i dont use controllers but i do notice that some games that dont have support for them cause the camera to face up and spin in circles as the OP has that issue
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Fear The Unknown Dave Story comments · Replied to David sofer in Fear The Unknown Dave Story comments
alright so a couple things. 1. there needs to be sound other than the slight dropping sound. ambiance and footsteps. 2nd. i opened all doors and that was it? nowhere else to really go. 3rd. why is it that the door unlocking takes so long? just a couple things really other than that keep on improving it :P
a normal scary maze gaem!1 comments · Replied to imjustgrayson in a normal scary maze gaem!1 comments
a normal scary maze gaem!1 comments · Replied to imjustgrayson in a normal scary maze gaem!1 comments
gave up probably at the end. long strings of texts that are required to type out never actually progressed the story. After retyping the string 3 times and getting nothing decided to move on. Would've been nice to see how the game ends for myself but oh well. I'm not sure how but if possible for next time make it so a mistyping of a button doesn't break the game