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A member registered Nov 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey mate. Im a unity dev as well so if you want to team up and still look for an artist ill be down for that

I've done all of my past jams solo. Looking to join a team for this one to expand my experience. 

I'm in the same boat. No links or anything. Even on discord

My art skills are as good as what I put on toilet paper. If you look at my games already published from other game jams you can tell they are very bland.

Looking for someone who can do ok~ish 2d art. Got a couple of ideas for this game jam but will stay 2d no matter what. 

I'm decent at coding and getting better at music so just need someone to pick up my slack. Thanks

I only got this bug once and couldn't reproduce again to fix it. It's not a common bug. Sorry you ended up with it. 

is it too loud or is the audio giving you the wrong concept that you are meant to be feeling? I was going more towards background screams but I reckon I didn't go quite enough. It is meant to give that "the world is falling apart" sort of experience. Is that what you weren't experiencing? 

Thank you for playing though. Look forward to your answer so I can improve next time. 

thanks for the comment. Originally the pumpkin was meant to just go onto a "backpack" and always be behind the player. But I then never had the player rotate and found a bug where if the player drops it in a wall it won't be able to be picked up. So I just kinda left it how it was. Which gave the player another puzzle of thinking how there are gonna get it through each door. 

Thanks for your review. 

I'm not good with art but when I made a mock-up of the room with the # sprite I just had to give it a try and it looked good. Wished I had more time to do the play and enemy sprites better but work/sleep got the better part of my weekend. 

Thanks anyways for the review. 

thanks mate. Yeah the sound was more meant to be background noise like the screams but it didn't come out like that. Glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you. 


In fullscreen (1440x 2560) the hurt splash screen didn't cover the whole screen. Looked like it was set up for a 1080p screen only. 

Second half lagged a bit and caused issues with firing a weapon. Took a second to realise I pressed fire.

Second half also felt boring quickly as there was no change in the game play and repetitive. 


Killing pumpkins was fun and satisfying.

Melee and the guns kept it fun enough to not feel like a restriction to only use 1. Though the shotgun was fun to spray with.

I hope this helps you and your next game will always be one step better then your last.

2nd jam here. My first was last week and was a small 7 entry one. This one being over 1000 joined is going to be wonderful. 

I don’t know about you but for the last month I have been watching other YouTubers posting their devlogs on making a game in 48 hours or a week or 2 and it’s so fascinating seeing what is possible. That’s why I joined. 

So im pretty sure this game jam was meant to end today in like 3 hours but I see the page says tomorrow (in about 27 hours) Did an extra day get added?

Yep still working on mine. Actually pretty happy how its turning out. So much easier when the scope is small

I am as well. This is also my first one Ill be submitting so I hope others upload too