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A member registered Sep 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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It depends. If you use "Collected by, paid later", you can request payment via paypal or payoneer (I just checked and payoneer appears as a valid option), but in this mode you must fill out the tax interview.

If you want to use the "direct to you" mode, then your options are only paypal and stripe.

  • Use a descriptive title so others with similar issues or questions may find an answer. Titles like Help me!Support not respondingPayouts are BROKEN, hello, etc. are not allowed. We may immediately close your topic. When you post here you are asking the community to help you, this is not a direct line of communication to site admins (that is support). Create your topic in a way that will enable others who are have a similar question to find your topic.

I think it's impossible. First, many jams don't have a ranking, so they don't have a winner, and second, the ranking is a property of the jam, not the game, so it wouldn't be possible to filter them.

Depende del sistema operativo (OS) que utilices.
Por ejemplo, si usas MAC, y el juego se desarrolló solo para windows, entonces te saldrá ese mensaje. Puedes probar a consultar al desarrollador y ver si tiene pensado exportar el juego a tu OS.

Puedes usar el filtro de plataforma para buscar juegos que sean compatibles con tu OS, o tratar de utilizar herramientas como WINE, pero en este caso debes descargar el juego de forma manual desde la web y configurar manualmente WINE.


It depends on the operating system (OS) you are using.

For example, if you are using a MAC, and the game was developed only for Windows, then you will get that message. You can try to check with the developer and see if they plan to port the game to your OS.

You can use the platform filter to search for games that are compatible with your OS, or try using tools like WINE, but in this case you have to download the game manually from the web and manually configure WINE.

Itch can close a project if it breaks a rule or law, some creators sell assets without having the copyright, sometimes they are stolen assets, etc.
Normally when that happens, Itch tries to return the purchases, but this will surely depend on the time that has passed, if it was a bundle or not, etc.
But as you can understand, if that content is stolen, Itch cannot leave it in its store.

Itch does not charge a service fee, each developer can choose to share a percentage of the sale, but it is not mandatory, some developers set the value to 0% and Itch receives nothing.

Other developers do direct sales, so Itch is not even responsible for the sale, even if the game or asset is distributed through Itch.

Sometimes the administrator reads and answers the messages, try to put the confirmation number that you received from Itch when you contacted support, so, if the administrator sees your message, he could give you a more detailed answer.

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Strange, pygame is not usually demanding on hardware and works on any toaster (I'm not talking about performance, but about whether they work).

Pygame, by default, opens a background command window, because it works on python, the creator of the game must disable this, if not, then it is normal for it to appear and close if for some reason it fails to start the graphical environment.

By any chance, what operating system do you have? Pygame runs on python and depending on the version of python used, the game might not work on windows 7 or 8, and only work on windows 10 and 11

I would tell you to use this game that I have programmed myself to test, it is created in pygame 2.x and with python 3.12, I have tested it on a computer that is more than 10 years old, but with windows 10.

The administrator mode and the sandbox should not alter the operation of a well programmed game at all, they are actually basic security tips.

A well designed game (except for very, very few exceptions) should not need administrator mode and the sandbox is used, so that in case a game carries malware or tries to steal some credentials it cannot affect your real data.

Please read the upper thread created by the moderator where he talks about this.

Basically, it's an automatic measure, you have to wait for a staff member to review your game, if they determine it's a false positive, they will remove it from quarantine.

There's nothing you can do but wait.

People can pay whatever they want above the price.

If your game is paid, and you charge X or if it is free but has a minimum of X as a donation and someone wants to support you or really liked your product, they could decide to buy it or donate to you for more than the value you ask, for example pay X T

That difference above the value you set is called a tip

if you believe that the game or jam violates the rules you should report it directly to Itch support. This forum is answered by users of the community.

If there are several downloads in a row, it is probably due to a download error, Itch counts as a download every time you start a download and not when it finishes correctly.
Personally, it has happened to me with games that use a lot of space, to have an error in the middle of the download. I have to start the download again and in some cases it has happened to me 5 or 6 times in a row, the developer will see 5 or 6 downloads, but I really only downloaded the game once.

It can also happen that you download the game on more than one computer and people are more used to re-downloading the game, instead of backing up and moving the file. The same thing happens if you have to format the PC, people do not back up the game, but people are more used to downloading it again.

Let's see, I'm going to explain it one last time.

What happened to you is normal, the fact that it hasn't happened to you before doesn't mean anything.

There is an automatic algorithm that can place (please note the can, not that it always does) an update or new game on a list to be manually reviewed, when that happens, that game is removed from the itch index until it is reviewed by a staff member.

The same thing has happened to dozens of other people and there are dozens of posts on this forum talking about the same thing. If you don't believe me, you can search. That's why we tell you that what happened to you is normal.

So you understand, it's like when they make you open your luggage at an airport, you can go around 100 times and they will never ask you to check anything, and one day, they may ask you. It's the same.

Since the algorithm is secret, the staff will never tell you why it was activated in your case, period.

Every time you update or upload a new game, there is a chance that it will happen again, to you, or me, or anyone, it's that simple.

The other games have very recent updates and all of that together, it looks suspicious, I don't say that you are doing anything wrong, I mean that those kinds of patterns are the kind of patterns that raise suspicions and maybe that will lead to your other games not being indexed. This is just a guess.

What I can tell you is that uploading the same game again to try to bypass the manual review is usually considered cheating and from what I have read in other cases, it can lead to a penalty on your account, my recommendation is that you do not do it.

If you have already contacted support, it is best to wait for an official response from them.

I remind you that here we are other users who answer and I can only try to guide you based on what has been written in other posts that talk about the same thing.

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If you have 5 indexed games and you update just 1, it's possible that that single game will be taken out of the index until a human verifies that there's nothing wrong with the update.

You just have to wait.

If you have 5 games and you update 4, the algorithm might think that your account was hacked and you're uploading malware, so all your games are taken out of the index until a human verifies that everything is okay.

liminal-leap: Updated 3 days ago
the-statue: Updated 4 days ago
liminal-leap-2: Published 24 days ago
crocodile-maldido: Updated 8 hours ago
crocodile-maldito: Updated 1 day ago

If you create a new page, for a paid game, with the same game, but with a slightly different name (like you just did) and a human reviews that, they will interpret that you are trying to cheat the indexing system or trying to scam buyers, so they may determine that your entire account should be removed from the Itch index.

In this case, you will have to contact support directly (this forum is answered by the community and the moderator is a community moderator, meaning he does not have access to index the games).


I forgot to mention, uploading a game to a new page is also subject to the same algorithm as when you update, so it is also possible that the game is removed from the index pending review by a human.

If you search, you will see that this issue is quite recurrent. In short.

- There is an automatic algorithm that can take your game and remove it from the index.

- There is no way to avoid this, the algorithm is secret and trying to bypass it can be considered cheating and could lead to a penalty being applied to your entire account.

- The waiting time is variable, a few hours, a couple of days or even in some cases, a couple of weeks.

- What is advised. Do not rely on the popular Itch page as the main axis of promotion of your game (Since if you are put in the queue for manual review, you will miss that window). Focus your efforts on creating quality content and doing your promotion yourself.

I hope this helps you better understand how Itch works, I'm summarizing what I've seen in several posts and I'm not criticizing your work in any way.

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Greetings, it's really been quite complicated trying to understand what you're saying.

If you're only referring to doxing (the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet) in the reviews.
The reviews are private, only you can read them, but if someone is harassing you, you should report it to itch support so they can take more severe action.

If they are in the comments area of your game, you are a moderator of that area and you can delete or block it.

This forum is answered by the community and not by the staff, if someone is harassing you, it's best to report it to itch support or even to the appropriate authorities if applicable.

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Hi. You are in the general Itch forum, for questions about a particular game, you must do so at the bottom of that game's page.

When you post on the game's page, the developer or people who are playing the game can see and answer your questions.

Here, it is very difficult for someone who knows about the game to see your post.

As far as I understand and what has been discussed in other posts, no, there is no way to prevent this.

As you noticed, Itch does not inform you if your game is quarantined, so uploading it privately first would not do you any good, because you would not know if the game was approved or not.

Also, not knowing the algorithm, we also do not know if it is influenced by users, for example, a sudden increase in downloads, maybe a group of people reported it, etc.

I understand how frustrating it is if you are a legitimate developer, but without data from Itch I cannot say if the measures are good or bad.
I assume that they do not inform you to prevent bad actors from automating processes that seek to break Itch's system and I assume that the cases of false positives will be a small number compared to the benefit they bring.

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This topic has been discussed several times on the forum.

Long story short, the server automatically quarantined the game. Normally, it will be reviewed by someone on staff after a while.

If the person reviewing it confirms that there is nothing wrong (a false positive), the game will be removed from quarantine and everything will go back to normal.

What exactly triggers this? It has never been discussed publicly, to prevent bad actors from trying to take advantage. So there is not much we as developers can do except wait.

You can try to contact support and send any information that might help them, but you must contact support, as this forum is answered by the community and not by Itch support.


Having the application signed does not guarantee anything, it can help prevent the Microsoft security window from appearing, but it does not guarantee that you will not trigger the Itch quarantine again.

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This forum is not answered by the staff, but by the community.

If you bought the bundle from your account, then it should appear in "My library -> My purchases -> bundle (tab)" regardless of the link that is sent to your email.

Support may take a while to answer if they have too many tickets to review. You can try to put your support ticket number here, so that if the administrator sees it, they could give it priority, but without that information and with what you write, it is really impossible to help you here.

PS: My recommendation is that you do not try to pass it off as fraud, since you yourself admit that it was an involuntary error on your part.

The legal concept of fraud implies that there is an intention to commit a crime and therefore, if you make an accusation of that type against another person, due to a mistake on your part, the crime would be on your part.

If you have to go to the bank, it is better to be honest, and simply tell your bank that you made a mistake and the store have taken too long to respond to you.

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Greetings. Itch does not incorporate any licensing system or DRM, if a game asks you for that, it is because the developer of that game implemented it in a completely external way to Itch.

I would tell you to ask directly on the game's page or with the developer of that game, but my personal recommendation is that you try to contact Itch support directly and you may have to request a refund if the developer  doesn't give you an answer.

It depends.

In general, the answer is NO, Itch and Steam are not compatible and therefore there are no tools or ways to move saves between both platforms.

However, in many games, the saves are nothing more than a file or a folder with several files and that structure does not usually change.

In those cases, it would be possible to manually move the files, but this depends on each game.

It is best to ask directly on the page of the game you are interested in, so that the developer of that game can see and answer your question.

Don't PASTE images, use the "add image" button in Itch when creating a post.

As far as I understand, in godot 4.3 you can disable multithreading and disable array buffering when exporting to HTML, that would be the simplest solution.

Please read the rules before posting, your question violates 2 rules and your topic may be closed when seen by a moderator.

Use a descriptive title so others with similar issues or questions may find an answer. Titles like Help me!Support not respondingPayouts are BROKEN, hello, etc. are not allowed. We may immediately close your topic. When you post here you are asking the community to help you, this is not a direct line of communication to site admins (that is support). Create your topic in a way that will enable others who are have a similar question to find your topic.

Before you create a topic asking why you can't find your game in Search or Browse READ THIS: If you still need to create a topic about it, then please write in your post that you read the docs and you still have a question, otherwise we'll close your topic. Then, tell us why you believe your pages should be indexed.

Shouldn't it be in "edit project -> Embed options -> Embed in page"?

That changes what I told you, if it's a web game, you can only have one enabled at a time per page, in that case the only alternative would be to create a second page.

My advice is to be very clear to avoid confusion, that one is the original version of the Jam and the other, the updated game.

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My experience and what I've seen.

If you want to sell on Itch, you need to advertise the game outside of Itch.

On PC, it is very, very frowned upon to have ADS and your game will possibly be rated poorly.

On the web it is more common, but if you look, almost no one on Itch uses them, so again, if you add ADS it is possible that your game will be ignored by many players.

On Android it is much more common and people are usually used to that, however, due to permission issues many people will prefer the game to be on the Google Play Store.

The problem is not how much work you have put into the game, the problem is that the world of video games is oversaturated with games and it gets worse every day, if you do not have a solid marketing strategy or if you do not have a community that supports you, it does not matter the price, you will sell nothing.

Have you tried searching for tutorials on Google? There are several

Before you create a topic asking why you can't find your game in Search or Browse READ THIS: If you still need to create a topic about it, then please write in your post that you read the docs and you still have a question, otherwise we'll close your topic. Then, tell us why you believe your pages should be indexed.


 If you still need to make a topic about a Support Request, you must include your ticket ID with your message.

Your games and pages look great, but you have an update about 20 hours ago, sometimes, when you upload an update, the game automatically goes to a waiting list to be manually reviewed. It is very possible that this is your case and you will simply have to wait a little before the game is indexed.

How long should you wait? It is impossible to say, the most common is a few hours or a couple of days, but there are cases that last a couple of weeks.

Normally, before 2 weeks it is considered that your game is in the normal process of being reviewed and you will be asked to wait.

Surely your next question will be how to avoid this and unfortunately it is impossible, the administration has never clarified how the system works to prevent bad actors from trying to break security, but many of us believe that certain patterns trigger a bot that marks the content "to be reviewed" and once that happens, there is not much to do other than wait for someone from the staff to review the page and the game.

What people usually do is use the same page and update there.

And just like you say, they keep the old file with a name like old or jam. You don't break anything with that.

Yes, if you upload them via the website, just make sure they have different names, like "" and "" for example.

If you use buttler, you can identify the channels as "win" and "android" and that's it.

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Google will stop indexing the result over time, it has nothing to do with Itch.

However, what redonihunter just told you is very important, I advise you to cancel any DMCA and teasers with a lawyer, since you are claiming copyright on a product that you yourself license as CC, which could lead to a claim against you, even taking you to court if the other part really wants to.

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At the bottom of each game you have a link to start a report, that way you report directly to the staff.

Additionally, you can contact Itch supportand report the user directly.


When Itch deletes that user or their content, it will eventually stop appearing on Google.

There's not much else you can do beforehand, unfortunately it's impossible to protect the code from theft. Only subsequent measures such as reporting to DMCA to have the page deleted can be taken.

If you use "Collected by & paid later" you can use paypal or payonner to receive money from Itch.

Stripe can be used if you set "direct to you" only.

There are no other alternatives available, except for very, very special case

An independent studio is a company, you must have it registered with the tax agency in your country and it must have its ID to pay taxes.

If you identify yourself as such, then when processing the tax interview, the tax ID must match the rest of the data, otherwise you will have problems when validating the data.

If you do not have any of these, then you are a natural person selling (the most common thing to find on Itch).

If you want to create a studio, it is best to consult with someone who knows the laws of your country, in order to avoid any legal problems.

That number is not normal, although it could be possible.

The Itch system does not count completed downloads, but only those that have started. If I start downloading your game, the system counts one download, if after 10 MB I have an error in the download, I have to start the download again and if I have another error, Itch will count 2 downloads, even though in reality I never managed to download the game.

So having one purchase or one visit could lead to several downloads. However, 300 downloads, with a single purchase in a paid game, does not sound normal to me.

If it were piracy, the normal thing would be to upload the game to a place where it can be downloaded without having an account, so it does not seem logical to me that it is the case either, since they are games without DRM.

Maybe it would be better if you reported it to support.

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You assume wrong, I have had to work with hundreds of thousands of individual labels and also with their transferability.

As you say, there are associated problems, but since it is relatively common, there are many solutions available, including renting automatic labeling machines depending on the product format and volume. But in tests of a few thousand, we have had to label manually or outsource warehouse.

Anyway, my intention was to show alternatives that would help you, not to argue.

You are the ones who have been unable to redeem your game for a month and that is why I try to offer alternatives, but if you prefer to wait for someone solve the problem, that's fine, as you say it is your decision and from what I see, any comment is causing more irritation than helping, so I leave my part here.


By the way, my intention is not to have you change your system, but to consider alternatives when you see the problems that may exist.

If Leafo answers you and fixes the problem with the keys, it will obviously be the simplest and most effective solution, but because of my job, I always try to think of alternative solutions, especially when "plan A" does not depend on my resources.

Between the editor and the save, the code is sanitized.

I'm not sure which code is allowed and which is not, but from what you say, it's possible that audio control is not supported.

I understand you and agree with what you say. I hope they can solve the problem.

If you allow me, since you mention that this affects several developers, I would like to comment that the concept of delivering a single common key does not seem like a good choice to me, because it has many risks, regardless of the possible error on the Itch website.

There are many printing companies that allow you to send them lists of URLs or codes and they generate the QR codes from those lists.

If you do it at home, with your own printer, there are several websites and applications that allow the same thing.

It is a little more work, but delivering a different key for each product is much safer and I think it would be good to mention it to the developers when they do new projects.

With all due respect, I'm not interested in reading any of those links, I'm not trying to argue or attack or defend anyone, I'm simply trying to point out the quickest way for someone on staff to help them.

If you simply want to complain because a developer other than you hasn't received a response to a support ticket, you can do so, I'm not going to criticize or censure you, but in my experience over several years on Itch, these types of posts don't usually speed up the process because, again, this forum is not answered by the staff.

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When you create a download key in the Itch dashboard, at the bottom you have an option that allows you to indicate whether the key can be claimed by an Itch account or not.

Download key can be claimed — Enables anyone with an account to take ownership of the download key, preventing anyone else from using it.

It is implicitly understood that if the option is NOT checked, the key could NOT be claimed and could be used by anyone who has the URL and I assume that was the author's intention (I have no additional information other than what is written here).

I don't know if this is something allowed by Itch (the download key generation rules don't explain it anywhere). But if it were prohibited, it would be expected that this option would not exist and it would be mandatory to redeem the key.

I don't know if this is a bug of the original author or if it is indeed a bug of Itch, but since it seems to be something that is affecting several people, it is best to point them in the direction where they could get help.

Personally, I think the best option would have been to create one key per game, have a set of stickers printed (many printing companies do this) and thus have only one download key per game. But this is just a personal opinion.