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A member registered Mar 17, 2022

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AI asylum has to be one of the coolest games I have ever played, It offers a great sandbox like environment for creative story telling and has an almost endless supply of charters to interact with and talk to! there is always something new to discover in AI Asylum and the potential here is for lack of a better term, insane! I cant wait to see what the future holds for AI Asylum and I'm ecstatic to see what else is brought into this game and the story's that will be crafted within it! 

This is an amazing experience! Karantiin has several game modes which offers lots of replayability, a great atmosphere and mechanics, scary enemies, and unforgiving gameplay. This could very well become the next big indie horror experience and it more than deserves attention and praise! I cant wait too see the future of Karantiin

Wow...Just wow, this game was breath taking!

Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams Playthrough

Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams Playthrough

From the music to the graphics to the story, this was a one of a kind experience and it didn't disappoint! I was totally immersed in the world, wanting to find every little secret and learn all that I could about the lore of each dream world. Hypnagogia BD looks beautiful and vibrant with colors and personality all while the atmosphere had me captivated the entire time and the music only solidified my immersion! I fell in love with all the charters and there interactions and this game moved me in so many ways that most triple A titles cant. I was sad, happy, scared and all in between, there is just not another game like this and I'm shocked that this hasn't had a far larger following similar to Undertale or Hollow Knight because it damn well deserves one! I'm very happy I stumbled across this game and got to experience it and I can confidently say that Hypnagogia Boundless Dreams is one of the most unique, well made, and captivating games I have ever played and I cant wait to see the next game in the Hypnagogia serise! 

WOW...JUST... WOW, This game blew my expectations out of the water!

I went into this not expecting to get scared, thinking that everyone was over exaggerating but I was so wrong! the gameplay is both funny but and simple and made me feel a false sense of security which only made me more scared when the game started to get more and more twisted! This was an amazing experience and its extremely unique! cant wait to see how your next project comes out! 

What a game! you nailed that N64 style with ease and the game feels great!

I loved the atmosphere and the gameplay of hiding from peach all while colleting key items! I cant wait to see what more you do! I will say that as it is now, peach's AI is really easy to abuse, I think it would be great if there was more of an oomf to when she spotted you, maybe like a short onscreen jump scare, or something to punish the player for getting caught, but overall this game was fantastic and I'm sure the final version of this game will be amazing!


The gameplay was fast, the graphics were eye catching, the music was hype, everything about this game was great! I loved the enemy types and the way you could upgrade weapons between waves! I will say that I think the Grenade launcher could use a bit of a buff because the Missile launcher very quickly out classes it but other than that, this game was fantastic through and through and I cant wait to see what the full game will be like!

What a great game!

this was such a fun experince! Its a great lengeth and the builder is very scary! The design of the city is intresting and all the lore bits was great to read and kept me immersed the entire time! All in all, great game and everyone should give it a shot!

This has to be one of the scariest backroom games I have ever played!

I have never been more scared to the point of a panic attack and not only does it give you a terrifying scare it looks the part as well! the game looks amazing and the controllers feel great! but the biggest positive I have for this game is its story, as this backrooms seems to be more psychological rather than physical, with 3 endings to get and a awesome story to unpack, this game will leave you asking questions and wanting to play and know more! all in all, this game was fantastic!

What a game!

it was so atmospheric, honestly the stargazing portion of it could be totally expanded upon and become its own game entirely. The horror element definitely added a crazy twist to this otherwise very calm experience and the idea of a planet that in itself is an entity that was coming for you was absolutely terrifying! You definitely landed the N64 style and graphics for a fact and I loved this short yet memorable experience!

This game was amazing! 

probably one of my all time favorite puzzle games and i couldnt help but play it all the way to the end! The puzzles were all very clever and well designed! I adored every moments of this game!
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This is so fantastic!

after playing through this game I only wanted to know more! It's just so creepy and eerie and the mystery of this game had me captivated from start to finish! I love the style this game went for and the creature itself was absolutely terrifying! I absolutely love the experience!

This is my favorite version of the backrooms!

the entire game style is so unique and the atmosphere was frightening, the tapes only added to the uncertainty and uneasy feeling I got while delving deeper into the backrooms. The sound design is top-notch and the gameplay is great and the big Scare at the end was very much earned! In short I love the game and I love your version of the backrooms!

This game was absolutely outstanding!!

ive never experinced such a weird yet seamless blend of childhood horror, the puppets are insane, the puzzles are good and the gameplay is fantastic! The puppets gave me quite a scare and there dialogue was super twisted and i loved it! Great game all around and i cant wait to see it finished!

This was a great mix of bullet hell, shump, and horror! I fell for this game hard 

the gameplay was super uniqe and fun and the music has to be some of the best ive ever heard, i loved every moment with this game and i regularly go back to it to try and get a no death run because i so badly want to see the alternative ending! Absolutely top notch game!

I adored Devil Catcher!!

the game was filled with personality and charm! The platforming was good and i enjoyed the bosses and style of it all! It was a beautiful experince and i enjoyed every second of it!

This was a freaky and unique experience!

i loved the game and the story that came with it! It was spooky and atmospheric and i loved the entire thing!
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First iff i loved your version if the backrooms!

 I thought it was terrifying and i loved the camera filter and effects! Grabbing all the pages was a challenge and the combination of backrooms and slenderman gameplay was a great idea! The monster scared the crap out of me too! 

cant wait to see your future proproject's