories.

If you are using macOS go into the itch game preferences and disable uncheck: Enable Sandbox, having this enabled creates issues with many games played the itch game client/game manager.

When installed on macOS via the itch Game Client the NSFW content is STILL NOT APPEARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I have reported this to the game developer a very long time ago and it STILL NOT FIXED.

This is completely ludicrous the game when installed displays all other content correctly, if the rest of the games visual content can be displayed correctly the developer should be able to fix this issue.

NO OTHER GAME installed in the itch Game has this issue.

Please get this sorted out quickly, this has been going on for far,far, too long

I have played this on macOS and have reached Maximum Affinity with all the characters, I have found 50% of all the Sniffets but the remaining ones have a Question ? mark next to them in my characters profile.

I have also completed all the available quests including defeating the cursed king and defeating the dragon. 

There seems to be no more quests to finish and I have declared my love to all of the available characters.

I have read the Sniffets Location Guide and followed all the instructions to the letter, but still 50% of the Sniffets are unavailable.

I have done everything I can possibly think of, but 50% of those Sniffets are simply not available to collect.

What do I need to do to get all the remaining Sniffets.

(1 edit)


The majority of the lewd NSFW scenes do not appear, the first scene which is not showing is when you tease the step-dad in the early part of the game.

With this fix there are few lewd NSFW scenes which have now started to show, but still 90% of the lewd NSFW scenes do not appear at all.

It is rather strange this is happening, the scenes of the kitchen, bathroom, department store and face shots of the characters do appear, but with the lewd NSFW scenes 90% of the time there is just a empty space where they would appear.

The fact remains that there is a  problem with the game itself, because the scenes which are NOT pornographic get displayed perfectly and the pornographic scenes will NOT display properly.

I got the latest fix for this and replaced the .html file in the game.

But unfortunately this game is still NOT showing the lewd NSFW scenes at all.

Unfortuately this has NOT fixed this issue, the NSFW lewd scenes are still NOT appearing in this game.

Unfortuately this has NOT fixed this issue, the NSFW lewd scenes are still NOT appearing in this game.

Unfortunately the lewd scenes with the step-dad did NOT appear at all.

They were the first NSFW lewd scenes  I achieved, but they were not shown.

I very thoroughly checked that I had  the Maximum amount of Love, Lust etc. and NO Suspicions  for the character.

I checked all the settings in the Preferences, applied the Scenes NOT appearing bug.

I have checked the downloaded files and the NSFW sex scene files are there in the game files, but for some reason they do NOT get activated and displayed in the game.

I also wish to point out all the text for the dialogue is shown, it is just the NSFW lewd sex scenes that are not being shown.

But unfortunately nothing helps.

Please fix this quickly, this bug is ruining a very enjoyable game.

(2 edits)

This is strange because the game itself works on macOS Ventura, it is just the NSFW lewd sex scenes that are NOT being shown.

I have checked the downloaded files and the NSFW sex scene files are 100% there in the game files, but for some reason they do NOT get activated and displayed in the game.

I also wish to point out all the text for the dialogue is shown, it is just the NSFW lewd sex scenes that are not being shown.

I  think this is due to a problem with game itself,  another person whom uses Windows has posted that the y have  the same issue.

(5 edits)

Unfortunately the lewd scenes with the step-dad did NOT appear at all.

They were the first NSFW lewd scenes  I achieved, but they were not shown.

I very thoroughly checked that I had  the Maximum amount of Love, Lust etc. and NO Suspicions  for the character.

I checked all the settings in the Preferences, applied the Scenes NOT appearing bug.

I have checked the downloaded files and the NSFW sex scene files are there in the game files, but for some reason they do NOT get activated and displayed in the game.

I also wish to point out all the text for the dialogue is shown, it is just the NSFW lewd sex scenes that are not being shown.

But unfortunately nothing helps.

Please fix this quickly, this bug is ruining a very enjoyable game.

(4 edits)


I downloaded and installed the latest version of this game: The Family's Curse V0.6 b with the bug fix.

It is installed on the very latest macos itch game manager/client: itch  Version 25.5.1 (25.5.1).

It is installed on macOS Ventura 13.2.1

Unfortunately the NSFW sex scenes are not appearing at all in this game.

I have applied the "Fix scenes not appearing bug" in the games preferences, but this did NOT help,  ALL THE NSFW sex scenes are NOT being shown.

The bug fix simply is  NOT working for everyone, This is a big disappointment as I was so much enjoying this game, please fix this quickly so we can get the full enjoyment of this game.

When will we get more content for the macOS version?

macOS users only have the following:  Chapter 1/2/3 Second Season - MAC

Android users have access to content up to and including chapter 9.

I have enjoyed this game very much and explored all the possible storylines and I am disappointed that there is simply nothing else to enjoy.

(2 edits)

This is an entertaining NSFW game with plenty of very graphic gay sex scenes.

However this game is spoilt by Y Press Games lack of knowledge about prison life.

I personally have never been in prison, but a close friend of mine did some really foolish things which resulted in him being jailed for several years.

From  what he has told me about his time in prison most inmates just want to blend in with the other inmates and survive unscathed until they have served their time.

The totally unrealistic fictional plot of this game has virtually each and every single character desperately seeking a loving relationship.

Y Press Games seem to also think that every inmate in prison is gay as there is simply not one single inmate in this game who is heterosexual. 

Y Press Games do not understand that there are many inmates in prison whom are very bigoted and strongly homophobic and would do grievous bodily harm to gay men and take pleasure in the pain they inflict.

Prison life is all about survival and trying to keeping out of any trouble which could jeopardise your personal safety and ruin your chance of early release or parole

Yes there are a few sex scenes with the sleazy lawyer in the full version