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A member registered May 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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A small and sad 16! XD I didn't have time to improve!

Some thoughts!

I love how smooth the movement's animation is and the snake's silly eyes looking for the apple.

The sound of the apple's bite plays some milliseconds later for me. It doesn't happen at the exact moment the snake closes its mouth.

I felt comfortable playing even with the field and snake being the same color.  You could implement a color picker function for the snake and background. Also, have the chance to select one of some other fruits or even randomize them.

If you die with a long snake, it takes forever to do all the explosions! My mother thought my fan went down. After the fifth one, you could lower the explosion's volume and call the high score screen.

That is it! I liked it a lot! :)

Two bugs:

-Cehef moves to Agent3.8 if scrolling in gallery mode.

-Joel J. loop itself if move forwarding in gallery mode.

Sadly, I miss the chance to participate! I hope there is a second edition being planned already! :)

Congratz, Shin! :) Well deserved first place in GBS Jam! :D

You're more than right about music. I didn't have time to pay more attention to sounds because I was too concerned about graphics and fluidity. Lots of content was removed at the end too, and I don't have any musical talent. That was all I had to offer in the seven days! Haha! But I'm still working on the game and probably will present something better at the moment the Jam comes to its end.

That was a great idea. I gave up adding clouds to my project because we have tall houses. If I had known that trick before, I would make something similar. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, sensei! Haha!

At first, I was skeptical about the game. I'm glad to be disappointed because it was a delightful surprise how everything courses after the first coconut! :) One thing that surprised me the most is the top of the trees not conflicting with the mountain parallax! How did you do that? Share your secrets, please! XD

Thank you! Illustration and pixel art are my specialties. So it was smooth to close the game's graphical part than the coding! I'm eager to comment on your project, but I'll do it on your game's page! :)

Thank you! :) There are a lot of things I'd like the player to discover. Opening doors is one of them. You need to pay attention to the dialogue because not explicitly showing what you can do is intentional. To make a good surprise when you discover it. I spent a day thinking about implementing some marks on doors or not.

Let me know which parts of the game you feel a bit lost, and I'll make it somehow clear without holding the player's hand. :)

Good to know you liked it! :) There was a lot of cut content, but after the Jam, I'll probably implement everything I idealize. :P

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

Oh! I am so sorry for you to experience that. I'm tweaking the game during the voting stage to share an updated version right after that. I took note, and I'll try to reproduce and fix it!

Thanks for your kind words! In the original idea, we could walk on the fences and reach the houses' rooftops, but that wasn't the intention.

I'll follow you and let you know as soon as possible when I think everything is ready for a second run! <3

Thank you! And after all the tests my friends and I did, that was the first time I heard about this crash! Thanks for sharing it. I'll try to reproduce and solve the issue. Can you reproduce it in the web browser version?

I enjoyed the game! It has a lot of potential! :)

I found two minor errors
- When you interact with the left torch from the bottom after collecting the fire, the right one lights up.
- After finding and delivering the clover, the dragon said I delivered the Wish.

Thanks, bro! Seeing your reaction while playing the game was an incredible experience. :) I'm glad you could have some fun with it! And don't worry about the window! When I implement the entire quest, I'll let you know so you can clean it! XD My friends are mad at me because they can't clean it too. I developed a new trauma. Haha.

I confess the story's script was kind of easy to write. I'm a silly guy, so it's my daily basis. XD The challenging part of the artwork was to create large illustrations without repetition. The intro and final scenes have a blank background for that reason. I could use a Logo scene time if it was possible to add a dialogue box on it, but sadly it's not possible. =/

 And thank you for playing! :)

Thanks for the kind words! The intention was to create a sinister atmosphere and suspenseful storytelling. Right after that, the idea of using one of my OC and his background came to me, and the game development went smoothly! :)

Hey, Thanks for the game! For a Jam, you added a good amount of stages! The last scene for the final stage got me for good, but I managed to finish the game! Fair and square! Do you have plans to continue it?

Thank you! I'm glad you like it! It took me some days to hone the way we see in the final version, but it was worth it, I think! :)

Thanks for the kind words. The ominous music is from someone with zero experience with the GBstudio Music tab! I did what I could with 2 hours left. :P

Merci, mon ami! In Brazil, we don't celebrate Halloween as in North American culture, but there is a day called Cosme and Damian's Day,  where people give candies and toys to kids willing to have them. I'll bring you some candies when I have a chance to visit your country! :)

At the end of the game, if you decide to stay a little longer, there is no collision on the upper walls.