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A member registered Apr 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Super awesome game and great art. Really fun to play

Good game. Great art

Nice game and good art and great title screen!

Great game. Good controls and art. Great music

Nice game and I like your art. Good take on the theme!

Good game and great art. I like your swing mechanic!

Great game and great art. Good take on the theme.

Interesting take on Tetris. Great entry!

Great game I really like your character sprite.

Nice game. I Really like your animations

Great game. Good scuba art 

Good game. Nice art and music

A great game with good art and nice music.

Good game with great art and nice music.

Great game, nice art and very good music. 

Nice game. I really like the art and music. I really like the bubbles too

Great game. I would love to see it expanded

Good game with good art. Very fun. The bombs are neat

Nice game. Great art and great concept

Very good game. I like the music & sounds. Really fun game

Great art I like how you used 2D sprites in a 3D background.  Great game!

Nice art and great music, I had fun playing your game.

Great art and nice music. I like the gun sound pew pew.

Great art and music. I really like the character sprite

Good gameplay and art. I liked the water whip

Great game. The effects look great.

Good game. I like the 3D aspect.

Good game. I like your art. How do I shoot the gun?

Nice art!  I really like the water and palm trees.  I keep getting fired, lol.

Very good game. I liked the art and music.

A good game with a nice art style and some fun gameplay.

Interesting game.  Art style is pretty cool.  Fun entry.

Art was good and I understood it immediately.  I wish it had upgrades so I could keep playing.  Great entry!

It took me a little bit to get it, but eventually I had fun.  Great entry!

It was clear how much effort went into this game.  Very polished.  Great entry!

Art was cool, I would love to see this game expanded. 5/5 stars!

Awesome art.  This game looked great.  

Fun idea, I wasn't the best at it.