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HalfHeart Studios

A member registered Apr 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is really useful! Shows you the interpolating methods in action, so that you don’t have to try out everything.

For everyone coming by: Thanks a lot for checking out our game (idea), it means a lot to us!

For the Trijam I normally throw some really simple music together, but I didn’t have time this jam due to spending too much time on bug fixing.

I wrote it in the controls, you can press R to get unstuck.

Cool game! The camera smoothing is a bit too slow for the dashing, so you sometimes don’t see the player.

Nice game! When starting a level it sometimes throws an exception that an AudioPlayer can only be played when it is inside the scene tree. You probably have forgotten an add_child() somewhere.

Unity’s fine! My discord is @fabianbuthere

Hi! I’m a composer and a programmer. I would love to help!

(3 edits)

The API is fully accessible with HTTP.

The requests library is something you WILL encounter when using python. It is used for sending HTTP requests.

py -m pip install requests

The docs:

How you could go about doing this: Look at the cURL template on the loot locker API docs for making a session:

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "{\"game_key\": \"your_game_key\", \"game_version\": \"\"}"

What you can see: The mode is POST to the url “”. The HTTP Headers (-H argument) are made of key-value pairs (like dictionaries). The key is “Content-Type” and the value is “application/json”. This is standard HTTP. Now to the loot locker specific stuff. The -d argument is the data you send. Here, this is {“game_key”: some_game_key, “game_version”: some_version}.

To transfer this to python:

import requests

GAME_KEY = "my_key"
GAME_VERSION = "1.0.0"

url = ""

# This is the -H argument as a dict
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

# This is the -d argument as a dict
data = {
    "game_key": GAME_KEY,
    "game_version": GAME_VERSION

# Since dicts are (basically) in JSON format, you can specify these as the data
# returns requests.Response, from which you can get the status_code and other information
r =, headers=headers, json=data)

The same thing can be done for getting the leaderboard. The API Docs show you, that the response will look something like this:

  "success": true,
  "session_token": "e6fa44946f077dd9fe67311ab3f188c596df9969",
  "player_id": 3,
  "public_uid": "TSEYDXD8",
  "player_identifier": "ec9b35e6-b184-4f34-b49f-980f86b291e2",
  "player_created_at": "2022-05-30T07:56:01 00:00",
  "check_grant_notifications": true,
  "check_deactivation_notifications": false,
  "seen_before": true

Now by accessing r.json().get("session_token") for example, we can get the session_token, which we can later use to save the score to the leaderboard.


  1. Look at the cURL template
  2. Convert -H and -d to dicts
  3. POST to the URL of the API
  4. Evaluate the Response
  5. Repeat

If you need help with anything, hit me up on discord (@fabianbuthere)!

(Sorry for the lengthy answer, I’m used to StackOverflow)

(1 edit)

Technically you don’t HAVE to have a leaderboard, so you can do this, although I would recommend just using the API, because it’s really not that hard. It’s really just one request for submitting a score, and another one for getting the leaderboard. It will make your game sustain itself, not depending on you checking the comments.

So yes, you can, but it’s less than not recommended.

Loot locker has an API, so you can just make calls from virtually any programming language you’re working with. (

I’d have to work alone this jam, so I’m looking for a team. I code and make music, but absolutely suck at making the art. If anyone wants to team with me, send a friend request to Discord @fabianbuthere . P.S.: I mainly use Godot.

(1 edit)

Hey, I am a pretty OK coder and musician. The guy I normally work with can’t participate this jam, so if you want to we could work together!

Really creative! The Text should be rendered in front of the buildings tho.

Must be a problem with the web version. In the windows build it has music and attack sfx.

Thank you for the clarification.

Действительно, очень классный кот.

(1 edit)

As said in the description, because I didn’t have the time to implement it you can’t hurt the enemy. Also, I know there is acid rain in the background. That shader wasn’t easy to make. Thank you for that information.

The controls are a bit weird, but the game is really creative! Well done!

Really nice game! Although it is pretty simple, I love the concept!

Please make the rain quieter, except for that nice game!

The rain is WAY too loud, but except for that nice game!

screen.flip() is fine for updating, but always try to use screen.blit() and draw sprites, even if they’re just a white rectangle. You will almost never use the normal draw commands.

Sorry if you sometimes die without reason, I probably have some error in my collisions.

Congrats on the 2nd place win!

(1 edit)

One of the most creative games this Jam! Digging up the graves takes a bit too long for my taste, but besides that it’s a really nice game. You move slower for every grave you uncover, don’t know whether this is intended. Oh, and please make the camera a bit smoother.

Really nice! Your game has this mobile-arcade game vibe, which I didn’t really see anywhere else this Jam.

Really creative game! Love the combination of the grid-movement but also the rolling!

Very nice game! I like the art style of the characters, and the idea is pretty creative too!

Really creative game! Definitely in my top 5!

Nice art style and concept, and really clean for 3 hours! Maybe make the statement change while playing, so it would be a little harder. Really neat game!

Making the statement switch during the game would make it even more fun. Still a really unique and nicely implemented idea!

Nice game! A little to easy, but nice idea and implementation!

Nice game, really like the art style and general theme!

Really creative and nice game! Very interesting implementation of the theme. Definitely in my top 5!

It’s really easy, but I really like the concept and the art!

Really nice game! I like the backstory and the art style a lot. Maybe add some sounds!

Nice game! The music’s a little off, but else really nice game. I like the slippery controls, they make the game the right difficulty!

OK game for one hour! I think you could have used your extra 2 hours for making sprites, a better background, maybe animations.

Info: The game has to be played in full screen to work for me!