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A member registered Jan 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Yeah i'm aware of that bug and it'll be fixed for the next update.

Reminds me a lot of an old Nitrome game called Dino Run. This has great polish and juicy game feel and all the art is incredible. Goo job!

Really polished with good art and juicy sound effects. The gameplay loop is addicting and the whole thing feels like a finished product. Good work!

Thank you for your detailed comment! The SFX were made using bfxr and the music is from a pack i bought from Ovani Sound.

No the fish pathfind the closest route to the window, i thought it would be a bit funnier if they didnt go the safest way and you had to work around that.

Major vibes. And I love

Thanks! I always like hearing what other game developers have to say about my games as I try to put a lot of thought into the design, which the average gamer wouldn't initially take note of.

Thank you! And don't worry, the people at EARF are trying very hard to send a ship over to take you to your next planet...

You are so very welcome. I used to have the little prince read to me when I was younger and i'll be honest I completely forgot it existed, but somewhere in my subconscious must have reminded me of the concept. I'm glad my game impacted you so much, it really means a lot.

This idea is really original and this could easily be expanded into a full game. Great job!

I spawned 3000 bees. 10/10

Very peaceful and fun idle game but its quite funny just how fast it descends into chaos

Great game! The art art and music are really good. After seeing this was made on an engine for the Gameboy I can see why the control are a little janky, the gravity is a bit too high imo and in the tower some of the platforms can be passed through and others have full collision, make sure to make each type visually distinct. Other than that the game was really fun!

Very fun to get the hang of the movement and the power ups were a nice suprise and added more depth to the gameplay. (really hard tho lol)

This is honestly such a smart idea and a great execution. It was very fun figuring out what events made what effects on the tiles and then applying that knowlege in later runs. Make the world expand a little as you play and some way to increase the number of plays left and this could become a full game!

Really fun game! You nailed the satisfying feeling of picking up and moving items in Papers Please really well and all the interactions were funny and creative.

Thank you so much for the feedback! I'll fix both those issues in a future update for sure.

Really great art and overall vibe. I especially like how the hearts look lol

This was such a fun game. I loved the voice acting, the enemy models were all really good (especially the onion car) and the game was suprisingly difficult! I only lost because I somehow launched carrot into the air lmao. Good job!

The art style was really unique and consistent and I liked the world building a lot. If there were more units to spawn I would definitely play more!

The PSX art style was really nice and I liked how you used sound to indicate where the aliens were, I almost never saw them coming and had to whip around to get them behind me.

Really fun experience! It had good game feel and the lasers felt juicy. I liked the negative effects too.

Honestly this game made me tear up with laughter idk why. After the first minigame I guessed what the other two would be and to be exactly right was really funny to me. Plus that ending was magnificent

Thank you so much! I spent almost 2 hours making all the different tree sprites so its nice to hear it paid off lmao

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah i had the idea to move/destroy machines late into development so i didnt really have time to implement it but i have plans to add that and a whole upgrade system in a future update. The settings was also a bit of an afterthought so ill be sure to fix that too.

wow 500 is insane, thank you for letting my little game take up so much time lol :)

Thank you for playing and enjoying it so much! :)

Thanks! Yeah I rushed the level design a bit so some of the box platforming is pretty janky, but thanks for playing!

Thank you! I forgot to put controls on the game page but you reminded me so thanks :)

the fish is so cool... Thank you for playing!

The art and UI are really polished and the mechanics and game as a whole feels extremely finished. The camera felt really jarring to me though, i felt it could only move in one direction at a time and wouldnt really go where i wanted it. Other than that this game is really well made and has a lot of juice!

I really like the movement when in the water, and at first I liked the out of water movement... then i got to that staircase. I think the players rotation should be clamped or completely turned off when out of water as my camera spinning around made it almost impossible to progress. Other than that I really enjoyed the rest of the game :))

This was such a fun game. I played it longer than any of the others and didn't even realise! The sound effects and attacks are really satisfying and I love the little animations on the upgrade screen. Each time I thought I had seen all the enemies a new one appeared which was really fun. Plus the dash is a really good idea to spice up movement a bit. I only wish it was a bit easier to glance and see exactly what weapon you were upgrading. Really good submission!

This was such a fun game. I played it longer than any of the others and didn't even realise! The sound effects and attacks are really satisfying and I love the little animations on the upgrade screen. Each time I thought I had seen all the enemies a new one appeared which was really fun. Plus the dash is a really good idea to spice up movement a bit. I only wish it was a bit easier to glance and see exactly what weapon you were upgrading. Really good submission!

This has such good game feel and feels super polished, the art is really good and I like all the different upgrade ideas. I also really like the animation on the title :)

Really great atmosphere and the big fish are genuinely terrifying, movement is a little wonky but it kinda adds to the anxiety :)

The art and atmosphere are really good, plus I liked punching the big orange glumbo :)

The footsteps are a little jarring but the gameplay is actually really fun to play. Good job!

Really nice artwork and the mechanics are very fun :)