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A member registered Jun 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

Looks and sounds great, but I could not make even one customer happy... :-)

Thanks for playing!

The big discs do add some extra flexibility that way. :-)

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for the very kind words !

"Mouse team leader report, week 1. Of the three of us which have landed on Venus, I'm the only one left doing any work. My two crewmates have succumbed to the intense solar rays, which melted the cheese the had for brains. All they do now is run around in circles on the rough Venusian floor."

"Mouse team leader report, week 2. Three new mice have arrived, and despite there being two idle factories, they just stand around looking scared. Probably wondering if their brains will melt if they touch the factories which were once assigned to my former roommates."

Spoiler alert: team leader's brain melted shortly after. :-)

Apart from seeing my mice go crazy, this really is a cozy little builder game. Well done!

Well done for your second game !

As others have said, the platforming controls could use some love. But the shrinking/growing felt just fine.

Can someone please tell those spacecraft to approach with caution ?? :-)

Loved this very much!

Neat idea. Got some Portal vibes. But I found the controls quite awkward, sorry.

I.... got stuck in a wall. :-)

Looks good though.

Looks and sounds good, but what. is. going. on ? :-D

PROTEC THE BNUUY .... I failed :-D

Love the art style ! The text boxes hiding the platforming... not so much. :-)

Thanks for playing!

Love the style, and the idea for a cat and mouse tower defense. But I don't see why you wouldn't just make everything big ?

Well done ! Would have enjoyed more levels, but that just says you were on to something here. :-)

Love the pixel art. I did miss the ability to rotate blocks, but in the context of a construction site, it does make sense.

Looks great. Simple controls and some fun puzzles. Well done !

Thanks, it does! :-)

Thanks for playing, and that good suggestion.

What would you say if I made "The Grand" just a bigger button ? That would also fit the theme more, as a bonus. And it would keep the games in order of progression.

Thank you!

No worries, we took it as constructive criticism. You had the same questions we still have: do the bigger pieces add anything real to the game, or not, beyond being bigger ? :-)

Simple and fun !

Disclaimer: the "AI" was written by my friend Jan, not me, and I haven't dug into that part of the code. I do know there is no deep search of all possible moves several steps in the future. Instead, we were given some basic rules by a professional player (a Belgian Champion in Othello), which Jan implemented, and then optimized. Those rules just look at the current board state, and no more. The different difficulty levels just apply more of these rules, making the AI player smarter.

Thank you so much for the very kind words !

Simple and fun

That motion warning at the start is no joke ! :-D

Great idea!

I mean... it's not a game yet, but dang does it have a lot of atmosphere already. :-)

Thanks for the kind words!

Thanks !

Reversi was a game I played a lot as a kid too. So this was both a trip down memory lane, as well as a fun challenge. :-)

Thanks for playing!

Love the art style ! Reminds me a lot of "Hidden Folks".

But the controls... I felt the camera was moving way too fast for me, and I was always overshooting windows, and getting lost in the scene. So I didn't get far.

Well done though !

Simple concept, but challenging. I did find it hard to control. Maybe do the increments only in whole numbers ? I.e. one row or column at a time per keypress ? (Just an idea.)

Learning a new game engine while doing a game jam... not easy :-) You did well though!

TIL not to use a magic wand in a narrow corridor... I died. :-)

I like what the "life == size" adds to dungeon crawlers. Very neat idea.

The idea of changing the environment to protect against enemies is very original. But it was not clear to me, in the game, how what I did would impact the progress of the enemies. So in the end it just felt like "just scale some things and cross your fingers." If there is a strategy to this strategy game, I failed to find it... But I do really like the idea !

Giji just wants to help ! :-)

That timing puzzle felt very unforgiving. But I like what you're going for here. Well done.

Very nice. Always love seeing a well executed pico8 game here.

Getting a good job shouldn't be this much work! :-D