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A member registered Apr 12, 2020

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(1 edit)

Heads up: I've gotten a "scene data is missing" error for instances #8 and #35.

I will post another comment if I find more.

(1 edit)

Ah, yes. That makes sense.

I can think of a way to get around the pausing:

Every tick is a set number of seconds (5, at the start of the game), and there's already a system in place that tracks how long "Away" mode was active

So, when "Away" mode is deactivated, temporarily set the tick length as low as it will go (most likely a single frame) for as many ticks as it was active before resuming play.

This should allow things to scale in the same manner as if "Away" mode was never activated, because all of the math happens while it *isn't* active very very quickly.

(1 edit)

When the game is minimized, it shifts to an "Away" mode, where when it's opened again, it shows you how many resources you gathered while the game was minimized.

I've discovered a possible bug: when the game enters "Away" mode, the amounts by which each resource grows/shrinks freezes. If you minimized the game while earning -2 food, it doesn't matter if that would be fixed in the next tick by your 20 masons, it remains "-2 food" for as long as "Away" mode is active.

If this behavior is intentional, please let me know.

(5 edits)

Also, some feedback:

⇒ The win condition is unclear—you just win or lose spontaneously seemingly without reason.

⇒ The fact you can reinforce with cards of the same SUIT needs to be clearer.

⇒ The little indicators showing what cards are on the field should return to "x" after a battle is won.

⇒ It would be very helpful to be able to see the opponent's play field and how many cards they have in their hand.

In real life, is this game played with two decks?

Trivially easy to sequence-break. You can get into the secret bar on Day One. You don't need to know who Greg is, and you don't need to have ever heard the codewords. You can get into the secret bar once a day, every day.

And the game is easy. As it is now, you don't even need to read—just reject if you see the color red. Perhaps you could add a hard mode that highlights everything the same color, so that the player needs to read the information to make sure it's right?

Currently running Trisquel v.10.0, but it seems that this problem happens for all Debian-based systems. When one selects the "mouth" option during the interactive sections, the cursor disappears after deselecting it. Clicking still works after this happens.

I have tried to replicate this behavior using the Windows version of the game running in WINE (64-bit v.5.0) and in the web version of the game; in both versions, this behavior does not happen.

My suggestion is to have a splash screen when you boot up the game that lets you configure your screen. I have problems with the game being set for a screen size so big that the option to change it isn't on the screen so I can't click on it. I had to reinstall the game to fix it.

I wasn't able to find much--there's only so much debugging you can do with a .bin file--but I did find something.

The first problem was the format of the filename. "Nightmare.x86_64" is a ".x86_64" file, which doesn't exist. When I renamed it to "Nightmare_x86_64(.bin)" I got this:

"no boot config - using default values

(Filename: Line: 474)"

On another note, both "LinuxPlayer_s.debug" and renamed "LinuxPlayer_s_debug" give the same error message:

"bash: ./LinuxPlayer_s.debug: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error"

I can't load my copy of the game. When I try to via the terminal, this is the output I get and nothing else happens:

me@my-pc:~/Documents/Nightmare_Nashville-Ivory-Clock-1_0_0f-Linux$ ./Nightmare.x86_64

Set current directory to /home/me/Documents/Nightmare_Nashville-Ivory-Clock-1_0_0f-Linux

Found path: /home/me/Documents/Nightmare_Nashville-Ivory-Clock-1_0_0f-Linux
