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A member registered Sep 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cute premise for a game. Puzzles made me feel smart when I solved them. Great puzzle game.

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Well, I was gonna just watch Manlybadasshero's playthough of this but I thought the game seemed like it would be worthy to experience on my own and it very much is.

The secrets were well hidden and I felt smart when I found things and the way to the true ending.

The tension was pretty high on the genocide/failure route, so much so I started to chat with characters in the game, while I waited for inevitable failures.

But the real reason I left this comment was to tell you that I've called the Demon in the treasurer minigame The Uber Driver while I was chatting with the eyeless otter.

This was a trip and a vibe till the end, and I would differently recommend to anyone interested with lore heavy horror games or creepypastas.

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3rd- ish Jam I've been in. Have been in and have done some other Jams but have not finished or even started some of them, procrastination and all that, also doing short Jams when I'm still beginner is not good at all. Hopefully I'll finish this one, if not at least it's a good spring board for making other things. Been looking for a engine to do a CYOA with and I think I found it in Ren'py. Wanted to do it in Godot but I'm still learning how to use it's dialog systems and such, it's a pain imo, I know how to make a Json. O.0 I don't think Ren'py will be hard to learn tbh.

So I'm making a CYOA visual novel with a cute mspaint like artstyle with a dark twist, violent and bloody game over screens. Dying in CYOA's have always been fun, and this should be no exception. As for the plot... uhhh I'm still working on that, all I have is a about having to slay a dragon and there is some kind of time loop shenanigans going on? I'm working on sprites right now, I'll think up a good plot by then I think.

Anyway here is the best reaper, your friend Shiba Chan. Tried the normal Shiba Inu browns but I'm really digging the pink at the moment. I dunno what do you think? Was also using the rt2 color pallet for some reason, maybe it's the nostalgia or something.

Btw, no doggos will be harmed in the making of this and yes you will be able to pet the dog.

K thanks. :3 I will for sure label it don't you worry.


So I have this idea for a cute looking game about a timeloop but with bloody game over screens. I didn't see any rules that go against having these in here, if I'm wrong then I am dumb dumb but I'd like to know if so.

K thanks. :3

I was planning to make a point and click adventure game, and those often come with deaths of many kinds, is pixel gore fine?

Thanks, I'll try better not to next time. :3

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I think Feature Creep got me. I don't think I'll be able to finish in time, sorry fellas. I did learn a lot though. Maybe I'll finish this later or maybe not.

Also tutorials tutorials and tutorials. Watch a bunch.

Open game art has some stuff you could use.

Oooo, that looks good Rona! <3

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Maybe make the bad guys fish, or I dunno make a gun that shoots fish at enemies?

Maybe you could make the main character a fish alien?

Okay so my plans were to make a relaxing exploration game about a ghost in a UFO and a about a robot grim reaper. I had no ideas other than flying around and maybe sitting on a park bench on a planet but fishing for souls so you can talk to them and etc sounds like a good idea actually.

I did panic at first, OMG WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS FISH!?!1, but I think this will work nicely, I just hope I can do it in time.

What are you going to do about the fish?

Ah, no prob, I just thought I was missing something. Should probably remove the arrows there if you ever use that screen.

Yes the space farming is good, very good...

First of all what are you doing reading this comment? PLAY THE GAME NOW!!!

I'll be very surprised if you don't get one of the top spots, oof this is good man.

10/10 First of all this is amazing, play it now if you haven't.

Second how can I describe how good this game is... I dunno, but it's a charming, fun and crowtastic game.

-The controls are smooth as butter, I love the flap power thing.

-Very solid level design, mmm chefs kiss.

-Story is simple yet very charming, dialog is fun.

-Gets nintendo hard near the end, you know what I mean by that. Not too hard to make you angry but hard enough to make you interested.

Got misty eyed at the ending, not kidding lol.

This game reminded me of my childhood, particularly when I played cave story.

10/10 Would crow again.

This is fantastic.

Everything about this demo is gorgeous.The art gives me good space vibes love it, and that music is so smooth,I didn't think game boy music could be so smooth.

Was there a ship dock in the asteroid belt? If there was I couldn't find it. The arrows wasn't very helpful in that area, and I got frustrated so I decided to move on.

Also you should add some indicator to show where you can exit the screen. Found myself rubbing my ship against the right space border until I found the small part that lets me leave.

9/10 Perfect other then minor issues.

All and all I don't think I'd mind having a space harvest moon. :3

Interesting take. I wanted these puzzles to feel kinda threatening, so that's why the lack of save points are a thing. I wanted people to think about the puzzles for a bit. It is on the side of trial and error though yeah? I'll keep that in mind for next build.

Oh, nice! I'm glad it works on your Game Boy. I haven't been able to test it on real hardware, well because I don't have the hardware lol.

Ooo, I like that. Hagia Sophia looks menacing here, gives me that old retro horror games vibe.


Since I enjoyed the last journal on the last jam I did, I decided to make another here.

Feel free to post your thoughts, findings and or vent your frustrations here.



Am dead. Finally finished, finally done after such a long week.

I knew I was gonna make a game inspired by creepypasta from the start. GB Studio was interesting to use, and making my own tileset was also interesting. I got pretty frustrated at the end, but that happened to me on the last jam I did too. Probably burn out or something.

Some rooms had to be on the chopping block due to some of my ideas not working out. Got the chase scenes to work but pathing is non existent for complicated rooms, so that had to be axed. Wanted to have a room with you pushing blocks into holes but that didn't work well either, so I settled for a simple block pushing puzzle.

Making music in protracker2 for the game was surprisingly simple and a lot less scary then it seemed, even though I only made the game over theme. I did make a title screen song but I found it annoying so I removed it. Wanted to make a song for the main game but I didn't have any luck making a good one so I left it silent mostly.

Now I know how to use GB Studio, it looked complicated at first and I was considering not joining the jam at first but I'm glad I did.

But now I am done, and am dead, and the dead have to sleep.

Omg, apparently I just had to click on the level not the actors to get the hit player tab. I'm such a silly goose, thanks a lot Elvies. Now Alissa can give me all the game overs she wants. <3

Hey,  GB Studio noob here. So I was making a part where a monster chases you and I got it to follow the player but I need it to send you to the game over screen when they touch you. I know the commands to send you to a different screen but I don't know the command to check if they catch you.

I know it's probably something simple, and I'll probably figure it out or scrap the idea entirely, but I'm stumped and currently making the maps for my game right now anyway.

So if you know anything about that let me know, if not I hope you have a great day anyway. :3

Wasn't sure what to expect from your journal, but this is cute. Hope to see more in the future. I love the little man and the journal was a trip to read, and oh no not disentary!

Nice, I love this little game. The last point of the round was nutz, the other goat got the ball wedged on top of him and the top edge of the map and the speed rocketed. The ball went mock5 and I somehow won that round. Pretty sure this could've been a game breaking glitch, but I loved it all the same.

Post your thoughts/realizations/vents about game dev.



Had a bit of trouble of deciding what to make at first. I was going to make a shadow of the beast clone but it ended up being more complicated,  time consuming and stressful with this amount of time. So I went smaller and simpler, make a game about smacking my OC with rolled up newspaper. Something this simple took a lot longer then I thought however, as I had to look up many different tutorials for bits and pieces of info and code.

I am very happy how this is going, it's almost done too, and I think I finally know how to use signals correctly, my past enemy is now my friend after defeating him.

My mind clicked, it feels like I know exactly what I'm doing now.

Oh, dang, I'm sorry man I missed your post. I'm already mostly done with my game, I hope yours is going well.

Ooo nice, I like the sounds of the rockets makes me want to dodge more.

Oh, it's this type of game. I love this.

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You miss read the rules, he said not to post anything mean.

I.e don't post anything racist or ect. Don't post mean things to be mean. No NSFW stuff and stuff.

Neat little game right here. I enjoyed the atmosphere, dialog made me feel cozy and the game in general kept my attention quite well. I enjoyed getting chased by all the demons ever.

Controlling two characters at once was an interesting challenge, I found it difficult at the end but in a good way. I thought how the split screen was implemented was cool, even though it made seeing the demons hard sometimes.

8/10 Would be chased by all the demons ever again.

Thank you, and good luck to all as well. :3

Umm... I guess I'll just introduce myself. Call me Jade, I'm a 23 year old hobbyist who's dabbled in many things, making video games is one of them. I first got started making point and click games in AGS(Adventure Game Studio) but I switched to Godot about a year ago. I'm still a bit of a noob with it but I can make the player move without any help.

I'm working on 2 games, err...both are still in planing stage, one has a dev room and the other I'm still working on the gui and other things. Those projects are overwhelming me at the moment, so I wanted to make some small things in the mean time so now I am here.

I'm glad to be here, and I don't know what I'll cook up this weekend but I hope I'll cook up something.

Point of advice, keep everything organized, make folders in your game for levels, characters ect... And make everything it's own scene, the player character gets their own scene. Tileset? Scene. Bad Guy? Scene. Bullets? Yep you guessed it another scene. This is so you can plop down things quick if you're making a new level. Would say more but I don't know much more then the various tutorials out there.