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A member registered Apr 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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The game is ready. Three levels have been added (more did not fit on the disc). One of them is a boss fight. I still have to fix a few small bugs (thanks to Rafalnir and tempus01 for testing) and then the game will be uploaded completely.

Thanks also for all those who have left a small donation. 

New project is already in the works ;)

Thanks for showing and playing on your YouTube channel. The final version will be coming soon. :)

Write me on my Instagram account. 


The next update is more likely to be the release of the game. If anyone wants to test the game, please contact me. 

It will take some time until the release, but I'm getting to the end of the game and there will be a lot more to come. So far I am finished with level 19 and 20 .... more will come. 

I have also made a optional payment. If you want you can support me with this or other projects for the Amiga 500

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I'm 49 years old. I still know the old Atari from my uncle. :)

My first computer was a Atari 800xl :)

Had not added an exit there. Thanks for reporting. I think the game is too easy you are so fast on in the game ;)

Update 28.08.2024 v6_hotfix1

  • Exit added in level 16,17,18
  • SFX changed to channel 3

Thank you very much. There was one battery too many in the level. I have deleted it. 

I have re-uploaded version 6

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The bug was in level 15, fixed it. Thanks for the report .

Update 28.08.2024 v6

  • Added level 17 and 18
  • Added platform a small Box in level 15 (now you should reach the box and come back)
  • Hitbox changed a little by the player  
  • Some changes in the game (balance)
  • Moved platform added 
  • New spikes 
  • Code extended and some code replaced or deleted 
  • Some things tested 
  • Level codes for level 17 and 18 added


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Thanks for reporting. I can hardly keep up. You are fast. ;)

All you have to do is post the level and pic. I don't need the code :)

Update 27.08.2024 v6_hotfix6

  • added a battery in level 12 (now there should be 9 to find to finish the level)
  • Enemy added in level 12 (bat)
  • Added a few spikes (should make the level a little harder)

if you find a new bug please let me know and I will upload the new version.  :)

Thanks for reporting. I have changed it. 

New Hotfix5 is online

Update online Hotfix 4 :)

  • Level 10 some spikes changed (now it is easier to go back)
  • Level 10 Coordinates changed should now finally all be open 

Ok. Thank you for the report. I will change it with another hot fix. 

Sometimes the problem is that you can't see the errors. I do test the level, but only random samples for the time being. Playing the whole game or every level takes even more time and I usually only do that at the end or when I have finished several levels. That's why I'm glad you're taking the time to do it. 

So I will change the door (will only be a small problem)

For the spikes, I will make them further apart so it's easier to pass them. 

Can you write me the level so I can find it faster?

I hope you like the new platform:)

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This is the level I just worked on (level 17) should not be playable yet. I have uploaded a different version. Thanks for the tip . Forgot to change it in the code ;) Now everything should work again. (new version is online)

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Update 26.08.2024 v5_hotfix3

  • Level 10  door now open completely 
  • add Level 17 (not yet playable )
  • some edits

Thanks for testing and the report  :)

Oh. Ok, I must have mixed up the coordinates. I'll change it tonight. 🥴

Many thanks for the information. I will take your wishes into account for the next version.

Found it appropriate to put a level code in level 1 so that you can recognize what it should be. You can get to the code relatively easily and even get a life and the appropriate explanation. 

Dr_Dangerous V5_hotfix_2 online

  • Level 10 Bug Fix (Now all doors open)
  • small edits

Found it Level 10, two doors should open at the button. Update coming in 5 min. Thanks for playing and reporting the bugs. :)

I urgently need a game tester ;)

What level is this? Would fix it quickly. 

Thanks for the info. I didn't realize that you can also use it online. 

I tested the game on my psVita today and it works great on the Winue (psVita) emulator. 

Thanks for testing. I hope my Gotek drive arrives next week. :)

Thanks for the info. I can only test it again on my old amiga when I have my Gotek drive. I'll be glad when I get some feedback. :)

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I have already uploaded an update. 

Update 24.08.2024 v5_hotfix

  • Ladder bug fixed (you can no longer go through the walls)
  • If you stand on the ladder you no longer die when you press the fire button
  • Level 8 a few changes
  • If you enter the level code and then complete a level and die, you stay in the level and don't have to repeat the previous level (it worked during testing)
  • Layers deleted in some levels

Both errors found and fixed. Many thanks for reporting. 

Currently working on level 17 and 18.  :)

Many thanks for the information. I have found everything so far and fixed it again. If anything else is found, please feel free to post it here. Update comes as v5_hotfix.I put a box there and now it should be easier  ;)

You have to go to Level Code and then the level starts with code. I'm looking at how to change the input so that it's easier to see where to press 

Thank you very much. So far I had only been able to test it on an emulator and it ran without any problems. Next week I'll get my Amiga back and see if I have the same problems and how to solve them 

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Small update 

Level 15 and 16 finished so far. Still need to test and balance. 

If you find any bugs in the level please let me know and I will change it. 

Saberman. I changed the platform on level 5 ;) Will be in the next update

I am working hard on a final version, but I will also keep uploading new versions. :)

Hmm. While testing the level I came across it. I'll change the platform so it's easy to get there. Will upload it as a fix. 

New update is online. 

If you find any bugs in the levels you can write them here or find bugs like this. I will fix the bugs as soon as possible. 

Thank you for the video. I watched it in full. :) 

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Moin Moin. Eigentlich hatte ich vor eine neue Version so schnell es geht bereitzustellen. Leider sind mir dabei einige Hürden (zu wenig Speicherplatz ...etc) im Weg gewesen, die ich beseitigen wollte. Bisher mache ich hier aber gute Fortschritte und eine InGame Musik ist auch in Arbeit. 

Am Samstag werde ich auf einer Veranstaltung in Herne (NRW, Deutschland) sein, wo ich das Spiel präsentieren werde. Es werden 14 spielbare Level verfügbar sein. Es ist auch möglich, dass ich an diesem Wochenende die dazugehörige Version hochladen werde. ;)

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to deliver an update at the weekend. I still need a little longer, as I've done a lot of customization and am currently struggling with the boss fight. We are also still working on the music. There will also be background music in the game. So unfortunately you'll have to be patient a little longer. The update will be all the bigger for it.

There will be a somewhat larger update this weekend. So let us surprise you. New photos have already been uploaded. A story has also been added to the game. :)

I may include it in the next update. 

The game should be more like it used to be. So jump with the joystick up. I'll see if I can change it as a second option. 

Thanks for showing. :)