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Jarod Francis

A member registered Mar 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nintendo are sending an ICBM to the Dev's home.

Fantastic. Well done otherwise. I will try out part 2 soon.

(8 edits)

Since a new version (1.7) has come out, I will provide some new feedback.

1. I tried to rebind the controls to WASD, I had my controller plugged in at the time and it seems to have softlocked the game. Not sure if I can replicate it. 

2. The datapad is very hard to read. The font size as well as the colours is the main issue. Its better to use contrasting colours. 

3. Why can't you exit the dragon bar the same way you came? Strange. 

4. Minor gripe, but the kid in the alley is as tall as Merc... You could probably use the default MV sized actor sprites.

5. A sign by the tree has no words. Maybe this isn't important, but the sign could have interesting trivia about the tree. Just a suggestion.

More to come...


6. Spelling error when you go in the apartment bedroom. *Doesn't .

7. Grammar error - when talking to Colt, Mercury asks a question but you forgot to add (?)

8. Noodle bar looks unattended, yet they are offering you food...

9. you can walk on the walls when you go downstairs at the bar.

10. Was not a fan of the underground sequence... Too much trial and error... Not like there is a serious consequence for getting caught. Just an annoying and pointless section in general.

11. interesting 'boat' sprite... looks more like a spaceship.

12. No exit button in main menu?

Just finished part 1. I like where the story is going. Very intriguing plot threads throughout. didn't expect the hobo to come in at the last second! It says part 2 is available. can't wait to see what happens next!

Amazing work. The steering feels very floaty, otherwise I love it!

just because it uses "Procedurally Generated" does not make it automatically a good idea. Still, some interesting inputs.

(2 edits)

While I love the attention to detail artistically and eventing wise, I had to give the gameplay 1 star, on account of my game softlocking on a white screen after saving the game. As nice as the intro cutscene was, I'm afraid that it's not something I would watch a second time.

Maybe im getting old, but the potty humour didn't get to me. 

I was also not a fan of the inconsistent dialogue boxes. Some parts you can skip, other times it skips for you and I missed the dialogue a few times due to this.

Psychronic Gaming has always impressed me with their design and narrative, but unfortunately the characters and narrative was not well fleshed out enough in this instance for me to pay much attention. 

My advice for next time; focus on making the premise of the story absolutely crystal clear in the first 5 minutes of the game, otherwise the player will lose interest or be left confused. 
Kiyasu, you did a great job otherwise :)

EDIT: I was playing on a previous submission, which I am told is the bugged version. Review subject to change soon.
I basically stopped playing once the toilet humour reached a point of absurdity.

Best of luck with your future projects, this one is truly special despite some of the jank :)
I wil play some more tonight.

(8 edits)

Is there input available for Xbox controllers?


1. I am enjoying this game so far, just got out the dungeon, got by destroyed by a lizard skeleton.

2. The music seems to stop looping after a while.

3. This game could benefit from an autosave and quicksave function.

4. At night or when its dark the save screenshots are basically black.

5. When you sleep there is no transition for day to night, it just kinda happens (?)

6. I love the hidden loot areas!

7. The sound mixing when the Lizards die is quite bad...

8. Orlon has way too many items in his stock, perhaps just have one of each each. It's not like the weapons break or anything.

(2 edits)

I found a bug after trying new clothes I think

Failed to load

img/pictures/Mercury Blue PNG_1.png

Edit: More bugs...

1, I can walk on the walls in the hotel room. Seems like the wall painting's collision is not set up correctly.

Design issues;

The resolution is great, it fits the entirety of the screen, however everything is quite small especially on the map.

(1 edit)

I got stuck after talking to the bank owner, is the quest actually finished?

Edit: I reached the end of the demo, when will this quest be completed?

This is the best RM2K3 game EVER! Well done :D