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A member registered Mar 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Finally finished most of the prop placement, still some left (shelves mainly and some story props) but i will do those as time goes on.
BUT, now, time to move on to lighting, atmosphere and put a character in, yippe.

huh, so the itchio app correctly downloads the Macos games? neat, thanks for the info and have fun 👍

Im sorry, i have no clue for Macos build, i do not own any mac device so i cannot test it, the best i can help is with this image of someone else's solution

From the Macos build i heard mixed feedback, i have no idea what's going on there because i do not own a mac device, the only help i can offer is what someone else said, i hope this can help in any way, sorry but i have no idea about mac stuff.

you supposed to look at the mirror, wait a bit and than survive 👍
Thanks for playing at least 👍

Slight bit of detailing, still a lot left and i need to find more models as well, to me the office looks really good, can't wait to see it with proper lighting, 2 more offices to go :) , and also entrance, just randomly threw that together 👍

Hallo, started a new small project, don't really have a name and probably won't for some time.

This is yet again gonna be linear horror that is hopefully 10-20 minutes long, well, only the first half of the story is written xdd but so far the rough idea to me sounds really good so im starting development.

Also im gonna try to share my progress more often because i just dont post at all and i procrastinate a lot so hopefully this will force me to 👍.

First part of the game dev journey is finishing up the area, of course im using a pre made asset but making a whole new area with it.

I think next im gonna prop it up and than lighting/atmosphere and such.
(also im gonna count the area max 10-20% of the progress but idk)

oh wow, i knew it was a tight fit but not that tight xdd, bit sorry about that but thanks for playing 👍

oh damn, even the last 2 screenshots on the page is just pitch black? welp sorry, i will try to make my newer games less dark but those will take time, sorry

I can look in to graphics settings like shadow distance and general quality option, i always try to target 100fps as minimum for my pc but ye a lot of people have lower pcs and i don't know how much is possible. (i use Unity's HDRP pipeline which is their heavy "AAA" thing that they are neglecting)

For my next game i will try to include more options but the game will be heavier (no low res option but it will have FSR3).

For the crowbar it's far in to give time for things to happen, also from what i've seen most people would not want to go under the shelves or didn't know you can crouch, so ye, gotta count for everything, okay, the player starts talking too fast, doesn't give much self thinking.
Thanks for playing 👍

(1 edit)

I have no idea/control over mac, i only have a windows pc BUT someone did leave this, i have no idea how macs work, all i can help with this screenshot of someones hopefully working solution, sorry

The monster model is by Elbolilloduro, and thank you, i like writing these little comedy games (wont make them all the time), thanks for playing 👍

For the main menu i try to make them as heavy as the main game so people know what they are getting in to, and yepp, that explains the motion blur, idk, game is heavy, unity HDRP :).

It's the default motion blur 😭, is it that easy to notice? im not gonna remove it from this game but for future games i can make a toggle to remove it 👍, thanks for playing.

Not broken, it entered the room because you ran and i made the kill trigger really small, maybe the AI could have detected you but i made it easy in the indoor area, thanks for playing and reading my AI breakdown xdd

On your personal computer click download, than click "No thanks, just take me to the downloads" or type in 0 for payment, than download the Windows version, after download go to file manager, downloads, right click the file and unzip it, and than in the new folder that was created with the same name open that and launch the game 👍

Thank you, i will keep on creating crazier games 👍

Length is something i need to work on, i already have a rough idea for my next small game that is surely longer than 5-10 minutes... Thanks for playing 👍

Huh, i have no control over the Mac version i just pressed a button but at least it runs xdd.
But both are the same version with the same graphic stuff, one is mac and the other windows, maybe it's about how Unity builds for mac (i use Unity 2022.3.20f1, so kinda new).

what is on here?

I heard you can emulate games on phones but performance is the main reason it's not really done, i already made a more optimized version but still need touch controls which is gonna be hard and than phone stuff... but idk if im gonna do these... sorry.

aight nice, thankfully it was easy, i am really keen on hearing if it works 👍

Oh ye, this map is by the same guy as teke teke's map, and yes, that is a self advertisement, still my magnum opus game xdd, thanks for playing and i didn't hear much keyboard/mouse clicking... or just didn't pay attention to that... 👍

why wouldn't someone want to steal your clothes xdd

yepp, completely different game but same asset, thanks for playing 👍

wrong laundry game xdd

Thanks for playing, the other two notes are somewhere outside, lil easter egg that's all

my next game will definitely gonna be longer... surely, but also fully horror. If you want long comedy horror i highly recommend The Dunkening, thanks for playing 👍.

Thank you, some small fun spoof comedy the best comedy, glad you liked it 👍

aye nice, you found the slendy papers, and yes, going through the big window is intended, even made slope for it but where you got stuck there is a window that may or may not have collision (shit), thanks for playing

I never tried making a game for phone and the main issue is that i use HDRP (High Definition) so i don't know how that would run on a mobile phone.

I would have to re create the whole game in a simpler method which i don't know how it works and i don't know how it would look.

so most likely no, sorry. (might try and see how it works)

Thank you! Definitely gonna make more games and not take a year off xdd, but it's gonna take time because it is gonna be longer, thanks for playing and thank you for making a video on it 👍

Thank you and you too have a beautiful day 👍, and thanks for the short horror video 👍.

Nah not the same dev, but yes same asset, thanks for playing 👍

Aye thank you, glad you liked it

Imagine doing the thing you are tasked with in horror games xdd, also both the environment and creature is made by Elbolilloduro, i did slightly modify the environment a bit. Thanks for playing and making a video on it 👍

The monster was made by Elbolilloduro like the environment. Watched the short, looks really cool, if i were to make in to a game it definitely has to be fully re written but it could be interesting, might look in to it more, creator seems to be active on tumblr so that's good.
Thanks for playing, will watch the vod 👍

Who knows who put the fuse there... and thank you, sound design kinda hard but pleasing to do.

you dont get much from the easter egg, it's really minimal. And yes, there was other people who didn't see the switch, aight, thanks for playing and b bye 👍