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A member registered Jan 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Gracias por el feedback!

Me hubiese gustado añadir algún que otro tutorial pero íbamos un poco justos de tiempo.

Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado, gracias por jugar :)

Muchas gracias, me alegro que te haya gustado :D

Un juego sencillo y entretenido, es interesante ver ideas tan puras como buscar conchas en la playa. Es relajante, y la historia es conmovedora. Audiovisualmente es una maravilla, muestra gran calidad.

Un gran trabajo, enhorabuena :)

(1 edit)

Me he pasado el juego, está genial. La verdad me he quedado con ganas de más, habrá una segunda parte?

Me encanta el detalle y el estilo artístico, además de la narrativa. (No se cuanto tiempo estuve con el pulpo de la puerta). 

Otra cosa que me ha llamado la atención es que nada más abrir el menú de opciones no podía salir, estaba demasiado entretenido con las piezas y físicamente no podía irme sin hacer alguna torre o construcción.

En resumen, una maravilla 10/10

Me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado :)

Pero lo habrás recogido no?

Muchisimas gracias, me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado :D

No hay nada como ametrallar demonios con una mingun, vosotros si que sabéis lo que quiere la gente :)

Se ve que le habéis puesto empeño a la historia y el arte, tanto 2D como 3D.  Lo que si veo es que le falta algo de esencia al juego, lo que muchos llaman "game juice".

Pequeñas animaciones en los menús y partículas o balas cuando disparas la minigun o cuando mueren enemigos, detalles pequeños que marcan la diferencia. A la gente le encanta cuando presionan un botón y hay lucecitas o mucho movimiento.

Si le añadís estos detalles vais a ver una gran mejoría en el juego, son estas cositas pequeñas las que distinguen un buen juego de una obra maestra. Yo propongo que probéis a añadirle partículas a la minigun para ver qué tal queda.

Enhorabuena a todo el equipo, habéis hecho un gran trabajo y espero ver más juegos vuestros ;)

Muchísimas gracias, me alegro de que te haya gustado :)

Muchas gracias por el feedback!
Estoy de acuerdo con lo de la intro, hubiese sido un buen detalle, no es fácil que te salga bien a la primera, pero me alegro que te haya gustado :)

Me alegro, muchísimas gracias :)

Acabo de leer la nota de mamá. 

Me gustaría que fuese canon que Mori no tuviese miedo de la ira de las horribles profundidades y simplemente esté triste porque se quedó sin postre.

Por favor, confirma mi teoría, me haría muy feliz

Esto es la clase de juego que te saca una sonrisa, hecho con cariño desde el corazón.

Con cuatro animaciones y un par de soniditos consigues crear una historia divertida, sencilla y que capta la atención del jugador. En cuanto al estilo artístico, una maravilla, dan ganas de poner a todos los personajes en una fila y achucharlos uno a uno (con cuidado de que no te toque Mori con la guadaña)

Me encanta cuando se presta atención a las cosas pequeñas, como el botecito con las almas (creo que he estado más tiempo jugando con las bolitas que con los puzles).

Por poner alguna pega, estaría bien que el botón de pasar de nivel funcionase al hacer click, algún despistado podría quedarse trabado ahí, la gente es así y más durante las Game Jams.

Estás hecho un artista, espero ver más juegos así :)

Este juego es sencillamente una obra de arte, el detalle que tiene es increíble, una maravilla audiovisual.

La historia es simple e infantil, como si fuese inventada por una niña pequeña, eso es exactamente lo que queríais inspirar y lo habéis logrado a la perfección. No hay nada tan único ni tan original como lo que podría salir de la imaginación de un niño.

Enhorabuena por el trabajo, teneis el alma de grandes artistas.

There is an original idea and some good level design in here. Great job!

You focused on offering a huge variety of gameplay, mixing up a few simple mechanics you've created a very interesting and unique platformer.

I'd say it's missing that "touch" which would make it slightly more attractive, adding some game juice always catches people's attention. Character animations, transitions between levels, some sort of narrative, some menu navigation...

Give it a try for your next game, user experience is crucial on the impression you give. People find games more fun when it's pretty and responsive, with fancy effects all over the place. 

Take this originality, mix it with some game juice and you've made a masterpiece ;)

Thanks for the feedback! We are glad you loved the game :)

Very nice game!

Moving around taking pictures is really fun and I loved to see the detail of the ghost (got a lot of pizza)

You guys did a great job!

A very wholesome game with awesome backgrounds. Really loved it, this made my day :)

Very relaxing drawing game. It's smart the idea of having a list of inspirational images.

Good job!

Thanks for playing!

Some of the artists also pointed out the inconsistency of the art, i guess that's the result of having such a big team.

We will surely try to improve the user experience by the end of the jam. Maybe adding some transitions and animations would help with the game "abruptly finishing". 

Thanks a lot for your feedback! We will take it into account :)

Glad you liked it!

We were also not very sure about the plants puzzle, we will change it by the end of the jam. For now it's just clicking 3 times on the watering can from the left window. So don't worry, we will think of something else to make the experience much better :)

To complete the task you had to click 3 times on the watering can to complete it. It's not intuitive and some suggested to remove it for that reason but we didn't have time.

After the end of the jam we will probably fix it, thanks a lot for the feedback.

Glad you enjoyed the rest of the game! :D

Thanks a lot!

Está muy bien :D

It's stupid and random, I love it


I've just finished the game, now i want more :(

Really like how the game is evolving. The new UI is amazing and most bugs are getting fixed with time.

For some reason i wasn't able to water the plants a second time, i guess that's not supposed to happen.

One suggestion i would give is to make the tool sidebar bigger, i can barely see the icons.

Keep it up! you are doing a great job :)

I like the new animations, it's a small detail that does a lot. It's great to see the evolution of this little game, can't wait to see the next update :D

Thanks! Just one more thing i've noticed after playing again, the problem i mentioned before about the obstacles can be solved by just offsetting the camera so that the player is located in the left of the screen, that would double the reaction time the player has:

Loved this game. It's relaxing and really fun. It's very polished and feels great.

One issue I found is the UI, it follows the player instead of staying still. The rocks are also hard to spot because of how small they are, i would slightly increase the size or highlight them in some way.

I wish there was more content, maybe some storytelling or levels of some kind. 

What you have here is a very solid foundation where you can build an awesome game if you have the time. If you make this and call it an "alpha", then whatever you call the final version will be a masterpiece.

Hope to see more of this project, really enjoyed it :)

We were going to finish the game and we already have solved many issues from the jam version. Right now we are not doing any progress but the idea is there and it would just take some organisation.

It's great to see there is still people enjoying our little project. Glad you liked it! :)

Thanks a lot for your feedback! It's a shame you didn't get to see the cutscene, i don't understand why we had a 4 second delay before it played.

We will try adding a few things after the voting perioud ends, so this is very useful to us, thank you!

Glad you enjoyed! There are many things we coukd do to improve the game, but we are very proud of what we achieved within the time.

The theme might be optional but i still think it's an important part of the jam that should be taken into account. If we didn't have a theme, we could do whatever we want before the time period and nobody will notice, that takes away part of the challange.

That's probably the origin of all this story, we were working on a few tools of possible ideas before the jam and when the theme was announced we had to throw most of it to the recycle bin. 

Then we found this leaf thibg talking to us about some guy called "Devi" and showed us a buch of things inside the recycle bin which we used to make the game. Now we just hope Demyanovich never finds this project. :)

Thanks for the feedback! We'll make sure to improve the cutscenes if we update the game :)

Thanks a lot! We had a great team to put it all together :D

(1 edit)

This is a piece of art, the narrative is inmersive and the art and colors are so calming.

There might be a few bugs, but the presentation is so good that it dons't really matter.

I don't specially like visual noves, but this one melt my heart. The story is so relatable, finding the courage and inspiration to innovate is incredibly hard, doesn't matter if it's clothes, music, art, games... The creative process is hard, challenging, sometimes infurating...

Many people fail to persist in what they love doing, sometimes they stop trying because they think they are limited by there current skills, or some sort of barrier that stops them from finding success.

I think a successful artist is the one who learns to love what he does, the one who enjoys what he has.

Also, it's a very good take of the theme, some people would love to be inmortal but it is usually considered a curse. This man has a good heart because he helps people when he himself can't enjoy life anymore, maybe he should also take a break.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed :)

Incredibly relaxing and satisfying. Loved this game, really good job!